It gets almost unbelievably worse
"Today, the NUS announced its response to the government’s consultation on changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Among the NUS’s more barmy proposals was calling for an end to ‘coercively assigning gender at birth’. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? In future, it seems we might have to wait to ask the child itself when it grows up."
Gender Recognition Act? What do ordinary people make of all this - or even care?
Trades are doing ok – I must go and eat some of Atilla's walnuts and have a quiet lie down - perhaps it will all go away?
On the one hand, I find it wierd and unrecognisable, what makes supposedly sane adults, especially those in charge believe that children have any control of their own minds to be able to distinguish themselves enough until they reach an age when they can. And why do the powers that be see fit to put rapists that subsequently go through gender reassignment at tax payers expense into womens prisons, only for them to to commit rape again?
Was there anything wrong with what we had a few years ago, people were free to choose a medical outcome or get treatment before, what has changed? Is this the minority tail wagging the majority dog again? Of course it is!
What has changed is that social constructs have overtaken reason and logic, science and nature, same with the womens rights agenda, In the case of womens rights, it's based on the make believe patriarchy rather than a cold hard look at the scientific data and reasoned truth from that data, it shouldn't be contrived by think tanks, the media and governments all with their own agendas.
I find it uncomfortable and worrying that the same social constructs have infected our institutions, especially the police and judiciary, Common Purpose as an indoctrinating entity is doing a very good job of implementing this particular agenda.
Some of my older friends that are gay, who were part of the push for gay rights from the 80's onwards can't quite understand what is happening with the younger generation of gays, they don't see what struggle they are fighting for anymore, all the equal rights have been won and are enshrined in law. To a large extent it looks like a generational protest for things that don't exist or looking for an excuse to protest using transgender, children and women as an excuse.
We are all doomed again when the next generation dream-up something even stranger to protest about (and manage to get it into law).