Ukraine invasion

The official russian explaination is "poor fire safety measures" .... 🤣 🤣
And "no planes destroyed".
It is the difference between western pro ukranian optimisms and russian denial and fiction.

Military equipment is designed to resist war conditions, that stuff does not catch fire just because of poor safety...
Warships... planes... depots... do not catch fire so easily.
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The official russian explaination is "poor fire safety measures" .... 🤣 🤣
And "no planes destroyed".
It is the difference between western pro ukranian optimisms and russian denial and fiction.

Military equipment is designed to resist war conditions, that stuff does not catch fire just because of poor safety...
Warships... planes... depots... do not catch fire so easily.

I spose it depends who's looking after it. From what we have heard and seen, those conscripts don't give a flying fk about their equipment and the fact that they are in a foreign land fighting a war they don't want. I expect the majority of them are just waiting for the opportunity to dissent and flee the situation. Some may even have been co-opted to assist with the sabotage !

Russia cannot possibly win this's so obvious.
Putin's place in history is assured mind. He will probably go down as "Putin the halfwit"
Funny how Zelensky has got Putins cannon fodder running around repositioning wherever the latest counter offensives occur.
Ah yes, the infamous counter-offensive(s). Is this the one CV said would start in July or the one to retake Kherson? Waiting for these counter-offensives is like waiting for godot!


Russia has got zero chance of conquering Ukraine. We have seen the Ukrainian mentality and they are not about to roll over. So at some point, Putin will pack up and fk off leaving Russia as the pariah state. Economic backwater. Some victory that will be.
When you say "Russia has got zero chance of conquering Ukraine" - I take it that's supported by military maps that show Russia is no longer in control of the east of the country? C'mon c_v, the maps don't lie. A five year old with learning difficulties can see that he is conquering the country. As for Ukrainian forces not rolling over - there aren't many left to roll over. And you can't seriously believe that Putin will just get fed up, pack up and fk off leaving Russia as the pariah state? Seriously c_v, you're obviously just havin' a laugh, as there's zero evidence to support such a ridiculous claim!
Ah yes, the infamous counter-offensive(s). Is this the one CV said would start in July or the one to retake Kherson? Waiting for these counter-offensives is like waiting for godot!

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When you say "Russia has got zero chance of conquering Ukraine" - I take it that's supported by military maps that show Russia is no longer in control of the east of the country? C'mon c_v, the maps don't lie. A five year old with learning difficulties can see that he is conquering the country. As for Ukrainian forces not rolling over - there aren't many left to roll over. And you can't seriously believe that Putin will just get fed up, pack up and fk off leaving Russia as the pariah state? Seriously c_v, you're obviously just havin' a laugh, as there's zero evidence to support such a ridiculous claim!

It's not about where the line is on the map, but what is happening behind those lines. It's now obvious that the Ukrainians are way smarter than their Russian counterparts. No need to worry about where the front lines are when supplies and munitions are systematically being taken out. Not to mention the ever depleting cannon fodder and crap equipment. Regaining territory is a secondary objective. When it comes, it will be swift.
I see the warmongers are active on this forum again.

Not a word about how to bring peace to the Donbass regions, nothing about how to remove the Nazis from the Ukrainian government.

In order to end the war and denazify Ukraine, it still seems to me that the most pragmatic thing to do is to wipe Ukraine off the map, to give the west to Poland - they have had their experience with the hero Bandera and have by no means forgotten it - and the east to Russia.

I am sure that the Poles will not tolerate the cult of Bandera after more than 100,000 deaths on his account in WW II.
It's not about where the line is on the map, but what is happening behind those lines. It's now obvious that the Ukrainians are way smarter than their Russian counterparts. No need to worry about where the front lines are when supplies and munitions are systematically being taken out. Not to mention the ever depleting cannon fodder and crap equipment. Regaining territory is a secondary objective. When it comes, it will be swift.
It's almost as if you're suggesting that the Russians aren't smart, that it's their munitions and supplies that are being systematically being taken out and that it's their forces that are cannon fodder etc. etc. You've been completely brainwashed by western MSN to the extent that everything is turned on it's head: black is white, fact is fiction and good is bad. It's as if the reality on the ground is completely irrelevant to you. Worse than that, the more evidence you're presented with, the more convinced you become with this Walter Mitty fantasy that Ukraine is winning the war, when it's plain as day they're taking a massive beating. Wake up! It absolutely is about the maps. Look at them and realise what's actually going on which, needless to say, is the complete opposite of what you and your new found friends in the MSM tell you. Why do you believe what they say about Putin and Zelensky, but don't believe a syllable they spout about Covid, Trump, climate change and Brexit etc.? It's completely illogical.

Consider the following . . .
1. There is no Ukrainian counter-offensive. That's just propaganda to feed the western press to keep the money and munitions flowing in. That you of all people have fallen for such palpable nonsense is truly shocking (to me).
2. Russia continues to make steady advances (see the maps!!!!) and, once the Dombas region is secured and they've ground their way through 8+ years of heavily fortified defensive lines - they'll walk over the rest of Ukraine.
3. The much touted gains of the Ukrainian forces are almost all about them using Himars to destroy their own infrastructure. You don't need to be a military expert to know that you don't repel an invading force by doing that. Jeeeeeez! At best, you slow them down and, at the same time, rule out any possibility of forcing them back from whence they came. If I'm wrong, kindly explain how Zelensky's forces are going to force back the Russians beyond the Dnipro River having destroyed the bridges? Do Ukrainians have special powers that Russians don't have that enable them to cross destroyed bridges? That's the sort of fantasy narrative you appear to be offering.

The above are just three examples. You've got nothing to support your position other than empty rhetoric a la ". . . the majority of them [Russians] are just waiting for the opportunity to dissent and flee the situation. . ." It's hot air based on little more than wishful thinking. Time to throw in the towel and admit the war is already lost. The only game in town now is how everyone can get out of it and save face to avoid a bad situation escalating into something much worse. The U.S. wants out - that's plain even for you to see. The U.K. has lost interest for reasons I covered in an earlier post. The only sensible, moral, ethical and viable route still left open to all parties is to call a ceasefire, end the bloodshed and destruction - let alone the appalling waste of money - and reach a negotiated peace settlement. Today. Now. Immediately! Why you can't see that is quite beyond me.
It's almost as if you're suggesting that the Russians aren't smart, that it's their munitions and supplies that are being systematically being taken out and that it's their forces that are cannon fodder etc. etc. You've been completely brainwashed by western MSN to the extent that everything is turned on it's head: black is white, fact is fiction and good is bad. It's as if the reality on the ground is completely irrelevant to you. Worse than that, the more evidence you're presented with, the more convinced you become with this Walter Mitty fantasy that Ukraine is winning the war, when it's plain as day they're taking a massive beating. Wake up! It absolutely is about the maps. Look at them and realise what's actually going on which, needless to say, is the complete opposite of what you and your new found friends in the MSM tell you. Why do you believe what they say about Putin and Zelensky, but don't believe a syllable they spout about Covid, Trump, climate change and Brexit etc.? It's completely illogical.

Consider the following . . .
1. There is no Ukrainian counter-offensive. That's just propaganda to feed the western press to keep the money and munitions flowing in. That you of all people have fallen for such palpable nonsense is truly shocking (to me).
2. Russia continues to make steady advances (see the maps!!!!) and, once the Dombas region is secured and they've ground their way through 8+ years of heavily fortified defensive lines - they'll walk over the rest of Ukraine.
3. The much touted gains of the Ukrainian forces are almost all about them using Himars to destroy their own infrastructure. You don't need to be a military expert to know that you don't repel an invading force by doing that. Jeeeeeez! At best, you slow them down and, at the same time, rule out any possibility of forcing them back from whence they came. If I'm wrong, kindly explain how Zelensky's forces are going to force back the Russians beyond the Dnipro River having destroyed the bridges? Do Ukrainians have special powers that Russians don't have that enable them to cross destroyed bridges? That's the sort of fantasy narrative you appear to be offering.

The above are just three examples. You've got nothing to support your position other than empty rhetoric a la ". . . the majority of them [Russians] are just waiting for the opportunity to dissent and flee the situation. . ." It's hot air based on little more than wishful thinking. Time to throw in the towel and admit the war is already lost. The only game in town now is how everyone can get out of it and save face to avoid a bad situation escalating into something much worse. The U.S. wants out - that's plain even for you to see. The U.K. has lost interest for reasons I covered in an earlier post. The only sensible, moral, ethical and viable route still left open to all parties is to call a ceasefire, end the bloodshed and destruction - let alone the appalling waste of money - and reach a negotiated peace settlement. Today. Now. Immediately! Why you can't see that is quite beyond me.

Just who exactly is going to get involved in negotiations and to what end?

It sure as hell won't be Zelensky or anybody else inside Ukraine. Ukrainian polls say 91% satisfied with Zelensky's leadership and course of action. Zelensky has stated that no negotiations will happen until Russians are out of Ukraine, including Crimea, which IS Ukrainian.

Why would anyone negotiate with Putin. Total waste of time. He never ever honours agreements. And as Ukraine has rightly said, who would guarantee any negotiated agreement? I can't think of any organisation that would sign off on any agreement that Putin is party to.

If Russians were smart, they wouldn't have invaded Ukraine in the first place. It's all very plain and simple. Putin has miscalculated and will now pay the price. Letting up on Putin is not an option.
Why would anyone negotiate with Putin. Total waste of time. He never ever honours agreements. And as Ukraine has rightly said, who would guarantee any negotiated agreement? I can't think of any organisation that would sign off on any agreement that Putin is party to.

If Russians were smart, they wouldn't have invaded Ukraine in the first place. It's all very plain and simple. Putin has miscalculated and will now pay the price. Letting up on Putin is not an option.
There are easy solutions that could satisfy Putin and be implemented quickly with some outside the gulag thinking.
  1. Unconditional surrender.
  2. All Western leaders must say "We're very very very very very sorry we forced Russia to invade Ukraine."
  3. Give away a few countries nobody really cares about (looking at you Baltics and Balkans).
  4. Peace for our time (at least for a year or so).
Just who exactly is going to get involved in negotiations and to what end?
Biden, Putin and Zelensky - to achieve peace. You do want peace, don't you?
It sure as hell won't be Zelensky or anybody else inside Ukraine. Ukrainian polls say 91% satisfied with Zelensky's leadership and course of action. Zelensky has stated that no negotiations will happen until Russians are out of Ukraine, including Crimea, which IS Ukrainian.
As you well know, polls are constructed to produce the results required by those who commissioned them. If I could be ar$ed (I can't), I'm sure there's a poll out there showing that 91% of Ukrainians would like to see Zelensky's head on a plate.
Why would anyone negotiate with Putin. Total waste of time. He never ever honours agreements. And as Ukraine has rightly said, who would guarantee any negotiated agreement? I can't think of any organisation that would sign off on any agreement that Putin is party to.
Sooner or later, like it or not, for better or for worse, negotiations with Putin will have to take place. No ifs or buts about it. There's no other option. The longer the delay, the worse the outcome will be for Ukraine - what remains of it.
If Russians were smart, they wouldn't have invaded Ukraine in the first place. It's all very plain and simple. Putin has miscalculated and will now pay the price. Letting up on Putin is not an option.
I agree that Russia should not have invaded Ukraine in the first place - it was the wrong thing to do. However, we are where we are. As for a miscalculation on Putin's part, only time will tell. As it is, he appears to be achieving all of his stated objectives and it looks as if he has no intention of letting up on any of them. Your policy will only result - indeed can only result - in more death and destruction and a greatly depleted Ukraine: geographically, structurally, politically and financially etc. It's insane.
You are right.
With the steady advances from the maps Russia will conquer the Donetsk oblast in 2 years.
If they keep on they will conquer Ukraine in 20 years.

I don't follow your logic...did you expect that for Russia to prove it is a superpower they should have conquered Ukraine in 5 days? Perhaps you needed to see a few thermonuclear bombs destroying cities here and there, including Kiev, and then sorties bombing every single bridge and power station left standing...Is this what you want? Anything less means Russia is weak? Do you demand that Russia follow the timetable set by the MSM you worship?
My logic is that Russia is unable to win this war with conventional weapons.
They are able to advance 1 km per day using 10k artillery shells per day but they can't do that for years.
Now Ukraine is able to blow important stuff behind enemy lines, when supply will be impossible for russians they will retreat like they did in northern Ukraine.
My logic is that Russia is unable to win this war with conventional weapons.
They are able to advance 1 km per day using 10k artillery shells per day but they can't do that for years.
Now Ukraine is able to blow important stuff behind enemy lines, when supply will be impossible for russians they will retreat like they did in northern Ukraine.

Would you even consider that possibility that contrary to the views implanted in your brain by MSM, Russia might be doing its very best to fight a humane war? That they want to absorb as much of the Ukraine as possible intact to minimize the suffering of civilians and future rebuilding? Or does this distasteful idea cause you to feel so much cognitive dissonance that you cope by agreeing with the MSM view that Russia is just evil, ruthless and completely incompetent? If you asked 100 random strangers, would they agree with your view about Russia?
the views implanted in your brain by MSM,
I was a fan of Mr Putin 3-4 years ago, I never liked the arrogance and hypocrisy of the US.
I watched a dozen of hours of RT.
Then I started to study what happened in Ukraine and Georgia and I connected the dots.
to minimize the suffering of civilians
Sorry but this is not consistent with what happened to Mariupol.