Trump Presidency and the Consequences

So the Orange Monster has his sights set on 2024 ! No doubt he will be a pain in the rear end until then.
His kids have the bug too. Well they can't all get elected in 2024. Perhaps they will emulate the Kim family in North Korea and get worse and worse way into the future. Misplaced loyalty imho.
If the US continues to meddle in World affairs then there should be a vote on it from the ROTW. ( rest of the world ).

You can't be president for a third term Pat.
Trump isn't looking at 2024 at all, he's only concerned with the current election. I have no idea where you get these daft ideas, unless it's from MSM who are peddling nonsense because it suits their agenda!
If the US continues to meddle in World affairs then there should be a vote on it from the ROTW. ( rest of the world ).
The irony here is that I'll wager we'll see a lot more 'meddlin' in world affairs' from Biden and the Democrats than we would under a Trump administration. That was one of my plus points in my post replying to Alan, earlier. If you're not sure why, Paul Joseph Watson explains all . . .

The irony here is that I'll wager we'll see a lot more 'meddlin' in world affairs' from Biden and the Democrats than we would under a Trump administration. That was one of my plus points in my post replying to Alan, earlier. If you're not sure why, Paul Joseph Watson explains all . . .

I suppose the USA pushed Isis out of the way for a while but they will re-emerge under other names.
I am not really very knowledgeable about local religions, philosophies of The Middle East BUT they seem to have been in constant turmoil interspersed with bloody massacres and conflicts since Roman times.
It might help if they ranted on about peaceful pursuits for a change. or is violence so embedded into their culture they are unable to stop fighting ?
Time to knock it on the head me ol' mucker. Atilla's so incensed that he's resorted to SHOUTING at me/us merely for suggesting something positive about Trump's presidency. Gotta tell you, the thought of how he might respond if/when Trump's claims of election fraud are shown to be correct scares the poop out of me!
Hi Tim,

I wasn't shouting, I just typed in caps to separate my post from yours.

It wasn't in red or bold like last time. 🤣🤣
Attorney Wood suddenly mentioned an Executive Order from 2018. Is Lin Wood implying something? Has President Trump's side gotten hold of something and are they going to seize all the assets of some person, or some organizations, institutions, companies, etc.? If so, it's another big move by President Trump to drain the swamp. On September 12, 2018, President Trump signed the Executive Order on “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” It’s a presidential decree that imposes sanctions when foreign forces interfere in U.S. elections. It states, “The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. “ Also, General Flynn said that the so-called "mainstream media" and the very leftist Democratic Party have been trying to oust Trump from the White House for the past four years of his presidency. The Democrats didn't get enough support from voters in this election, so they stole it through mail-in ballots, Smartmatic software and the Dominion system. Until now, "this is still a coup in progress," with the support of the Communist China behind it. Will the Trump administration seize the assets of the Chinese Communist Party? General Mcinerney said that he believes that by President Trump invoking his executive order and the Insurrection Act should also then declare Martial Law, he should suspend Habeus corpus and start arresting these people, because we know who they are. So we are going to need Military Tribunals, because the Judicial System is not the right place to deal with treason

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I am not really very knowledgeable about local religions, philosophies of The Middle East BUT they seem to have been in constant turmoil interspersed with bloody massacres and conflicts since Roman times.
It might help if they ranted on about peaceful pursuits for a change. or is violence so embedded into their culture they are unable to stop fighting ?
You're on very thin ice there Pat:

Firstly, Christianity originates right in the middle or yer Middle East and wot wiv himself being a Jew = Semite = the same ethnic group as yer Ayrab. The modern connotations of Jews being Semites and Arabs not came about thanks to some creative reworking of the term into what then became Judaism and later still the foundation of our charming Aryan friends' foray into anthropological fiction and genocide., enough (already) of the origins of the Christian cretins - amusingly (to me anyway) the root of the word "cretin" is Franco-Provençal and meant simply "christian". In more modern times, if you're on a quest for Holy violence and massacre, you don't have look further than the long drawn out inter-Christian slaughter that took place in the Europe of the 100 years war and which continued right up to the end of the 18th century in various regions. And we mustn't forget those brave Christian souls in the USA, who (dressed or not in their jaunty pointed hats and bearing their ironic flaming crosses) thought it a Moral and Right Thing to do in stringing up defenceless black people right up to the 1960s. Violence schmiolence.

Auto-Rant is now partly disengaged so I can address yr point directly. Astounding as you may find it, the vast majority of Moslems want to live a peaceful life doing exactly the same things as the vast majority or Christians or Jews. There is undeniable friction where the clash of cultures results in flash-points - Bush senior's observation that he couldn't understand what US oil was doing under Arab sand and which then resulted in a war that is still going on in one form or another....and then there's the brilliant idea that some liberal Frenchman had of importing wholesale a culture that simply does not accept the values of the French République - never did, doesn't now and possibly never will ...and then tempting providence and extremists by permitting and sanctioning acts of graphical satire that anyone with a spare neurone would understand as being deeply offensive and provocative. The claim that this offence belongs in the Middle ages is a hollow as it is spurious as trials for blasphemy took place within living memory - certainly in mine and I'd hazard in yours as well.

I feel a lot better now. T2W is so therapeutic - I find some rubbish posting and a bottle of red really sets me up for trading. Currently long CAC and regretting it already.
All making sense now. Putting all the seemingly unconnected parts together. Goes way beyond the rigged election.

This will end up being the mother of all battles. Trump must win otherwise your'e currently enjoyed freedoms will be history.
All the doubters as to what's at stake here would do well to wake up!

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