Another bad scandal brewing is the £82 billion currently being claimed against the NHS.
I expect the scammers are in there too looking forward to a juicy payout.
About time the politicians and other feeble people got their acts together.
Its a big number but lawyers can claim what they want - its the pay-outs that are the real "score".
However, I suspect £82bn might be relatively low-cost - i.e. compared to the proportion of UK GDP which we should be spending on health. The NHS is under-sized and under-resourced in comparison to other western countries.

Spending on health: how does the UK compare internationally?
For years, international stats seemed to show the UK spending less of its national income on health care than other wealthy countries – but new figures show we may be keeping up with our peers after all. John Appleby has worked with Ben Gershlick of the Health Foundation to look at what this...