"National interest"...
I don't think 1000 foreign companies leaving Russia is in national interest.
It is more about
personal imperial dreams of Mr Putin.
@timsk is right about polls, you can prove what you want with polls.
So despite 70-80% of people supporting Putin in polls what matters is brain drain, hundreds thousands of business men and young professionals leaving Russia.
Who is leaving Russia?
If businesses located in Russia it was to make money.
They are leaving a lucrative market for other players to move in.
If they are leaving now it is because the West is shooting herself in the foot. Leaving a growing and well educated young market place.
Where will they go? To other saturated markets with high operating costs.
Dollar is on the way out. Clear to most people.
What will US achieve with Taiwan? Open another front, another war. Russia and China and Asian tigers will bleed US dry. Couldn't do much in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan. Incapable. Just a killing machine with big weapons and printing press for the global currency.
This is going much like the British Empire. Heavy handed tactics caused her to lose India and America. US needs soft diplomacy but to ask cowboys to perform diplomacy is like asking a druggie to lay of the coke. Head up it's own self congratuating arse so far up can't see daylight. So it'll keep doing what it does until it knocks it self out.
As for freaking personal imperial dreams, you guys are so fecking desperate, you print articles back from June and now some MA students outdated hypothesis as some kind of expert and make the assertion Russia's foreign policy is based on it.
Honestly, you are all laughable with your deniability oof the facts on the ground and developments on the international arena. You all should travel more.
You know get out and meet people.
Say hello.
Catch some fresh air.
Enjoy foreign food and cultures.
Go East my fwiends. The future awaits beautiful new dawn.