UK Politics

You've been gorging on those walnuts again haven't you? What you now need to do is to go and lie down in a quiet, darkened room and release all the stress and turbulence from your mind. Hopefully the mists will clear and you'll feel much better. 😀

That's a fab idea with some nice music in the background. 😴😴😴

fwiw I have been feasting on some Californian Walnuts and Norwegian salmon too. Well topped up on my omega3s thanks SuperMC. 🙂

I am very much crystal clear on Brexit no doubt about that. Have all my facts checked i's dotted and t's crossed unlike many of the hoo harr Brexiteers enveloped on migrant refugee red mist.

Brexiteers seem to think Brexit is the answer to all our prayers. If only it was!

Brexit will also sort out the mess in the Tory party, put down Labour and make UK great again. How wonderful is that 🙂

Here is a little some tax advice on the side. Enjoy...


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Within the Tory party 'only'.

Both Corbyn or Vince able to do much better job.

Run lil T-chickens run 🙂

History tells us Conservative leaders are not voted out by the population, they are "assassinated" by their own party.
History tells us Conservative leaders are not voted out by the population, they are "assassinated" by their own party.

LOL ain't that the truth...

Trying to remember what made that old iron lady go rusty for the Tories to discard her so unceremoniously. :whistling
It was Heseltine that led the revolt against Mrs T.
The old s)d is still alive and plotting I expect.
fwiw I have been feasting on some Californian Walnuts and Norwegian salmon too. Well topped up on my omega3s thanks SuperMC. 🙂

No EU imports for Attila, World Trade only (what happened to the Scottish Salmon)? 😆
History tells us Conservative leaders are not voted out by the population, they are "assassinated" by their own party.

I believe they call that a healthy and democratic party structure .....😆
No sense of proportionality. It's been 20-30 years in the making of political correctness to get to this stage, whodathunkit in the 1980's?

One more step on the road to our totalitarian state. What has the world come to when anybody can deem virtually anything as "offensive" – say goodbye to free speech! We already see it in the universities where young people go to supposedly develop their minds and what they get is "no-platforming" for any disagreeable view. John Stuart Mill definitely turning in his grave.

The politicians make the rules and leave the police to enforce them. Neither group is particularly bright.
Socialist ideas used to dominate UK universities and state schools.
Now the right wing is fighting back.
The UK school curriculum needs amending. Too much time is spent on subjects like geography, philosophy, sociology etc. that are useless for getting a job. Interesting though but could all be put in a 1 hour lesson per week.
Socialist ideas used to dominate UK universities and state schools.
Now the right wing is fighting back.
The UK school curriculum needs amending. Too much time is spent on subjects like geography, philosophy, sociology etc. that are useless for getting a job. Interesting though but could all be put in a 1 hour lesson per week.

This is a confusing statement! Socialist ideas still dominate UK education, police, local councils, the justice system and various other institutions, it is socialist authoritarianism that implements a politically correct agenda, censorship and the curtailing of free speech and free expression. Just because a conservative government is implementing these ideas as much as a left wing government would shows just how close the main parties are now in their thinking, guided by the overarching EU of course. They don't represent the majority of people, unfortunately they are the minority rulers that the majority are expected to bow to. Real conservatism (centre-right) wouldn't be engaging in such authoritarianism to the same extent.

Which is why we are seeing revolts all over the place, especially across the EU. The UK doesn't yet have an answer to this as some of the European countries have, other than Brexit. Brexit is just the beginning of change in our democratic system, the more authoritarian they become, the more change will happen.

What is fascinating in relation to the youth, is that the EU are voting through Article 13 which will, if enacted, impose censorship and cost on the use of memes and article links, thereby cutting off a major stream of social interaction for those fully subscribed to the use of technology for social means (mostly the young) and yet they apparently (in the UK at least) would be sat there arguing for the EU and presumably their own censorship, the unwise leading the blind springs to mind, ruining it for the rest of us!
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One more step on the road to our totalitarian state. What has the world come to when anybody can deem virtually anything as "offensive" – say goodbye to free speech! We already see it in the universities where young people go to supposedly develop their minds and what they get is "no-platforming" for any disagreeable view. John Stuart Mill definitely turning in his grave.

The politicians make the rules and leave the police to enforce them. Neither group is particularly bright.

And universities used to be the bedrock of political debate regardless of political leaning, teaching students valuable life skills in reasoning, research and argument.

It is most likely the extreme left ideas of marxism/communism that have taken hold in the education system, just as they have done with Labour. The Tories have adopted many of the same ideas as they have seen fit to make use of any excuse to shutdown dissent. In particular conservatives and democrat/socialists in the UK and the US were very upset when Wikileaks started publishing state secrets as it exposed many nefarious activities across a range of subjects including the international banking system, offshore accounts, mass surveillance of ordinary citizens, deals over the Middle East, Russian collusion (the real DNC one, not the fake Trump one) etc etc.

The UK debacle over Julian Assange only highlights what a legal tangle the UK/US deep state have got themselves into, the rule of law doesn't apply there at all. And then they have taken the PC excuses and Assange clampdown to use against the rest of us where dissent arises. They lost control of the internet and have gone for social media platforms that are all run by socialists.

I suspect what will happen is that the social media aspects will move underground, more into the 'dark web' just to be heard, then they will go after that, restrict encryption and networks and so on. Just a continuation of the Pirate Bay days of the noughties, it spread like wildfire once it was shutdown.

I'm not sure how these governments think they can control civilisation without disrupting Western values to the point where no-one cares any longer and a more authoritarian force begins to take over.

The alternative will be for people to vote in more centrist governments again, old school centrists with common sense, the centrists that are smeared by the deep state media, and of course to achieve that requires dissenting voices to be heard - it's a merry go round.
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No sense of proportionality. It's been 20-30 years in the making of political correctness to get to this stage, whodathunkit in the 1980's?

It gets almost unbelievably worse 🙄

"Today, the NUS announced its response to the government’s consultation on changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Among the NUS’s more barmy proposals was calling for an end to ‘coercively assigning gender at birth’. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? In future, it seems we might have to wait to ask the child itself when it grows up."

Gender Recognition Act? What do ordinary people make of all this - or even care?

Trades are doing ok – I must go and eat some of Atilla's walnuts and have a quiet lie down - perhaps it will all go away? 😆😆😆
It gets almost unbelievably worse 🙄

"Today, the NUS announced its response to the government’s consultation on changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Among the NUS’s more barmy proposals was calling for an end to ‘coercively assigning gender at birth’. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? In future, it seems we might have to wait to ask the child itself when it grows up."

Gender Recognition Act? What do ordinary people make of all this - or even care?

Trades are doing ok – I must go and eat some of Atilla's walnuts and have a quiet lie down - perhaps it will all go away? 😆😆😆

Sensationalising some odd ball news dug out for titiliaiton.

Really SuperMC you must be sooo bored what to do with your free time.

There you go... Enjoy!

Comfort food to nibble on!

They go well with Pretzel's imo.

It gets almost unbelievably worse 🙄

"Today, the NUS announced its response to the government’s consultation on changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Among the NUS’s more barmy proposals was calling for an end to ‘coercively assigning gender at birth’. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? In future, it seems we might have to wait to ask the child itself when it grows up."

Gender Recognition Act? What do ordinary people make of all this - or even care?

Trades are doing ok – I must go and eat some of Atilla's walnuts and have a quiet lie down - perhaps it will all go away? 😆😆😆

On the one hand, I find it wierd and unrecognisable, what makes supposedly sane adults, especially those in charge believe that children have any control of their own minds to be able to distinguish themselves enough until they reach an age when they can. And why do the powers that be see fit to put rapists that subsequently go through gender reassignment at tax payers expense into womens prisons, only for them to to commit rape again?

Was there anything wrong with what we had a few years ago, people were free to choose a medical outcome or get treatment before, what has changed? Is this the minority tail wagging the majority dog again? Of course it is!

What has changed is that social constructs have overtaken reason and logic, science and nature, same with the womens rights agenda, In the case of womens rights, it's based on the make believe patriarchy rather than a cold hard look at the scientific data and reasoned truth from that data, it shouldn't be contrived by think tanks, the media and governments all with their own agendas.

I find it uncomfortable and worrying that the same social constructs have infected our institutions, especially the police and judiciary, Common Purpose as an indoctrinating entity is doing a very good job of implementing this particular agenda.

Some of my older friends that are gay, who were part of the push for gay rights from the 80's onwards can't quite understand what is happening with the younger generation of gays, they don't see what struggle they are fighting for anymore, all the equal rights have been won and are enshrined in law. To a large extent it looks like a generational protest for things that don't exist or looking for an excuse to protest using transgender, children and women as an excuse.

We are all doomed again when the next generation dream-up something even stranger to protest about (and manage to get it into law).
Its a strange world we live in. Lots of people are very animated that there should be equality not just of opportunity but of outcome. There is so much faith embedded now in irrational stuff like numerically proportionate representation. If there are serious problems, and its a fair question whether they really are serious, that's not the way to deal with them, just a good way to look like you're dealing with them.
It gets almost unbelievably worse 🙄

"Today, the NUS announced its response to the government’s consultation on changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Among the NUS’s more barmy proposals was calling for an end to ‘coercively assigning gender at birth’. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? In future, it seems we might have to wait to ask the child itself when it grows up."

Gender Recognition Act? What do ordinary people make of all this - or even care?

Trades are doing ok – I must go and eat some of Atilla's walnuts and have a quiet lie down - perhaps it will all go away? 😆😆😆

The first 20 mins of this video helps me to understand the source for these kinds of things, it's a global phenomenon in the Westernised world.

The world is full of unconventional people. Some are brave enough to be overt and obvious but mostly people are ashamed of their different preferences and suppress it. Or maybe act it out behind their own closed doors or specialist clubs, things like transvestism, Nazi outfits like Max M…....etc.

I am not sure what happened recently to the boy that insisted on going to school in a skirt. Was he moved to an all girls school or a co-ed. I don't know.
Or the young man calling himself Tara at a male prison. I seem to remember he was transfered to a woman's prison. Was he operated on first ? I don't know.

Yes it is a strange world and the authorities have a hard time coping with the misfits. Harmless most of them are but some like the jihadi fanatics are definately very dangerous. Can the average state put this bunch away in prison or as in many 3rd world countries it is too late. They control the country.

Any thoughts ?

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