In developed countries, information and information infrastructure have already become critical elements. Any failures can cause large-scale disorder in public, financial and scientific administration, and even trigger military conflicts. The higher the informatization of society, the more...
Another super article here well worth reading. Sometimes I wonder what is happening to the fabric of British society which was admirable and highly regarded all over the world.
My main gripe is with all the Brexit shenanigans and the far freaking right obsessed with migration.
Here are the facts.
UK has a declining birthrate currently around 1.54.
UK has an aging population, living longer with more ailments requiring long term care.
UK has a shrinking tax base.
UK NEEDS migrant population to support essential public services often under paid. i.e. NHS
UK is not a small Island as only 7% of all land is built up. Government could pass laws to allocate 3% more land to housing and prices would drop over night. However, the aristocracy and all the land owning top 1% would see their assets shrivell up along with their genitals. Unthinkable as the Lords would never pass such a decision.
Approx., only 14% of the are migrants. About half that from Europe and the other half from the globe most from Commonwealth.
By all accounts the lack of Government funding accounts for failing hospitals and sale of social housing to raise revenue by councils to support essential services. A remarkably stupid political decision started by that old tart Mrs T.
UK has a whole host of poor productivity growth and excess imports over exports coz pretty useless in producing mass consumption goods desired by the public.
Services now also failing especially finance since Brexit.
Heavy defence and high tech sectors require big upfront capital and continued warfare.
When you turn on the TV all they EVER talk about is migrants.
Far Flucking USELESS LAISY Sausages seen only on Tuesdays looking down at hard working migrant populace.
Same goes for recent events in Germany who is in the same pickle with migrants (500K needed annually) to keep the tax base constant. However, because they are a better balanced economy producing goods and services, slightly better than the UK. Far right also banging their drums over there.
That's the problem with such people called the super Aryan race, who like to blame other successful migrants for their plight.
I appreciate this is the Ukraine thread but having read that article about sowing discontent in the national id, I wonder if motor mouths like Farage are just plants working for the enemy.
UK really has lost the plot. Now I feel we are losing reputation globally along with those daft cowboys across the pond.
Thank you very much. Rant over