Trump Presidency and the Consequences

FGS CV you are deranged and Trump deluded.

I guess we can put that down as one of the consequences of Trumpism. Narcissism and self delusion go hand in hand.

Trump is a waste of space and I'm expecting worse to come from him.

I have an image of a deflated wrinkled and wasted balloon which sums up Trump's presidency.
The BBC are reporting that when Trump finally loses, in his own mind, he will not be able to accept it. The big surprise, in the story, is that Trump even has a mind.
Atilla, Alan, Pat et al,
A question for one and all . . .
In the event that Trump does have his day in court and, not only that, but a judge decides fraud has taken place and the upshot after all the inevitable hullabaloo is that Trump ends up serving a second term in office, will you all still look the other way, still deny any wrong doing by Biden, the Dems and their supporters ever took place and still demand that Trump leaves the White House - OR - will you all concede that you were wrong?

The reason I ask is because if you've watched many of the videos c_v, I and others have posted (and I supect you haven't) - I fail to see how any logical and fair minded person could come to any conclusion other than the election was rigged in Biden's favour. From where I'm standing, the derangement and delusion comes from those who hate Trump - and want him gone - more than they value democracy. That's totally sparko in my book. Like I've said before, democracy is like virginity; once it's gone - it's gone for good - there ain't no going back. I urge you all to dwell on that and what the consequences might be.
Atilla, Alan, Pat et al,
A question for one and all . . .
In the event that Trump does have his day in court and, not only that, but a judge decides fraud has taken place and the upshot after all the inevitable hullabaloo is that Trump ends up serving a second term in office, will you all still look the other way, still deny any wrong doing by Biden, the Dems and their supporters ever took place and still demand that Trump leaves the White House - OR - will you all concede that you were wrong?

The reason I ask is because if you've watched many of the videos c_v, I and others have posted (and I supect you haven't) - I fail to see how any logical and fair minded person could come to any conclusion other than the election was rigged in Biden's favour. From where I'm standing, the derangement and delusion comes from those who hate Trump - and want him gone - more than they value democracy. That's totally sparko in my book. Like I've said before, democracy is like virginity; once it's gone - it's gone for good - there ain't no going back. I urge you all to dwell on that and what the consequences might be.
I would hold my hands up and admit that I was wrong. However, for the sake of mankind, I hope that I'm not.
Can you state one good thing that Trump has done during his presidential term?
I would hold my hands up and admit that I was wrong. However, for the sake of mankind, I hope that I'm not.
Hi Alan,
Fair play, good on you sir!
Can you state one good thing that Trump has done during his presidential term?
Sure. He's done that extremely rare thing that very few politicians ever do which is to do his utmost to follow through on his pre-election promises. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with him (the wall, exiting the Paris climate agreement etc.), or even whether or not he was successful. He did his best - which is all any of us can ask. This will be his legacy; the only question is will his successors (be they democrat, republican or other) learn from it, or will they revert to type and say anything to get into office and then, once there, not follow through on any of their promises and/or do the exact oposite.

Regarding actual achievements:
>>> He kicked ISIS's ass' - that's a major plus for the world! 🙂
>>> He recognised China as being the new geopolitical threat of the 21st century. (Think how we've done a u-turn on Huawei and 5G here in the U.K. - largely thanks to Trump.)
>>> He signed the 'First Step Act' - resulting in major reforms to the U.S. criminal justice system with broad cross party approval.
>>> He slashed taxes, helped step up economic growth, reduce poverty and reduce unemployment to the lowest level for half-a-century.
If you want a fact-checked list of his accomplishments, click here.

The other thing about Trump that I'm thankful for is that he wasn't as bad a president as he could have been. Clearly he's a loose cannon with a huge ego - there's no denying that. When he was elected back in 2016 I feared he'd start a nuclear conflict and be responsible for worldwide mayhem. The reverse is nearer to the truth: he's pulled out of conflicts and I think I'm right in saying (but can't find a reliable source to confirm this) - that fewer U.S. service men and women have died under his administration than under that of any other president of recent times. Yes, he has major personality and character flaws but, as a president, I don't think he's too bad and certainly not worth putting democracy as a whole in jeopardy just to get rid of him.
Hi Alan,
Fair play, good on you sir!

Sure. He's done that extremely rare thing that very few politicians ever do which is to do his utmost to follow through on his pre-election promises. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with him (the wall, exiting the Paris climate agreement etc.), or even whether or not he was successful. He did his best - which is all any of us can ask. This will be his legacy; the only question is will his successors (be they democrat, republican or other) learn from it, or will they revert to type and say anything to get into office and then, once there, not follow through on any of their promises and/or do the exact oposite.

Regarding actual achievements:
>>> He kicked ISIS's ass' - that's a major plus for the world! 🙂 - YOU BELIEVE ALL THIS SH!T ABOUT isis DO YOU?
>>> He recognised China as being the new geopolitical threat of the 21st century. (Think how we've done a u-turn on Huawei and 5G here in the U.K. - largely thanks to Trump.) THIS IS B0LL0X TOO. UK HAS TO PICK A SIDE, US, CHINA OR THE EU. IN A THE BIG OCEAN WITH THREE BIG FISH, LIL OL ENGLAND WILL NOT GET VERY FAR ON HER OWN. UK HAS PICKED THE SAME OL UNCLE SAM TO SCREW US OVER. THIS IS LOOKING BACKWARDS IMO. NOT LOOKING FORWARDS. INEVITABLY WILL END IN A CRASH.
>>> He signed the 'First Step Act' - resulting in major reforms to the U.S. criminal justice system with broad cross party approval. THIS WASN'T HIS POLICY OR IDEA. JUST SOMETHING HE SIGNED. GET REAL.
>>> He slashed taxes, helped step up economic growth, reduce poverty and reduce unemployment to the lowest level for half-a-century. THIS WAS ABOUT AS STUPID AS ONE CAN GET. DISHING OUT MONEY TO PEOPLE WHO ALREADY HAVE IT. BALLOONING THE NATIONAL DEBT.
If you want a fact-checked list of his accomplishments, click here.

The other thing about Trump that I'm thankful for is that he wasn't as bad a president as he could have been. Clearly he's a loose cannon with a huge ego - there's no denying that. When he was elected back in 2016 I feared he'd start a nuclear conflict and be responsible for worldwide mayhem. The reverse is nearer to the truth: he's pulled out of conflicts and I think I'm right in saying (but can't find a reliable source to confirm this) - that fewer U.S. service men and women have died under his administration than under that of any other president of recent times. Yes, he has major personality and character flaws but, as a president, I don't think he's too bad and certainly not worth putting democracy as a whole in jeopardy just to get rid of him.

IF he wasn't reigned in, he would have done much worse. Thank goodness for checks and balances.

I will go as far as to say Spain didn't have an elected Government for over a year and if anything the economy flourished. I would hold the same for US and UK. Our institutions and civil service strong enough to endure and even thrive without political meddling.

I reckon what Trump did give us was a reality show. He should get some parts in Hollywood imo. The new John Wayne, tough talking, shit walking, big mouth, who's everyone's amigo. (No disrespect to John Wayne. Only to trampy cowboys)
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Time to knock it on the head me ol' mucker. Atilla's so incensed that he's resorted to SHOUTING at me/us merely for suggesting something positive about Trump's presidency. Gotta tell you, the thought of how he might respond if/when Trump's claims of election fraud are shown to be correct scares the poop out of me!
So the Orange Monster has his sights set on 2024 ! No doubt he will be a pain in the rear end until then.
His kids have the bug too. Well they can't all get elected in 2024. Perhaps they will emulate the Kim family in North Korea and get worse and worse way into the future. Misplaced loyalty imho.
If the US continues to meddle in World affairs then there should be a vote on it from the ROTW. ( rest of the world ).
Time to knock it on the head me ol' mucker. Atilla's so incensed that he's resorted to SHOUTING at me/us merely for suggesting something positive about Trump's presidency. Gotta tell you, the thought of how he might respond if/when Trump's claims of election fraud are shown to be correct scares the poop out of me!

Oh I wouldn't worry. He has a long history of being wrong on just about everything. 🤣
Course, we get it in the neck for presenting a view that goes counter. But who cares! I learned a long time ago to tread my own path, where outside influences were heard, evaluated, then politely ignored and dismissed.
Never been one to "go along with bonkers collective group think", having said that, occasionally one of them comes up with a accidentally brilliant thought, like Pats "chuck it all into a volcano" idea for rubbish disposal. I've repurposed that idea and have drawn up a list of people i'd like to chuck in there!