An interesting exchange:
deathkit: What is not so often mentioned is how, by pulling the plug on the Bretton Woods system, Nixon brought about the runaway economic liberalization of today. What we obtained is not globalization, but globalization as the only end.
Globalization was supposed to serve us; instead we became its slave. Capital, by being freed from all constraints, became like a kamikaze pilot destroying everything that gets in the way of capital markets. Wealth again became concentrated in the hands of the few. The more the wealthy, big business and corporations grew richer, the more they could rig the system in their favour. Tax was lowered. The working poor became victims of the debt trap because of uncontrolled predatory lending designed to do just that. Consumer protections were made lax; wages stagnated; jobs were outsourced to where there were cheaper workers and a dictator putting the jackboot in to get them to labour for that pittance (or else), which could be taken care of by having a set of international labour rules that curb such exploitation, but then there would be little point in manufacturing in such countries without the cheapness (which, when minimum wage and the welfare payment is removed by Trump, is where you will be; there you go no more outsourcing. Hello serfdom). The lack of capital controls meant that governments risked capital flight if they didn't do the bidding of the rich and slash unemployment benefits and cut benefits.
So, the Democrats are not villains like in a Victorian melodrama; there is some rhyme and reason to why they act the way they do. That doesn't mean they should have surrendered. What we need to ask ourselves is if unconstrained globalization is compatible with Democracy. No; it isn't. That means erecting a smarter economic global system. Who says it has to be a free market, Neoliberal system. Oh the exploiters say it should. Imagine that.
FreeQuark: The free flow of people and capital across national borders, which is a requirement of any globalized economics, is the very basis of neoliberalism. The left was therefore subverted and neutered the instant it bought into globalism.
All the "progressives" out there protesting Trump's travel ban are neoliberals whether they know it or not.
deathkit: If only it were as simple as simpletons would have us believe. Yes, on the one hand, one set of elites use the free flow of people across borders to drive down wages, and then, when the natives at home begin to grow restless use those same immigrants or guest workers as scapegoats as a way of deflecting the blame away from themselves. And on the other, another set of elites close the borders and stop the free flow of people so that people are held captive slaving for the one per cent, made easy by austerity measures that cut welfare and gut the social safety net so that the only alternative for people is to toil at home for chicken feed.
So, no, it's not progressives "protesting Trump's travel ban [who] are neoliberals"; or who are strengthening neoliberalism. For banning or not banning travel are two sides of the neoliberal coin. Billionaires reap the benefits in both cases. It's you being a dupe of such neoliberal propaganda that makes the class war they're waging on all of us successful. You're not more of a progressive than they are for opposing the free flow of people. You're just falling for a different kind of propaganda. Instead of fighting one another it would be nicer if we began fighting together against the plutocratic capitalist class (that's your enemy not that poor little kid from Aleppo).