UK Politics

Some good Common Purpose twaddle there 🙄

Yes, but I doubt they are in a position yet to say that they are going to invest half a million in Signalcalc Ltd to help them sell their packaged cynicism to the African nations.
Why do you keep insisting that Brexiteers are delivering Brexit, there are no Brexiteers delivering any part of Brexit, how many more times do I need to tell you this 🙄🙄

What do you understand by article 50?

What is it that Parliament voted for?

You say it's not this or that? You seem to know what it is not but unable to say what it is?

It's easy to rubbish other peoples work is it not but difficult to produce anything of your own?*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto
😀 Isn't it all?

It will be interesting to see the hit piece by UK Column when/if they do one. You can see the public money being used to fund the private sector on this one as much as you can see it in the NHS and other 'public/private partnerships' that mostly only benefit the bankers and wealthy elite.

The unanswered question still remains, what's in it for the UK [taxpayer], you know, the one's funding all of this?
What do you understand by article 50?

What is it that Parliament voted for?

Parliament voted on the matter of constitutional principle, if you believe that they voted on the basis of Brexit then you are more naive than you appear to be already.

You say it's not this or that? You seem to know what it is not but unable to say what it is?

It's easy to rubbish other peoples work is it not but difficult to produce anything of your own?

Then I have as much knowledge about the subject as UKGov then, which appears to be the square root of fccuk all.

I do know that it isn't the chequers deal that is what BS TM and the BBC are pushing again today, chequers is not Brexit, it's laughable that TM is making out that it is, so you see, there are no Brexiteers delivering on Brexit, there are only remainers attempting to push forward on something that ain't Brexit, capiche ?
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Big surge in conservative membership lead by Arron Banks over the last few weeks, Trying to oust May, Wonder if Att has signed up...:whistling
Parliament voted on the matter of constitutional principle, if you believe that they voted on the basis if Brexit then you are more naive than you appear to be already.

Then I have as much knowledge about the subject as UKGov then, which appears to be the square root of fccuk all.

I do know that it isn't the chequers deal that is what BS TM and the BBC are pushing again today, chequers is not Brexit, it's laughable that TM is making out that it is, so you see, there are no Brexiteers delivering on Brexit, there are only remainers attempting to push forward on something that ain't Brexit, capiche ?

That story was headline on the BBC this morning.

Now it is nowhere to be found 😆 I expect it has been relegated given the instant backlash it must have received.
It’s either that or fake news. This govt has lost all credibility.

Also, we don't have a credible opposition party.

Was talking today to a lifetime Labour supporter who openly admitted that he couldn't vote Labour(at any level) whilst Corbyn and the left were in charge.

So we have split Labour, split Tories and a LibDem party that is back where it belongs in the wilderness.

For me it's almost a perfect state of affairs that we are not subject to Governance. Unfortunately, we are still controlled by the crony corporate's, but that will have to wait until the Brexit dust has settled.

Exciting couple of months ahead where I expect the political elite will come back bare knuckle in the biggest slug fest seen in modern times. Bring it on, it be most entertaining.🙂
Also, we don't have a credible opposition party.

Was talking today to a lifetime Labour supporter who openly admitted that he couldn't vote Labour(at any level) whilst Corbyn and the left were in charge.

So we have split Labour, split Tories and a LibDem party that is back where it belongs in the wilderness.

For me it's almost a perfect state of affairs that we are not subject to Governance. Unfortunately, we are still controlled by the crony corporate's, but that will have to wait until the Brexit dust has settled.

Exciting couple of months ahead where I expect the political elite will come back bare knuckle in the biggest slug fest seen in modern times. Bring it on, it be most entertaining.🙂

Unfortunately it's the deep state corporatocracy pulling the strings, until the people wake up and start voting these clowns out of power then nothing will change, it matters not which one of the mainstream parties is in charge. The whole system needs a shake up and an overhaul, otherwise we are stuck with them for a long time to come.

Accommodating cultural beliefs takes priority over common sense safety precautions.

Perhaps the wooly Liberals can explain how this makes sense.

What next, Accommodating Sharia Law so as not to offend the minority....

Agreed. 200%.

I would go further and say state all religions need to be put in room 101 and flushed down the toilet.

Sick and tired of religious nuts dictating what is allowed and what not.

As long as individual practice does not impose or impact on other peoples lives that's fine. However, this kind of sh1t needs to be stopped.

fwiw Ireland and the abortion law coupled with plans to make the oldest profession illegal in the US are point examples?

Religious twits telling other people how to live. About time we stopped this God delusion. 👍

Fear the lord and his damnation for you shall burn in the fires of hell for what you do?

or... alternatively...

Do as we say and God will love you and allow you to enter his kingdom, but only after you sod off this World first. I haven't seen it but it's based on your stupid faith believing in sh1t that doesn't exist.

A sad day for the Paras.


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Is it me, or does it feel like we are being led down a 'we must go to war with Iraq' type of scenario, but the war is with the Ruskies this time. "All the evidence indicates that..., the intelligence assessment indicates that...." Russia did it?

Even the BBC hasn't quite stepped over the certainty line and is keeping it at allegations and "almost certainly" line. Are we in danger that, once again, a British Prime Minister is deliberately misleading us on, or is naive enough to believe the 'evidence' presented to her and base decisions on?

Many unanswered questions, not enough confirmation for my liking.

Is it me, or does it feel like we are being led down a 'we must go to war with Iraq' type of scenario, but the war is with the Ruskies this time. "All the evidence indicates that..., the intelligence assessment indicates that...." Russia did it?

Even the BBC hasn't quite stepped over the certainty line and is keeping it at allegations and "almost certainly" line. Are we in danger that, once again, a British Prime Minister is deliberately misleading us on, or is naive enough to believe the 'evidence' presented to her and base decisions on?

Many unanswered questions, not enough confirmation for my liking.

I understand where you are coming from but hesitate to believe that even TM would be so stupid. I think that she is taking some courage in the fact that Amigo Trump is supporting her accusations----to suit his own ends, of course.

This is something that will always be denied by Russia so it can never be proved. It will be just one more hitch in Anglo-Russian relations.

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