UK Politics

Another bad scandal brewing is the £82 billion currently being claimed against the NHS.
I expect the scammers are in there too looking forward to a juicy payout.
About time the politicians and other feeble people got their acts together.

Its a big number but lawyers can claim what they want - its the pay-outs that are the real "score".

However, I suspect £82bn might be relatively low-cost - i.e. compared to the proportion of UK GDP which we should be spending on health. The NHS is under-sized and under-resourced in comparison to other western countries.
"Great News for Julian Assange The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is demanding the immediate release of Julian Assange! PACE speaks on behalf of 820 million Europeans and is responsible for the election of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights."
"Great News for Julian Assange The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is demanding the immediate release of Julian Assange! PACE speaks on behalf of 820 million Europeans and is responsible for the election of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights."

Well, it would be, but that demand will fall on deaf ears, being as the UK leaves the EU tomorrow.

Technically, it remains under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights for another 11 months, but this demand doesn't come from that body, so will be ignored.

But every little helps .

Well, it would be, but that demand will fall on deaf ears, being as the UK leaves the EU tomorrow.

Technically, it remains under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights for another 11 months, but this demand doesn't come from that body, so will be ignored.

But every little helps .


Stitched-up from the start and it will just continue until he is in US isolation. Bargaining chips being lined up with Anne Sacoolas extradition refusal, pawns in the geopolitical game.
Is this to fund MP's next pay rise.?

The honeymoon period is over ! As they attack the most vulnerable - pensioners.

Some pensioners have done "very nicely thank you" under successive governments - eg those who formerly lived off worked for the State with index-linked pensions! The private sector, where wealth is created for the public sector to squander spend have mostly been screwed over.
Another nail in the coffin. The Politically correct Lib Lab Commy Brexit hatingElites are having a hard time of it and it will keep on getting worse. Brought it all on yourselves. Can't blame anyone else chaps.

Will be cancelling the TV licence again, they installed 6 double payments, I have paid for 4 months already and predict I won’t be watching after April, cancel, wait, reinstate, cancel, wait, reinstate, cancel, wait, reinstate……..the more it costs them in bureaucracy the better.

200,000 cancelled last year, that £30+ million lost in revenue, hard for any business to stomach.
😱 Not Yorkshire Tea !

This calls for an immediate and thorough investigation of parliamentary standards.

Nothing short of a Full Public Enquiry will do.

This should be followed by a nationwide referendum and peoples vote.

Vote for Teaxit now- before another Great British Tradition is mired in politics by the lunatics in Westminster.

We want our tea back and we want it now.

Say no to costas-the-earth coffee and tell them to keep their mits off our tea !

Before you know it they'll be talking about fairtrade and rights for tea bushes and legislation against hostile growing conditions and much more.

Lost the plot? They've all gone stark raving bonkers !

Fuck the BBC (and Guardian) and all who get paid extortionate wages sail in her.

The latest ruse is to tax us through our broadband subscriptions, what tossers!

How else are they going to fund Gary Lineker's £1.7 million annual salary? I wonder if the BBC have ever thought of producing more programs that people actually want to watch – then they could solicit subscriptions just like Netflix!
I don't care whether the BBC licence fee is £1 or £1000, its wrong for any government to be organising the funding of mass entertainment.

There is an argument for a government-funded news service, with a charter and supervisory structure to ensure its impartiality, and this would need to be far more robust than what we see now. But the honest approach then would be to call it what it is -
Do you really think the views of the nutty ones, anarchists,, new world loons etc.deserve as much air time as constructive well thought out views ?
I hope not. There are enough lunatics out there without corrupting the kids into their ranks.

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