Ukraine invasion


"Catherine the Hate" says:

So, if you want to stay alive, you must love Russians!😀
A non-partisan research post - London
German discussion of attacks on Russia: What has emerged so far
Luftwaffe generals have allegedly talked about secretly helping Ukraine bomb the Crimean Bridge
Putin is trying to 'destabilise' Germany with 'wiretap leak' of 'secret army talks on striking occupied Crimea', Defence Minister warns
  • Germany has accused Russia of trying to destablise it
  • RT published an leaked audio file of German officers discussing striking Crimea
  • Crimea has been under Russian occupation since 2014


Quite funny that. Belongs in jokes section. 🙂
"Denazification was a policy of the USSR, the US, the UK and France after the Second World War."
But it never happened as the US grapped the people they could use for their war industry.
The past of these German guys and the Nazi time was a taboo were the US put their narrative on to avoid that their warcrimes were published.
Same was done with the guys of Unit 731 (there are better sources than wiki) who were never punished as they continued their experiments in the US until 1964 making their diabolic "work" with Blacks from US prisons and handicapped ones.
What we see now in Ukraine is not new, the US have 80 years of experience with their lies spreading around the world.
A non-partisan research post - London
Quite funny that. Belongs in jokes section. 🙂
The post appears to indicate with reference to - 'A non-partisan research post - London'

I'm hurt ... 😀🤣

Fair comment - in the sense that all are entittled to their opinion
Hoowever, opinions are not necessary facts - Know your L I M I T A T I O N S

Which part did you not like
  • The RT (Russian Today) leaked video OR
  • The German rebuttal
I did not leak the video - the Russians did
I did not issue the German rebuttal - the Germans did
A non-partisan research post - London
German discussion of attacks on Russia: What has emerged so far
Luftwaffe generals have allegedly talked about secretly helping Ukraine bomb the Crimean Bridge
Putin is trying to 'destabilise' Germany with 'wiretap leak' of 'secret army talks on striking occupied Crimea', Defence Minister warns
  • Germany has accused Russia of trying to destablise it
  • RT published an leaked audio file of German officers discussing striking Crimea
  • Crimea has been under Russian occupation since 2014
I do not issue UN Resolutions - the UN does
I do not issue NATO rebuttals - NATO does
I do not issue any news report - Western MSM and Russian News do

I do nor issue announcements - with a nuke-threat here, and a nuke-threat there, here a threat, there a threat, everywhere a nuke-threat, old MacPutin had a (nuke) farm, Ee i ee i o - putii does.

I do not claim to be able to end the war in 24 hours - the great one does
There is no evidence of me receiving side kicks from Russian oligarchs or the Chines Gov - look to grandpa & son

I do not have my head stuck up some dark hole in service to an overload or political deity, as ......

I own no individual or Ukraine or Russia special respects or allegiances - I merely cite and refer the record.

Hey, have you ever considered the constructive benefits of 👇
I won't refer Ukraine children cause my impression is you and the club are of the consideration that Ukraine children are unworthy.
But here we have Russian children !

But, if you're short on chump change, haven't got a bucket to (er know .. er) in, no worries - carry on with the profound wisdom .... the lonely elderly are on the edge of their soggy seats eager for every pearl of wisdom - such brilliance must be heard !

Phylo accepts thanks from Russian Children Welfare Society.
I'm am - in truth - a non-comrade, sorry for the lack of support from real comrades.

My posts, pending available time, are primary for my own reinforcements, musings and external reference and discussion.
  • I may NOT agree or consider credible ALL or Part my own post or post of another.
  • I may DO agree or consider credible ALL or Part my own post or post of another.
I'm of the impression the you, timsky titanic and the other one (||||| or whatever ) will find resonance with the below character in the service of your Overlord.

Russian rapist killer pardoned by Putin to fight in Ukraine despite hacking off his victim's head and hurling it from a 12th floor window is jailed again after murdering a 22-year-old woman​

  • Tsyren-Dorzhi Tsyrenzhapov killed a 22-year-old after being pardoned by Putin
  • Tsyrenzhapov, 42, was sentenced to 14 years in maximum security penal colony
  • He was previously jailed for killing and dismembering Ekaterina Skvortsova, 18

My partisan posting - is Partisan posting -
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Ukraine is to Western weapons producers what the Cheesecake Factory is to a fat kid.

”The best fate they can expect [from the West] is to become slaves to the ailing European freak show,”
"Denazification was a policy of the USSR, the US, the UK and France after the Second World War."
But it never happened as the US grapped the people they could use for their war industry.
The past of these German guys and the Nazi time was a taboo were the US put their narrative on to avoid that their warcrimes were published.
Same was done with the guys of Unit 731 (there are better sources than wiki) who were never punished as they continued their experiments in the US until 1964 making their diabolic "work" with Blacks from US prisons and handicapped ones.
What we see now in Ukraine is not new, the US have 80 years of experience with their lies spreading around the world.
Germany's former partner took in a few too.
A non-partisan research post - London

The post appears to indicate with reference to - 'A non-partisan research post - London'

I'm hurt ... 😀🤣

Fair comment - in the sense that all are entittled to their opinion
Hoowever, opinions are not necessary facts - Know your L I M I T A T I O N S

Which part did you not like

Well all your posts are one sided favouring MSM BS news we get shuffed down our gobs. What's new.

For a non-partisan post they are all incredibly one sided. Can you point me to any of your past posts that has a remote Russian favour to it?

All your Myth busting NATO Tosh are with statements from NATO. Do you have any analytical skills? Amazing??? It's like placing an heroine addict in charge of the merchandise.

WHAT IS MOST ASTONISHING IN ALL THIS, IS THAT YOU ARE SOMEHOW SEE-errr of truth and your posts are all quite legitimate facts while the other side is propaganda. At least let us mutually agree that we are touting each sides pov with "BIAS" so we get a better informed balanced news so to speak.

Finally, mine is not an opinion - as you call it. I would frame it more as an observation which is based on the sequences of your posts makes the point made an ACTUAL FACT would you not say?
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Well all your posts are one sided favouring MSM BS news we get shuffed down our gobs. What's new.

For a non-partisan post they are all incredibly one sided. Can you point me to any of your past posts that has a remote Russian favour to it?

All your Myth busting NATO Tosh are with statements from NATO. Do you have any analytical skills? Amazing??? It's like placing an heroine addict in charge of the merchandise.

WHAT IS MOST ASTONISHING IN ALL THIS, IS THAT YOU ARE SOMEHOW SEE-errr of truth and your posts are all quite legitimate facts while the other side is propaganda. At least let us mutually agree that we are touting each sides pov with "BIAS" so we get a better informed balanced news so to speak.

Finally, mine is not an opinion - as you call it. I would frame it more as an observation which is based on the sequences of your posts makes the point made an ACTUAL FACT would you not say?
Quite frankly, I can only conclude you have not read the post you have responded to - or - have not understood the post you have responded to.

Had the post been understood it would be clear that the above response irrelevant as far as my considerations are concerned.

Hint -
My posts, pending available time, are primary for my own reinforcements, musings and external reference and discussion.
  • I may NOT agree or consider credible ALL or Part my own post or post of another.
  • I may DO agree or consider credible ALL or Part my own post or post of another.

😀 Can you point me to any of your past posts that has a remote Russian favor to it?

The above and remainder of your post is analogous to listening to a bunch of limited horizon, limited traveled, limited culturally exposed 'persons' from across the pond or divide studiously analyzing British humor and profoundly presenting there conclusions. And of course, totally and completely off point to the point (if pun - pun intended) where it's humorous, but painfully humorous. 😆

The same with penniless wonders. They are persistently analyzing that which they have zero power or no hope in hell to solve, yet are persistently unpractical and hence, penniless - no chump change.

I'm afraid, considering uncomprehensions - as indicated above quote - its an aimless shot in the wind ... ... we have had quiet a laugh, so I suppose one of us owes something in return.....

One free - caution - don't have a heart attack - will not meet expectations -

I can view video in Telegram - actually, a ton of Russian source war footage will open in Telegram.

The text from RT is below for reference or link to the actual editorial :

The video link is not clear on the RT article so I have included copy & past and enlarged highlight for ease of reference.

The extremely gruesome video purportedly shows a botched attack by the 47th mechanized infantry brigade, an elite Ukrainian unit created last year amid the ongoing conflict with Russia. The unit is apparently well equipped with Western-supplied hardware and equipment, with multiple US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) seen in the drone video.

Here the same video sponsored in Hindustan Times on YT - but with blurring. The video may be available from other sources - I do not have further time.

The RT video viewed in telegram is not blurred at extreme graphics so after a (butterfly ? ) mine has blown off half a leg the trained methodical applying of a tourniquet and crawling to safety with blown off half leg dangling by tendons is not lost in blurring. Its war, its how things go.

The video viewed in Telegram also appears to be of higher quality than the Hindu Times.

The Hindustan Times has added cinematic background dramatizations. Its glamorizing war and a disgusting thing to do whoever the soldiers may be - Russian, Chinese, Ukraine, US, whoever.

Russia Releases Dramatic Footage Of Mines Blowing Up Trapped Ukrainian Soldiers | Watch
Watch on Youtube

OK, free bonus from a previous post up the drag a piece.
as above - caution - don't have a heart attack - will not meet expectations - .

and below - omitted is the useless - vain and self obsessed - ideological favor, fervor and fanaticism (fff), replaced with practical pence protecting purpose (pppp).
(£1 = 100 pence)
Without the protection of these charities these children - like children anywhere in the world - will be preyed upon and exploited in ways we all know too well and which some relish with insidious perversion.

If you want more you're gonna have to cough up some chump change. Time is money.
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. . . Finally, mine is not an opinion - as you call it. I would frame it more as an observation which is based on the sequences of your posts makes the point made an ACTUAL FACT would you not say?
Hi At',
Your post neatly summarises why I have Phylo on ignore: there's only so many times I can read "non-partisan research post" before I tear out what little hair I have left in frustration and anger. I can't - and won't - tolerate intellectual dishonesty from members who try to make out they're just being even handed and objective when they're clearly nothing of the sort.

Transnistria prepares to become Russian region, but Odessa will come first
See more at

Top 10 Reasons Ukraine is NOT an American Problem
See more at

Dmitry Medvedev shows new post-Ukraine map of the world
See more at

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A non-partisan research post - London
😊 Is this ?
  • a pro Ukraine post
  • a pro Russian post
  • a news editorial post
that my be
  • ALL factual,
  • PART factual,
  • NONE factual.
So there we have it folks - ALL, PART, NONE.



before I tear out what little hair I have left in frustration and anger. [ source : timsk(y titanic) ]

birds of a feather flock together
Air Force contractor, 63, is accused of giving Top Secret information about Russian military capabilities to his Ukrainian girlfriend through dating app
  • A U.S. Air Force civilian employee working at Offutt Air Force Base was arrested on March 2 for allegedly conspiring to transmit classified national defense info
  • David Franklin Slater, 63, held a Top Secret security clearance and is accused of willfully and unlawfully sharing 'SECRET' NDI on a foreign dating site
  • Slater transmitted information from classified briefings on Russia's war against Ukraine to an individual claiming to be a Ukrainian woman on a dating platform

😊 Is this ?
  • a pro Ukraine post
  • a pro Russian post
  • a news editorial post
that my be
  • ALL factual,
  • PART factual,
  • NONE factual.

Full Transcript of German Top Military Officials' Leaked Plot to Attack Crimean Bridge

😊 Is this ...?


Fears German military leaks are just the 'tip of the iceberg' | WION Fineprint

😊 Is this ...?


Ukraine war: Kyiv says seven dead as drone attack sinks Russian ship​

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