Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Isnt it funny just how mixing a few words up changes things...

Original quote: "Citing a report from the lab dated March 27, Lavrov said the evidence suggested the nerve agent used could be in the arsenal of the United States and Britain".

Thats "COULD" be in the arsenal of the United States and Britain".

See the slight difference there ? :whistling

Russia foreign minister has zero credibility, he opens his mouth and anything comes out, Im sure he has some form of learning difficulties, I wouldn't even try to form a conspiracy out of what has happened in salisbury, just look at the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko, Deny, Deny, Deny :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: nothing to do with us, The whole regime thinks they can get away with anything....

What do we tell people when they are getting bullied ? Stand up to them !! Because if you don't it will continue and get worse..Well it is continuing and it is getting worse, So well done to the coalition for carrying out strikes and i hope they keep on the pressure on Syria and impose much stronger sanctions on Russia.. Assad would be long gone now if his big bad bully mate wasn't standing behind him propping him up. Trump is no evil monster like these two,There on a whole new level and its not just Putin but his little inner circle of merry ex-kgb maffia government, The whole Kremlin is rotten to the core.

The Swiss Lab is an independent and an internationally leading body - unlike governments that have vested interests.

I notice you focus on the 'could' which is how we should all approach these matters considering options, unless there is conclusive evidence.

So how does one explain BZ Toxin that was found?

Why wasn't this picked up by UK labs?

Considering how military grade drop can kill like 10-100s it begs the question how only three people were effected and some pets followed by speedy recovery.

Traces were found in door knobs, restaurant, suit case, car air con and who knows where else.

UK evidence released in dribs and drabs makes a mockery of evidence or justice. Inaccuracies and number of coincidences raises an agenda for war. Some may see resemblance to Iraq where David Kelly the expert who disputed the sexed up 45min dossier ended up suicidal with minimal bleeding. Whilst a theses written by some university research doing some study became an MI6 intelligence report and released to the community on Iraqs WMD and nuclear ambitions.

Labour and LibDems are right to request this needs parliamentary consent.

Chilcot Report key points make interesting reading if anyone is interested.

So what do you think about finding BZ toxin or is that another dismissal on the many ways it 'could' have got there you may choose to ignore?

Smacks of hasten efforts to keep US in Syria after Trump announced US should leave. EU stitch up because EU energy supply for the next 30-50 oil and gas supply conduit is now in question?
Ok, take a step back for a second.....Litvinenko, Not related to salisbury in any way, Firstly he is ex kgb and anti Putin, gets a dose of polonium and dies..Russia deny any involvement whatsoever, the investigation picks up pace and the trail of evidence leads right back to Russia and the two individuals responsible, Meanwhile the investigating officers have every door shut in their face and have it made near on impossible to find out the facts,whatsmore their followed 24/7 by FSB and even poisoned when they get to close to supporting evidence.....Now can you see similarities here ? Russia has obviously learned from past mistakes and tries not to leave any form of paper trail, But still wants to send out the message "Yes it was us" to future defectors, Plausible Deniability..

Now who could pull off these hit's ? a small rogue element tied to Syria or terrorist cell ? MI6 would be all over them, No, this goes right to the penthouse of the Kremlin i'm afraid. The public are only being drip fed small amounts of intelligence which is common practice, we have MI6 and MI5 officers lives at stake, Jeeez, have you never watched spooks ? Harry pierce would definitely have the job sorted by now...

And just to go back to the use of BZ as you mentioned, This all has come from Lavrov ( Admittedly not the most credible member of the Russian govt ) and has yet to be verified, He goes on to say....." Lavrov, claimed the UN-linked Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had sent the Skripals’ biomedical samples to Swiss experts who found they contained traces of the nerve agent BZ, used by the west." ...Traces !! Now have a quick look at the symptoms caused by BZ.....

The Army’s field manuals describe the effect: “mild peripheral effects of BZ occur within 1 hour and maximal central effects occur after about 4 hours lasting 24 to 48 hours, with a peak at 8 to 10 hours,”

First symptoms include dizziness, ataxia (a loss of motor control), vomiting, dry mouth, blurred vision, confusion, sedation leading to stupor, progressing to random unpredictable behavior with delusions and hallucination within 12 or more hours.

Doesn't really fit the bill, But if Russia says that thats what happened and the UK poisoned the skripal's then obviously thats what happened..:whistling

Just to add, the skripals were found unconscious and foaming at the mouth....Now the whole Russian propaganda machine is on full throttle, the internet is now awash with web sites popping up right left and centre with what started of as a "trace" of BZ into " it was definitely BZ that killed them administered by the UK or US !!! Yet it was clearly identified as novichok, or has everyone forgot about that....Little skamps them russian keyboard warriors..
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Ok, take a step back for a second.....Litvinenko, Not related to salisbury in any way, Firstly he is ex kgb and anti Putin, gets a dose of polonium and dies..Russia deny any involvement whatsoever, the investigation picks up pace and the trail of evidence leads right back to Russia and the two individuals responsible, Meanwhile the investigating officers have every door shut in their face and have it made near on impossible to find out the facts,whatsmore their followed 24/7 by FSB and even poisoned when they get to close to supporting evidence.....Now can you see similarities here ? Russia has obviously learned from past mistakes and tries not to leave any form of paper trail, But still wants to send out the message "Yes it was us" to future defectors, Plausible Deniability..

Now who could pull off these hit's ? a small rogue element tied to Syria or terrorist cell ? MI6 would be all over them, No, this goes right to the penthouse of the Kremlin i'm afraid. The public are only being drip fed small amounts of intelligence which is common practice, we have MI6 and MI5 officers lives at stake, Jeeez, have you never watched spooks ? Harry pierce would definitely have the job sorted by now...

And just to go back to the use of BZ as you mentioned, This all has come from Lavrov ( Admittedly not the most credible member of the Russian govt ) and has yet to be verified, He goes on to say....." Lavrov, claimed the UN-linked Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had sent the Skripals’ biomedical samples to Swiss experts who found they contained traces of the nerve agent BZ, used by the west." ...Traces !! Now have a quick look at the symptoms caused by BZ.....

The Army’s field manuals describe the effect: “mild peripheral effects of BZ occur within 1 hour and maximal central effects occur after about 4 hours lasting 24 to 48 hours, with a peak at 8 to 10 hours,”

First symptoms include dizziness, ataxia (a loss of motor control), vomiting, dry mouth, blurred vision, confusion, sedation leading to stupor, progressing to random unpredictable behavior with delusions and hallucination within 12 or more hours.

Doesn't really fit the bill, But if Russia says that thats what happened and the UK poisoned the skripal's then obviously thats what happened..:whistling

What you are suggesting is if chemical poisons are Russian signature in assassinations then all chemical poisons are thus executed by Russians and Russians alone. This is about a simplistic setup as one can get. Well who else would do it if not the Russians? Let's just stop and think about this for one short second. It's so obvious. No brainer right? Much like 9/11, people see two aeroplanes crash into buildings but the story is 4 buildings are attacked, 2 aeroplanes fly into twin towers and we get two perfect demolitions. Apparently falling debri start fires in WTC 100 yards away and we get another perfect demolition supposedly by uncontrollable fires on 5 floors. Buildings fall at the speed of gravity. Finally, a 3rd aeroplane we never see crashes into the Pentagon and disintegrates. Is this possible? Do you believe all this sh1t?

Do you not see a case is being made to forge public opinion to carry out this act of aggression against UN and International Law?

I see people on TV say there is over-whelming evidence and simply carry on talking? Really???

I think without evidence we simply don't know who did what? Not saying we know who it was I'm simply stating the case Russians far too obvious to be culprit and too soon. Coupled with Trump wanting to pull out, his lawyer being searched and chemical attack on civilians when totally not necessary is simply making case and an overly strong case for action in Syria.

I do not believe in chain of coincidences. Especially when the World Cup is on in Russia and Syria just turning the corner with successes against rebels (notice they are not called terrorists. Similarly, in Latin America military governments and juntas and rebel factions financed by CIA were called guerrillas).

Older and wiser I now see all these labels and actions for what they are. 9/11 project axis of evil with Iraq, Syria and soon Iran continues. Pretty obvious to me.

I see US and UK as states sponsoring rebel armies as well as private ones like black ops civilian contractors as they are called for destabilising and achieving regime change. To say Syria or Iran sponsors terrorism and then conduct their policies as they do is total double standards.

Israel does not want a strong or rich Syria next door. It circumvents her policies to grab land and expand. Doesn't want any challenge to their appetite to dictate ME policies. US Israel EU the West in it purely for natural resources. Gas and Oil key input. He who has energy security and supply has wealth, dominance and influence.

Why doesn't the West taking moral ground do something about other dictators abusing their populations. Sudan, Zimbabwe or how about South Africa back in the 80s with Apartheid.

Why didn't these super powers first attack Sadam when he used chemical weapons on the Iranians gassing 00s of 000s when it looked like Iran was going to win?

Who supplied Sadam with chemicals and know how in the first place?

Did he have US UK consent?

Why was UK and US so sure he had chemical weapons when he'd destroyed them years ago. UK and US new he had chemical weapons coz they supplied them to him to halt Iranian advance in the good old days when he was in bed with CIA and MI6.

There is sooooo much spooky pooh it's pretty disgusting what goes on?

So forgive me but unless the evidence is there or parliament votes on it, I do not trust politicians or governments acting in the interest of people. Bliar and Bush are two recent names in point.

All the refugee stuff and devastated countries we see now are results of their agendas still in progress today.

In fact I wrote much about it at the time and I think Chilcot enquiry pretty much is a damning report on UK government at the time and Bliar's conduct. Don't forget both Robin Cook and Clare Short who were in the cabinet resigned over his lust for war. Two key insiders couldn't stomach the crap. Our political system doesn't support politicians or people of sound principal on the humanitarian scale does it? Look how Corbyn is treated. This is round two imo with Syria.

I'm just saddened you guys don't see it. Will not end well. I see it getting worse as Russia and China and other players not the push over Iraq or Sadam was.

Finally, if US does get dragged into a ME war again against Syria or Iran, I do see the dollar standard slipping away. UK and France have made a poor play too. Poor judgement, leads to bad decision, leading country in the wrong direction. No change there. 🙁

If you still have the interest this is write up for the case to go war back then.

You can see why Theresa May would avoid it as UN and parliament would vote against it unless strong evidence is produced for reasons to go to war.
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What you are suggesting is if chemical poisons are Russian signature in assassinations then all chemical poisons are thus executed by Russians and Russians alone. This is about a simplistic setup as one can get. Well who else would do it if not the Russians? Let's just stop and think about this for one short second. It's so obvious. No brainer right? Much like 9/11, people see two aeroplanes crash into buildings but the story is 4 buildings are attacked, 2 aeroplanes fly into twin towers and we get two perfect demolitions. Apparently falling debri start fires in WTC 100 yards away and we get another perfect demolition supposedly by uncontrollable fires on 5 floors. Buildings fall at the speed of gravity. Finally, a 3rd aeroplane we never see crashes into the Pentagon and disintegrates. Is this possible? Do you believe all this sh1t?

Just take a moment and think about what you're saying, How on earth could a conspiracy on this scale firstly be executed and secondly, kept under wraps ? Its nothing less than preposterous, whatsmore downright insulting that America, A developed country would even contemplate killing its own innocent citizens, And for what reason ? stop watching rubbish on youtube,

Do you not see a case is being made to forge public opinion to carry out this act of aggression against UN and International Law?

I see people on TV say there is over-whelming evidence and simply carry on talking? Really???

I think without evidence we simply don't know who did what? Not saying we know who it was I'm simply stating the case Russians far too obvious to be culprit and too soon. Coupled with Trump wanting to pull out, his lawyer being searched and chemical attack on civilians when totally not necessary is simply making case and an overly strong case for action in Syria.

I do not believe in chain of coincidences. Especially when the World Cup is on in Russia and Syria just turning the corner with successes against rebels (notice they are not called terrorists. Similarly, in Latin America military governments and juntas and rebel factions financed by CIA were called guerrillas).

Older and wiser I now see all these labels and actions for what they are. 9/11 project axis of evil with Iraq, Syria and soon Iran continues. Pretty obvious to me.

I see US and UK as states sponsoring rebel armies as well as private ones like black ops civilian contractors as they are called for destabilising and achieving regime change. To say Syria or Iran sponsors terrorism and then conduct their policies as they do is total double standards.

Israel does not want a strong or rich Syria next door. It circumvents her policies to grab land and expand. Doesn't want any challenge to their appetite to dictate ME policies. US Israel EU the West in it purely for natural resources. Gas and Oil key input. He who has energy security and supply has wealth, dominance and influence.

Why doesn't the West taking moral ground do something about other dictators abusing their populations. Sudan, Zimbabwe or how about South Africa back in the 80s with Apartheid.

Why didn't these super powers first attack Sadam when he used chemical weapons on the Iranians gassing 00s of 000s when it looked like Iran was going to win?

Who supplied Sadam with chemicals and know how in the first place?

Did he have US UK consent?

Why was UK and US so sure he had chemical weapons when he'd destroyed them years ago. UK and US new he had chemical weapons coz they supplied them to him to halt Iranian advance in the good old days when he was in bed with CIA and MI6.

There is sooooo much spooky pooh it's pretty disgusting what goes on?

So forgive me but unless the evidence is there or parliament votes on it, I do not trust politicians or governments acting in the interest of people. Bliar and Bush are two recent names in point.

All the refugee stuff and devastated countries we see now are results of their agendas still in progress today.

In fact I wrote much about it at the time and I think Chilcot enquiry pretty much is a damning report on UK government at the time and Bliar's conduct. Don't forget both Robin Cook and Clare Short who were in the cabinet resigned over his lust for war. Two key insiders couldn't stomach the crap. Our political system doesn't support politicians or people of sound principal on the humanitarian scale does it? Look how Corbyn is treated. This is round two imo with Syria.

I'm just saddened you guys don't see it. Will not end well. I see it getting worse as Russia and China and other players not the push over Iraq or Sadam was.

Finally, if US does get dragged into a ME war again against Syria or Iran, I do see the dollar standard slipping away. UK and France have made a poor play too. Poor judgement, leads to bad decision, leading country in the wrong direction. No change there. 🙁

If you still have the interest this is write up for the case to go war back then.

You can see why Theresa May would avoid it as UN and parliament would vote against it unless strong evidence is produced for reasons to go to war.

Nobody is going to war,Assad and Russia have a clear message now that the west will act if there is chemical weapons used and rightly so, Russia is wanting to improve relations with the west is has emerged today, Putin wasnt expecting anybody to stand up to him, We did...
Nobody is going to war,Assad and Russia have a clear message now that the west will act if there is chemical weapons used and rightly so, Russia is wanting to improve relations with the west is has emerged today, Putin wasnt expecting anybody to stand up to him, We did...

How long did the conspiracy of JFK go on for ? how many conspiracy theories were there ? People can find an alternative theory to any major event should they wish to look and are that way inclined..Hell, i even bought into it myself after watching JFK movie, But that's all it is, Theory!! what might of / could of happened. I watched a great documentary not long ago which almost proved that kennedy received the fatal shot from one of his own security guards in the rear of the car, all the evidence was there, But people dont want the truth, They want a good ole conspiracy...Please believe me when i say the US government did not orchestrate the bringing down of the twin towers, Then we can move on with a sensible discussion....
How long did the conspiracy of JFK go on for ? how many conspiracy theories were there ? People can find an alternative theory to any major event should they wish to look and are that way inclined..Hell, i even bought into it myself after watching JFK movie, But that's all it is, Theory!! what might of / could of happened. I watched a great documentary not long ago which almost proved that kennedy received the fatal shot from one of his own security guards in the rear of the car, all the evidence was there, But people dont want the truth, They want a good ole conspiracy...Please believe me when i say the US government did not orchestrate the bringing down of the twin towers, Then we can move on with a sensible discussion....

Sorry Mikey but the number of questions and consequences still very fresh with us today.

I do not believe you as I believe in science and answers that are based on sound logical mathematical and physical reason. Your responses far from science but more in the ethereal world of belief.

There are literally 000s of engineers, physicists and engineers who dispute those official events by virtue of pure science.

Does this building look like it suffered from major fires strong enough to melt metal and demolish concrete. Fires ignited by falling debri 100+ yards away? Why no fires in other building just this one. You afraid to ask questions or challenge authority because it will impact on your patriotic fever? Blemish your opinion of your government thus negatively reflecting on your principals of justice.

Just think and ask some questions? Why no investigations on building or metal fatigue. No questions. Swiftest cover up in history.

You are too wrapped up in belief of our governments and their upstanding integrity which doesn't really hold up to scrutiny.

Believe your eyes not your ears.

Such buildings do not perfectly cave in on them selves perfectly at speed of gravity.

Have you ever studied physics?

Man wake up! 😱😱😱😱
Have you ever asked yourself why they did it ? insurance claim maybe ? Maybe all these guys are in on the conspiracy as well...

Hell, i hope they all can keep a secret along with the guys in the US government that organised, planted the explosives and watched the building collapse killing 1000s of their innocent fellow countrymen, Because if that all got out then someone will get a severe ticking off.....Unbelievable. you get worse..
Sorry Mikey but the number of questions and consequences still very fresh with us today.

You diminish yourself with this silliness, as you did with the "fake" moon landing. Which leads me to wonder if all you've said about Brexit resides in the same alternate reality.

I hope you're just pulling everyone's leg, but I suspect that's not the case.
You diminish yourself with this silliness, as you did with the "fake" moon landing. Which leads me to wonder if all you've said about Brexit resides in the same alternate reality.

I hope you're just pulling everyone's leg, but I suspect that's not the case.

I'm sorry to hear that Db. However, I can still say I am a big admirer of your perspective on humanity.

I wear my heart on my sleeve and always speak my mind irrespective of how questions may be received. Not particularly big fan of China or Russia but that doesn't mean I don't question what our governments do in our name.

However, questions are asked with no answers? Does it not make you think a little?

Read this

How about this one where they dragged parts of the aircraft from the depths of the ocean to identify what caused crash?,8599,1904110,00.html

Somebody says falling debri ignited fires in a select one off building 100+ yards away without any fire transfer or ignition mechanism and you accept it? Really? What a pile of pooh that is? There were fires on five floor and I can't see any flames as building comes down at speed of gravity?

What kind of office furniture causes metal to melt encased in concrete?

Someones having some big laffs?

Anyhow, I would have expected after three buildings were perfectly demolished at speed of gravity some investigations on the Why? How? What can we learn? How we can improve our processes? Instead within 16 days Bushes crony friends took the metals away for scrap melting reuse whatever. You've gotto be kidding?

How about the flight box from the aeroplane that disintegrated into the Pentagon. If you believe that then you have to ask how the authorities pulled out one of the terrorists passport from the rubble? Or how a book sits with pages open on a chair in one of the Pentagon rooms exposed to the elements. We have an aeroplane that disintregates yet books survive! Really?

In the history of the world has any flight box ever disintegrated? LOL

There are literally 100s of questions to which there are no answers.

Defies Physics!

I can only guess your grasp of science is not as strong as your humanitarian history for you to feel you can question or challenge authority? Don't you want to know? Don't you want answers?

Are there any such things as impertinent question to such events?

I still think you are great though and I would implore you all to question what does not rest well with your logical rational mind. No harm in asking questions? That's how we all learn 🙂
OK so that's both "consequences" threads summed up now. Atilla is silly and diminished; and no harm in asking questions. Lets close em down 😀
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Very to the point and frank exposition of media force at play demonstrated in that clip.

Here is another wrt to Syria.

Cuts off interview with ex commander for British armed forces... you've got to ask for what and why? She acknowledges he has been patient and waiting for the questions and then within 30 seconds cut.

Then there is the Salisbury cover up. Media says there are high concentration of toxic chemicals all around Salisbury and it will take until the end of the year to clean up and 9 sites will be closed off.

Yet there are no deaths other than a few pets initially at Skiprals house. Why aren't we seeing more dead dogs, cats or birds or other animals if these high toxic chemicals have been lying around the place? Military grade they said!

UK trying desperately hard to justify actions and this is just a display for mass public. Military grade poison all over the place and no deaths. LOL really?

Who ever did this contrary to being clinical lethal assassins are turning out to be exceptionally careless.

Finally, the other day heard on the news international community took a decisive step to tell Russia and Syria chemical weapons will not be tolerated. International community being; USA, UK and France. LOL. Fell off me chair.

The media circus has gone ape pooh trying to come up with evidence.

As for the boy seen in youtube clip pronounced as real evidence lives and here talks about the event. Listen carefully.

Do you believe the US, UK or French government warmongers or this boy speaking freely? You judge. He was playing outside and then asked to go inside to the hospital. Amazing stuff. :whistling
Very to the point and frank exposition of media force at play demonstrated in that clip.

Here is another wrt to Syria.

Cuts off interview with ex commander for British armed forces... you've got to ask for what and why? She acknowledges he has been patient and waiting for the questions and then within 30 seconds cut.

Then there is the Salisbury cover up. Media says there are high concentration of toxic chemicals all around Salisbury and it will take until the end of the year to clean up and 9 sites will be closed off.

Yet there are no deaths other than a few pets initially at Skiprals house. Why aren't we seeing more dead dogs, cats or birds or other animals if these high toxic chemicals have been lying around the place? Military grade they said!

UK trying desperately hard to justify actions and this is just a display for mass public. Military grade poison all over the place and no deaths. LOL really?

Who ever did this contrary to being clinical lethal assassins are turning out to be exceptionally careless.

Finally, the other day heard on the news international community took a decisive step to tell Russia and Syria chemical weapons will not be tolerated. International community being; USA, UK and France. LOL. Fell off me chair.

The media circus has gone ape pooh trying to come up with evidence.

As for the boy seen in youtube clip pronounced as real evidence lives and here talks about the event. Listen carefully.

Do you believe the US, UK or French government warmongers or this boy speaking freely? You judge. He was playing outside and then asked to go inside to the hospital. Amazing stuff. :whistling

Why is it that people like you pour scorn on any official statement, preferring instead to believe any old crackpot who jumps out of the woodwork to shout “cover up” or “government conspiracy” or whatever.

You seem to forget that poor old politicians and officials have thousands of reporters trying desperately every hour that God sends to dig up evidence so they can discredit their words and actions. Despite all their efforts they can rarely come up with anything tangible so it’s left to the looney brigade to peddle their tripe. Can’t believe it takes you in, Atilla, I always thought you got out of the smart side of the bed 🙂.
Very to the point and frank exposition of media force at play demonstrated in that clip.

Rubbish. Those of use who are not simpletons don't need Mr dore and the beard guy to pause and interpret CNBC for us

Here is another wrt to Syria.

Cuts off interview with ex commander for British armed forces... you've got to ask for what and why? She acknowledges he has been patient and waiting for the questions and then within 30 seconds cut.

She asks him a question (your favorite thing, questions, remember?) and he ignores it and proceeds with his own agenda.. that's probably why he was cut if it wasn't time constraints. So why didn't he answer her question? why? why? why? no harm in asking eh ???????????? 🙄
Why is it that people like you pour scorn on any official statement, preferring instead to believe any old crackpot who jumps out of the woodwork to shout “cover up” or “government conspiracy” or whatever.

You seem to forget that poor old politicians and officials have thousands of reporters trying desperately every hour that God sends to dig up evidence so they can discredit their words and actions. Despite all their efforts they can rarely come up with anything tangible so it’s left to the looney brigade to peddle their tripe. Can’t believe it takes you in, Atilla, I always thought you got out of the smart side of the bed 🙂.

Thank you for the back handed compliment Barjon, but its probably because after years of reading anything and everything disillusionment sets in when one discovers some unhealthy bias, lies and deceits.

All I do is ask questions challenge and try to understand but get no answers and logic defies comprehension of events as prescribed.

Answers so unsatisfactory they defy physics. Coincidental events that leave me wondering what is the probability of such events. Don't you ever wonder, question or challenge what is presented to you?

That Sky clip coupled with SC's US clip clearly demonstrates media bias imo. Not even subtle but blatant bias.

What do you make of the professor or ex Commander of British services? Not worth listening to because he too is just another crack pot!

Perhaps I should stop posting what I really think and just support military action leading to deaths of civilians and soldiers along with destruction of peoples homes.


I take what you and Db say to heart as I do like you both and will try and tone it down a little. 👍
Rubbish. Those of use who are not simpletons don't need Mr dore and the beard guy to pause and interpret CNBC for us

She asks him a question (your favorite thing, questions, remember?) and he ignores it and proceeds with his own agenda.. that's probably why he was cut if it wasn't time constraints. So why didn't he answer her question? why? why? why? no harm in asking eh ???????????? 🙄

She could have rephrased or asked question again.

Moreover, his reply was about parliamentary debate and what the Russian FM said. He did refer to his words and was making his point very well as relating to UK's desire to bomb is made more difficult or not. Talking about justifying attack. He simply takes an alternative view and tries to explain rational motive behind that opinion.

He was cut off because he did not follow Sky's news agenda. You do acknowledge that at least so we are in some partial agreement. You feel that justifies the action.
She could have rephrased or asked question again.

Moreover, his reply was about parliamentary debate and what the Russian FM said. He did refer to his words and was making his point very well as relating to UK's desire to bomb is made more difficult or not. Talking about justifying attack. He simply takes an alternative view and tries to explain rational motive behind that opinion.

He was cut off because he did not follow Sky's news agenda. You do acknowledge that at least so we are in some partial agreement. You feel that justifies the action.

What you don't see is that he sounds muddle-headed and piling on too many random details in the space of 30 seconds and they know from experience that its best move on (if it wasnt simply time constraint etc). its a tactic used by people who don't have a strong argument - pile on a random mixture of details (& questions) all in a muddle so that no one can argue against them all in one go. something perhaps we have seen somewhere before.... :whistling
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She could have rephrased or asked question again.

Moreover, his reply was about parliamentary debate and what the Russian FM said. He did refer to his words and was making his point very well as relating to UK's desire to bomb is made more difficult or not. Talking about justifying attack. He simply takes an alternative view and tries to explain rational motive behind that opinion.

He was cut off because he did not follow Sky's news agenda. You do acknowledge that at least so we are in some partial agreement. You feel that justifies the action.

Im not criticising your will to ask questions regarding support for the airstrike, but if you look for it then there is evidence about which can help you make up your own mind... you must have a open mind and not be biased from the outset, that it was some form of conspiracy...Dont watch the videos, there not good !
This Skripal/Syria thing is fascinating, I don't think there has ever been a time in history where so much information has been available to us, for us to debate, theorise, investigate etc.

Even during 9/11 and resulting Gulf War, we only had limited MSM outlets to feed us, there was no alternative news media as we see it today. Smart phones hadn't been invented, no Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. Even fledgling forums didn't carry much debate in those days. Internet communications were costly and reserved for the few, how times have changed/are changing.

Now Alt-News journalists are embedded in the source locations providing us with Skype updates as news happens, whilst MSM journos provide updates from cosy offices thousands of miles away, feeding themselves with social media feeds. It seems Alt-News is taking over the role of what MSM used to do by reporting from zones of conflict.

MSM journalism is weak and lazy, by way of example just looked at the number of unsourced reports the BBC is pumping out, with no attribution to the journalist that writes the reports, even when asked for the writer, they are reluctant to provide anything, who exactly is writing these reports.

One can only conclude that if the likes of the BBC are producing unsourced reports with no named journalist attached to those reports, then something is afoot. What are they hiding exactly? Are they attempting to make lazy journalism the norm? Or is there something more sinister behind it? My theory is it's a bit of both but mostly the latter.
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