I wouldn't be sure Tom.
Apparently our two friends had been kicked out of Netherlands and were know to officials.
Spooks all about deception and disinformation.
If you are going to knock off persons of interest then one should have a fall back plan ie a fall guy/s. What better idea to implicate two Russian low level hacking experts on another assignment to the killing of Skiprals. Coordinate assasination for say when they are next in the UK or Salisbury.
Salisbury is a particular area of intest what with MoD and many science research lab facilities there. I've always wonder why Skipral would want to locate there and not someplace like Bournemouth??? I dunno just wondering here...
Still a bit stinky for me. Source of this highly toxic chemical, number of deaths or lack of, all the BS around quarantine, application and containment just smacks of incompetent cover up to me.
All the UK have are two agents coming in and leaving UK. Oh they were Russian. How convenient?
Where is evidence linking to crime?
Having said all that, I think any body who works for intelligence services and then betrays ones mother country revealing secrets to what may be termed de enami - deserves to be put out of their misery.
It's sick dirty world we live in. Betrayal is not nice.