This is my first post although I've been looking at the forum on and off for some months.
And I apologise for it being a bit of an announcement more than a gentle hello.. but I just found out about this being on tonight and I thought you guys (and ladies) would all be interested.
The reason I am on talking about this is because I am a regular spreadbetter and was interviewed by the Producer and Director for a BBC programme about turning "ordinary people" into "millionaire traders".
The programme was filmed in the summer of 08 and this is it's first showing on TV.
If you can igmore the usual hyperbole used for advertising these things, I think it's well worth a watch.
For various reasons, after my screentest/interview I ultimately wasn't picked to be in the final bunch of people who got to play with the big money but I saw enough about the set up to be impressed at what the BBC backed the film makers to do.
In effect, it seems like they are attempting to remake the famous "Turtle Experiment".
It's a series of three , I think one hour each.
And it promises to be as much about the effect on you personally as about the trading.
I hope they don't dumb it down too much..
Interesting to hear everyone's views - watch tonight or set your sky+ !!