Ukraine invasion


I had a chat with a Mexican diplomat who works in Canada recently. He mentioned a few interesting points.

I asked about Trump and the wall and his pov. He said he would like to see the wall built. Whenever he visits the US of A, he says they are broke. He sees so many destitute homeless people. He said they were like zombies out of their minds not knowing what to do. From poor diet to health care he said outlook for the US was poor.

AI was a big unknown factor but he didn't think it would save America from improving their future plight.

wrt Ukraine, he said with the Gaza shenanigans and Iran, he didn't think US could sustain three fronts and there was the risk a fourth may open elsewhere.

My view is the US is going down with ever-increasing debt and failing on many fronts. It is run for the benefit of very powerful lobby groups and niche players whilst the rest of the population in the US an elsewhere in the world suffer.

If Ukraine doesn't see the light soon, they will suffer simply more deaths and lose more ground to the benefit of the war lords in the US of A.


Heard on the news that Zelensky wants to punish or close down some Church down in his efforts to maintain political control and shutdown opposition parties questioning his actions.

Ukraine is in a quagmire of its own making. Ukrainian people have no voice.

The same piece of news also pointed out the harsh responses to anyone who is remotely supportive of Russia or peeps speaking the Russian language.

It is going to take quite some effort for the Ukrainians to remove all those politicians who have been misleading pillaging and thieving the state whilst sending men to die.

I smell revolution in the air. Another successful country turned into a big mess by US of A.


US starts new war with Houthis not to help Ukraine anymore
See more at
US starts new war with Houthis not to help Ukraine anymore
See more at

What is strange about the attack on Yemen by US and UK is how the news media are linking every bit of news as being orchestrated by Iran.

1. Houthis have said they are only targeting ships heading for Israel.

2. Their condition for stopping the attacks is that Israel effectively does the same and removes the block on humanitarian help such as food, medicine and fuel reaching Gaza.

I'm baffled why the US and UK don't ask the Israelis to allow shipments into Gaza so the Houthis likewise stop attacking ships heading for Israel.

No mention of this demand or important point made by Houthis on our MSM.

Also, UK giving Ukraine money to buy more weapons... £2.3bn??? Why don't they give that to our NHS? Local Council's are crying out for funding and they get nothing. Resorting to charging residents all sorts of fees for like parking outside their houses. Yet they seem to find money to prolong a futile war killing people no gain.

US and UK are sinking imo. People have no control or democracy. It's all about vested interests in the hands of the few and very rich power players looking to further maximise positions at the expense of the many.

Germany made just two inspections last year to control weapons exports, report says


A non-partisan research post - London
The Casualties of War in Ukraine

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A non-partisan research post - London
  • Germany is preparing for Putin attack against NATO in 2025
  • Leaked secret plans reveal step-by-step how Russia will escalate conflict to all-out war in 18 months

This is serious stuff and I agree with Russia's point of view.

It is NATO alliance which is the aggressor here funding supplying and training Ukraine to fight against Russia all but in name.

NATO is not a defensive alliance. That really is a joke when peeps on MSM repeat that line.

NATO has expansion in their horizon and this is clearly visible since Berlin wall has come down.

US and UK leading this war that's for sure. What is so sad imo, is that Germany and France, perhaps reluctantly have gone with it. Very grave mistake taking sides.
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This is serious stuff and I agree with Russia's point of view.

It is NATO alliance which is the aggressor here funding supplying and training Ukraine to fight against Russia all but in name.

NATO is not a defensive alliance. That really is a joke when peeps on MSM repeat that line.

NATO has expansion in their horizon and this is clearly visible since Berlin wall has come down.

US and UK leading this war that's for sure. What is so sad imo, is that Germany and France, perhaps reluctantly have gone with it. Very grave mistake taking sides.
Agreed, At'.

The scenario that sees Russia launching an “open attack” on NATO in the summer of 2025 is pure fear mongering by the west and has no basis in reality. That said, a “path to the conflict” between Russia and the west/NATO which is possible - likely even - is if Iran is drawn into the shenanigans in the middle east. Although it's a formidable military power in its own right, it could not fend off the U.S. and the west on its own. The point being that Russia will not stand by idly and see Iran destroyed and will intervene if there's the slightest prospect of that happening. That's the most likely route to WW3, and it's a distinct possibility if the knuckleheads in the House of Commons, White House and NATO etc. continue to throw fuel onto the fire.

As I've said consistently from the start of this thread, where are the adept negotiators, diplomats and statesmen with the intellectual wherewithal to find peaceful solutions to the world's problems instead of thinking the answer lies with weapons and genocide. There's no question mark at the end of that sentence because, sadly, it's a rhetorical question - as none exist in the west.
Agreed, At'.

The scenario that sees Russia launching an “open attack” on NATO in the summer of 2025 is pure fear mongering by the west and has no basis in reality. That said, a “path to the conflict” between Russia and the west/NATO which is possible - likely even - is if Iran is drawn into the shenanigans in the middle east. Although it's a formidable military power in its own right, it could not fend off the U.S. and the west on its own. The point being that Russia will not stand by idly and see Iran destroyed and will intervene if there's the slightest prospect of that happening. That's the most likely route to WW3, and it's a distinct possibility if the knuckleheads in the House of Commons, White House and NATO etc. continue to throw fuel onto the fire.

As I've said consistently from the start of this thread, where are the adept negotiators, diplomats and statesmen with the intellectual wherewithal to find peaceful solutions to the world's problems instead of thinking the answer lies with weapons and genocide. There's no question mark at the end of that sentence because, sadly, it's a rhetorical question - as none exist in the west.
The German government has a lot of problems currently with their budget planning and the farmers protests.

This document was not leaked, it was given to the BILD newspaper to change the topic which didn't work.

Of course the MSM sell this BS as new truth, they always have and had these scenarios to play with plans. They might work in the same quality as their plans for Ukraine. 😉

They always make and made and have and had plans for hypothetical crisis situations, that is nothing special related to the war.
A non-partisan research post - London

President Zelensky asks Switzerland to organise 'high-level peace conference'
  • Russia will not be invited to the conference, however China is expected to be