UK Politics

You're a strange one! ;-) I reckon that if 100 ordinary people off the street read this post and were asked the question 'in the general election - which party do you think the writer voted for?' - all 100 would say Tory and would put you on the far right of the party. That's not to say I disagree with it. On the contrary, enabling people to end their lives in their own time does indeed make perfect sense. I'm not so keen on the idea of paying insurance for certain activities. Two reasons. Firstly, what constitutes danger - where's the cut-off point and how do you rate one activity against another? For example, I'm an angler and fish of rocks on the rugged south Devon coast. Undoubtedly, this is a dangerous sport and people lose their lives doing it every year. But is it more or less dangerous than sailing, or playing rugby or fell walking? I suspect actuaries will struggle to disentangle that little lot!

Not difficult at all. Easy to calculate just based on collected data as most things are logged and recorded these days. Just pure statistics in calculating probabilities, numbers and collecting premiums.

I don't pick a party and follow it blindly unlike some. It's based on policies and logical reasoning. Just that people find it easier to pigeon hole beliefs in understanding and dealing with issues.
I'm not completely sure about this but, you remember that guy on College Green for the duration of the Brexit campaign who had a very, very loud anti-Brexit voice & could always be overheard "putting his point of view" voiceover on any TV Brexit interview? Well, I reckon that could have been Atilla, and he's now been so stunned by the election result that, being a thinking man he's now had a change of heart. It's the only rational explanation I can see!

No that's not me. Still hold the view Brexit will turn out bad for UK. Just that I abide by Parliaments rule and feel the election results do put a rest to what people really want with a clear majority. Always said the referendum was a pile of pooh and we needed a clearer majority.

Brexiteers now have it. So let's roll with it. I'm at the service of the crown, being a public servant and all that. 👍
I agree and it would also explain why he hasn't posted much on here this year, as well as asking signalcalc to run the S+P comp.

Makes ya think ! 🙂

Frequency of posts and losing have nothing in common. I was trying to hand over the competition two years ago. Postman had also helped out. More to do with enjoying life and working hard.

And... I still hate you. No change. 👍😍👍
Frequency of posts and losing have nothing in common. I was trying to hand over the competition two years ago. Postman had also helped out. More to do with enjoying life and working hard.

And... I still hate you. No change. 👍😍👍

You don't hate me at all. What you hate is the fact that i'm right. 👍 🤣 😛
Get woke, go broke.

All sorts of madness going on here, first of all B-Liar is involved, go figure, the Arabs are involved, they can build a new city for $31Bn? The UK can't build a railway line for less than £100Bn, never mind a city, and they are going to build it on one of the most ecologically sensitive Islands on the planet - climate hoax hypocrisy at work again.

Utter madness!

I'd be happy to see BBC entertainment split off and privatised.

Licence Fee abolished and BBC News costs covered by general taxation.
All sorts of madness going on here, first of all B-Liar is involved, go figure, the Arabs are involved, they can build a new city for $31Bn? The UK can't build a railway line for less than £100Bn, never mind a city, and they are going to build it on one of the most ecologically sensitive Islands on the planet - climate hoax hypocrisy at work again.

Utter madness!

The new lines save approx. 10 minutes per trip !
At $100 B somebody has made a massive mistake imho.
Re-open debtor's prison and throw away the key. Plenty of room for the politicians who OKed it too.
If you've got to tell a lie, just bung it in the name - like, The War On Drugs - which wasn't
High Speed 2, which it won't be
The Big Conversation, which didn't.
There should be one high speed line from Edinburgh to the Chunnel.
Scrap the rest as a waste of taxpayer's money and fine every last penny of the idiots who initiated the £100 billion fiasco.
There should be one high speed line from Edinburgh to the Chunnel.
Scrap the rest as a waste of taxpayer's money and fine every last penny of the idiots who initiated the £100 billion fiasco.

I think the idiots who initiated this fiasco are long gone by now aren't they, at least 10 years in the making so far.
Another bad scandal brewing is the £82 billion currently being claimed against the NHS.
I expect the scammers are in there too looking forward to a juicy payout.
About time the politicians and other feeble people got their acts together.

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