Trump Presidency and the Consequences

CV; can't you surrender gracefully? You've had a good run 🤣

Well, Tim, I was only going by your earlier statements of how it was clear that there had been massive fraud. The ANDs I detailed don’t share your conviction. Trump has tried his hardest to prove there was fraud and has come up with nothing bar his statements that there was. Why should there be further investigation just because millions believe his lies (if indeed anything like that number do) and the rabid outpourings of sensationalist internet sites.
Surely if there had been real evidence don’t you think Trump’s investigators would have moved heaven and earth to uncover it and would have presented it to the Courts? They couldn’t and didn’t - so I guess you could conclude that there was nothing to find.

USA, The World,Truth and Democracy have lost.

As stated many moons ago, this was never about Trump. Trump was elected by Americans who for decades had been sold down the river, not unlike our own situation re the EU and Brexit. Every man and his dog has conspired against Trump on his journey, much as they did against Farage. The difference being that we prevailed and Trump, emboldened by his considerable run of success against the swamp, overplayed his hand at a critical juncture and lost.
This doesn't mean that he won't be proved right over the fraud. In fact i'm certain that it will all come out and knowing the Democrats, they won't be bothered that it all comes out because as far as they are concerned, it's mission accomplished. Anything but Trump. Bugger the consequences.

A simple independent audit of the paper, the signatures and the voting machines would have put this issue to bed within 2 weeks. But no, there was zero chance that any of those in power were going to get to any truth. It didn't matter a jot to them whatever side they were on, because Trump would be out and they would still retain their places in the swamp.

You will never convince me that Biden was elected fair and square, or that he was the best candidate for the job. The bloke is an utter disgrace on many levels and I fully expect him to have a torrid time in his few short months in office. As for President Harris, she's another whole can o worms. I don't know much about her, but i'll make it my business to find out.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Trump gets impeached and, ends up in jail, where he belongs


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I suppose Mitch McConnell, the REPUBLICAN Senate leader must be corrupt, then ........
And the Vice-President. Who has spoken of his concerns and recognized those of voters, while stopping short of outright endorsing them.
And all judges in the sixty Courts who examined Trump’s allegations. No such examinations have taken place- they have simply prevented the allegations from being examined, which is not at all the same thing.
And all the audit teams who audited the results. Audit teams and annalists using established analysis tools have found numerous serious irregularities in the results. Many of which have been detailed in this thread with verifiable sources referenced.
And all the officials who oversaw the election . Like, perhaps, the officials that cleared all witnesses from ballot counting facilities under false pretext of an emergency and then proceeded to process thousands of ballots produced out of suitcases [not ballot boxes, suitcases] in blatant violation of election laws while there were no monitors on the premises. Time-stamped CCTV security camera video of all this was made available by the independent security personel responsible for the premises that had been hired for the counting to take place in.
And all the Electoral delegates. Only Electoral Delegates as appointed by the legislature in each State have any constitutional authority. Circumventing and frustrating the Constitution does not others Electoral Delegates make.
And all the senators and congressmen who supported the vote. Ignoring the Constitution.
And all the Governors who declared their result correct. Whilst refusing any and all requests to have those results independently verified.

Assertions from quoted post have been addressed and expanded on with comments added in italics.

It may well be that some or even all allegations of nefarious wrongdoing can be refuted when properly examined with equally compelling evidence to the contrary, BUT.

Since absolutely nothing has been done to properly investigate and examine any of the above by the US Supreme Court, which, after all, is the only Court with the Authority to rule on Constitutional and therefore Electoral matters in relation to the Law and how the procedures carefully specified in the Constitution should be applied, then all of these things remain very much unresolved.

They won't go away simply because a greater part of the establishment would prefer it so, however insistently.

This will rumble on for years.
I’m only going to comment on the most important thing you say which is about the Courts when you say they simply prevented the allegations from being examined. Below is the brief summary of the findings of just one court - the others were similar. You will see that they did indeed examine the evidence put before them.

“The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”
The judge also ruled the Trump campaign did not show any evidence proving “malfeasance” by election officials and blasted the credibility of the campaign’s witnesses, saying witnesses’ “declarations constitute hearsay” and the expert witness testimony “was of little to no value.”
Another one from my "here's hoping" collection 🤣


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I don't believe it. 😵 Twitter have released the orange loonie from his padded cell


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I’m only going to comment on the most important thing you say which is about the Courts when you say they simply prevented the allegations from being examined. Below is the brief summary of the findings of just one court - the others were similar. You will see that they did indeed examine the evidence put before them.

“The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”
The judge also ruled the Trump campaign did not show any evidence proving “malfeasance” by election officials and blasted the credibility of the campaign’s witnesses, saying witnesses’ “declarations constitute hearsay” and the expert witness testimony “was of little to no value.”
This reads rather more like 'rejecting' evidence, not examining it.
America's prisons are full of felons convicted on far flimsier evidence than has been presented.
Sworn Affidavits (which carry a penalty of perjury if shown to be false) are evidence, not hearsay. Had they been duly admitted into evidence, cross examined and found to be wanting or false, then those submitting them would be prosecuted accordingly. Strangely enough, none of this happened. Even tho, in the example of filmed wrongdoing outlined above, the witness testimony, made before the video recording had been discovered, exactly matched the activities observable on the tape. The local courts are political and can be loyally relied on to support those who appoint their judges.
The only point of presenting the cases to them, is as a step in the process to submit them to a higher court.

But we all know all this. It's politics. A dirty game at the best of times.

Hopefully some future historians will be able to shed some better light on what really happened, as they will by then have little or no vested interest in supporting any or either of long since obsolete agendas one way or the other.

For some unfathomable reason, the British Prime Minister was very quick to 'unreservedly condemn' the storming of the US Congress in the Capitol.

What he omitted to add was that such acts are traditionally the privilege of the British, not fellow American citizens.

Perhaps it slipped his mind for a moment, or maybe he is woefully ignorant of the history of the Government he now presides over, but a cursory glance through the historical records quickly reveals that the last storming of the Capitol was carried out by the British Navy, when the buildings were ransacked and looted as Admiral Cockburn allegedly sat in the speaker's chair.
Both the buildings and the President's mansion were subsequently burnt to the ground, barring a few walls left standing as the fire spread so fast that enough wood could not be added to burn them completely.

Being thorough, the British also burnt down the US Treasury and several other Government Buildings.

None of your milling around waving banners and posing for selfies, then a leisurely stroll homewards, oh no. Trash, loot. burn.
Job done. By order of the British Government.

Come to think of it, wasn't that all brought about as a result of a trifling dispute as to who should be running the place?

Aaaaaaaaw. 🙁

We'll miss all those tweets every time the stock markets hit new highs. Darn it.

That didn't last too long.

Well there we have it.

MSM, Social Media, arbiters of truth.

You should be very concerned. This is a move in the China and Russia direction.
Freedom of speech being shut down before our very eyes.

Trump is just one of a long list being shut down.

Well there we have it.

MSM, Social Media, arbiters of truth.

You should be very concerned. This is a move in the China and Russia direction.
Freedom of speech being shut down before our very eyes.

Trump is just one of a long list being shut down.

There's a difference between encouraging free speech and encouraging people to commit acts of anarchy.
There's a difference between encouraging free speech and encouraging people to commit acts of anarchy.

I've already demonstrated that the police removed barriers and let them into the building.
It's all part of the misdirection. I'm not falling for it , but plenty of people are.
Doesn't sound like this election is over.

Some interesting contributors.

Well there we have it.

MSM, Social Media, arbiters of truth.

You should be very concerned. This is a move in the China and Russia direction.
Freedom of speech being shut down before our very eyes.

Trump is just one of a long list being shut down.

I agree with you that censorship is a bad thing. However, there is a world of difference between when a government does it than when a private entity does it. Would you want someone forcing the Financial Times or the Economist magazine to run an editorial in their respective publications that they refuse to run?

Private property is a whole different ball game. I dislike censorship too but when private entities practice it they are using their own property to do it.

If you don’t like it, there are numerous steps you can take. You can pressure management to change their tune if you are a shareholder in the company. You can sell your shares in protest if they won’t listen. You can call for boycotts of the publisher. Finally, (and the most productive way to combat censorship) is to convince like minded people to patronize alternative outlets. This is the age of the internet. There are plenty of alternative websites and if you can’t find one that matches your tastes you can start your own website.

Forcing someone to run an editorial is just as bad as censorship itself, IMHO.
I agree with you that censorship is a bad thing. However, there is a world of difference between when a government does it than when a private entity does it. Would you want someone forcing the Financial Times or the Economist magazine to run an editorial in their respective publications that they refuse to run?

Private property is a whole different ball game. I dislike censorship too but when private entities practice it they are using their own property to do it.

If you don’t like it, there are numerous steps you can take. You can pressure management to change their tune if you are a shareholder in the company. You can sell your shares in protest if they won’t listen. You can call for boycotts of the publisher. Finally, (and the most productive way to combat censorship) is to convince like minded people to patronize alternative outlets. This is the age of the internet. There are plenty of alternative websites and if you can’t find one that matches your tastes you can start your own website.

Forcing someone to run an editorial is just as bad as censorship itself, IMHO.

Nobody is reporting the news. All we have is biased narrative and misinformation. Every current thread on T2W follows the same path. Those who question the BS spouted by MSM, Social Media and those who buy in to it without question/ or too lazy/ incompetent to look at both sides.

I look at both sides, always have, then decide which side is telling the truth and which side is spouting BS.
It's not possible to only follow one side and then claim that you have informed opinion.