Ukraine invasion

Joe's angry with himself - and so he should be. I'm angry with him, too.
This is the man keeping the war in Ukraine going. It's incredible to think there are people who actually believe the utter BS his administration comes out with and think the conflict is a battle between good and evil, democracy and autocracy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Yep, this was always going to be about Russia's pipelines, infrastructure and ability to export energy.

Looks like Putin has shot himself in the foot. It'll be a long slog for it all to fall apart, but hey ho, if Europe can mitigate the winter fuel shortfall then by this time next yr, Russia will be done for.

Russia's military and economic downgrade well underway. Keep watching and waiting !


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Ukrainians way smarter than Russians 🤣

I expect Brian knows the real losses though, he so has his finger on the pulse. 🤣 🤣 🤣

Ukraine using decoy artillery to waste Russian missiles - reports​

Himars being driven in Ukraine

Getty Images/The Washington PostCopyright: Getty Images/The Washington Post
A US-made Himars in operation in Ukraine earlier this summerImage caption: A US-made Himars in operation in Ukraine earlier this summer
Now for a story being reported by the Washington Post - that Ukraine has been using wooden decoys of US long-range rocket systems.
Why? To deceive Russia into wasting expensive missiles on fake targets, the paper says.
It can be very hard to distinguish between the fakes and the real US-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (Himars) when viewed through a Russian drone camera from a distance, Ukrainian officials have told the US newspaper.
The importance of the advanced missile systems to the battle in the south and east means Russian forces view them as vital targets to strike.
It's led to Russian drone operators giving the locations of the decoys to cruise missile ships in the Black Sea, the Post says.
The wooden replicas have drawn at least 10 long-range Kalibr missiles after just a few weeks in operation and their success means production has been expanded, Ukrainian officials tell the paper.
The Washington Post adds the replica's destruction could partially explain Russia’s "unusually boastful" claims to have destroyed many Western artillery systems.
"They’ve claimed to have hit more Himars than we have even sent," one US diplomat notes.
"Social media Katerina posted on her Twitter account: "I talked with a friend from Kherson.
"He wrote that the Russian military are surrendering en masse.
"The rest are fleeing from Kherson and the region, everyone wants to live.
"The mood is decadent, no one wants to die for Putin."

Oh dear, oh dear. As usual, not a shred of evidence, just an anecdote - a second hand one at that - from an unknown Twitter user. Pathetic, as in really sad. However, for those on here who are as desperate as western politicians and MSM are for some Ukrainian successes, I'll provide you with a smidgen of the news you crave.

Yes, the Ukrainians have started some sort of offensive action and they have 'taken' a few small villages on the outskirts of Kherson. No more than hamlets really; meaningless in the overall scale of things. It's conceivable - although unlikely - that they might retake the city itself. However, it would just be a short term political gesture and make no difference whatsoever to the outcome of the war. Why? Because the effort in terms of manpower and munitions required to do it would be immense. In the process, they'll lose a lot of personnel, kit and ammo - all for what? They can't advance beyond the city because they've destroyed their own infrastructure. (Class move that.) Meanwhile, where the real action is taking place - in the Donbas - Russian forces continue to advance. And when they've broken through the last layers of the Ukrainian defensive lines - which they inevitably will - they'll be able to devote their entire attention to Kherson. Either to consolidate their position if they still control it - or to retake from Ukrain in the unlikely event that the counter offensive is successful. Can you not see that this is all political theatre to satisfy western politicians and appease MSM who are becoming increasingly frustrated that we're spending £$billions and sending any amount of kit etc., - but have diddly squat to show for it?

Needless to say, none of this will do anything other than make Ukraine's situation worse in the long run, result in more needless death and destruction and waste yet more taxpayers money. What they ought to be doing is looking to resolve the conflict, but no one is interested in in the P word while there's still any amount of political and financial capital to be made.

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I agree wih Roman here.
Nobody is beyond criticism, neither Zelensky.
Roman has always been anti Putin much before this war, so he is credible.
Gorbachev dead. RIP
A pity Putin didn't learn statecraft from him so that Russia wouldn't now be in this mess.
A view no doubt shared by many in the west, including me in as much as I liked him too. However, it's interesting to note that in a poll of all the Russian presidents of the 20th century, Russians themselves voted him their least favourite.
A view no doubt shared by many in the west, including me in as much as I liked him too. However, it's interesting to note that in a poll of all the Russian presidents of the 20th century, Russians themselves voted him their least favourite.
He got played by the West.

He also recognised that too in his later years.

PETER HITCHENS: A long war in Ukraine will bring nothing but death, poverty and ruin. It's time for peace

". . . But heed me when I say this, for it is inescapable. The longer this war goes on, the more it will hurt both us and Ukraine. It will mean more coffins and lost homes and grief for Ukrainians.

It will mean truly shocking poverty here, as the new energy prices clearly show. Yet there will one day be peace, and it will be on terms rather worse than they would be if a deal were made now. . ."

It's blindingly obvious that Peter Hitchens is right - so why can so few people see it? I can only think it's because they're duped by western propaganda and collectively incapable of any critical thinking. Covid proved that to be the case - so why would this disaster be any different.

In the next link, Noah Carl speculates about what a peace deal might look like. Keep in mind Hithens' words when you read it, because it's the best Ukraine and the west can hope for. The longer the conflict continues, the worse the outcome will be for everyone but Putin. . .

What a Peace Deal for Ukraine Might Look Like


"This Is Beyond Imagination": Polish Homeowners Line Up For Days To Buy Coal Ahead Of Winter

"Several weeks ago we reported that amid Europe's mindblowing gas and electricity prices, Deutsche Bank predicted that a growing number of German households will be using firewood for heating, a forecast which appears to have become self-fulfilling as German google searches for firewood ("brennholz") had since exploded off the charts: . . ." [See the chart in the link!!!]

This is the wealthiest country in the EU - reduced to scavenging for firewood to keep warm this winter. Unfecking believable! I wonder how long ordinary people in Germany, Poland and the U.K. and elsewhere will be happy for their governments to continue to throw £billions month after month at Ukraine and a war that's got precious little to do with them and there's zero chance of winning (without direct Nato intervention - which ain't gonna happen).
German google searches for firewood ("brennholz") had since exploded off the charts: . . ." [See the chart in the link!!!]
Not only the search, also the prices exploded to 200 - 400% against the last time I bought firewood in 2019.

It looks like that my favourite supplier (they were Russians) does not exist anymore, maybe he sold his business or he gave up. The last years of delivery he sold wood coming from Ukraine, as all others - including domestic ones - did not go close to the Ukrainian quality. Last time I talked to him he told me that it was getting harder to buy quality firewood.

More than 50% of the German wood was exported to China in 2020, I assume the figure has grown since then until now.

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