I would hold my hands up and admit that I was wrong. However, for the sake of mankind, I hope that I'm not.
Hi Alan,
Fair play, good on you sir!
Can you state one good thing that Trump has done during his presidential term?
Sure. He's done that extremely rare thing that very few politicians ever do which is to do his utmost to follow through on his pre-election promises. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with him (the wall, exiting the Paris climate agreement etc.), or even whether or not he was successful. He did his best - which is all any of us can ask. This will be his legacy; the only question is will his successors (be they democrat, republican or other) learn from it, or will they revert to type and say anything to get into office and then, once there, not follow through on any of their promises and/or do the exact oposite.
Regarding actual achievements:
>>> He kicked ISIS's ass' - that's a major plus for the world!
>>> He recognised China as being the new geopolitical threat of the 21st century. (Think how we've done a u-turn on Huawei and 5G here in the U.K. - largely thanks to Trump.)
>>> He signed the 'First Step Act' - resulting in major reforms to the U.S. criminal justice system with broad cross party approval.
>>> He slashed taxes, helped step up economic growth, reduce poverty and reduce unemployment to the lowest level for half-a-century.
If you want a fact-checked list of his accomplishments, click
The other thing about Trump that I'm thankful for is that he wasn't as bad a president as he could have been. Clearly he's a loose cannon with a huge ego - there's no denying that. When he was elected back in 2016 I feared he'd start a nuclear conflict and be responsible for worldwide mayhem. The reverse is nearer to the truth: he's pulled out of conflicts and I think I'm right in saying (but can't find a reliable source to confirm this) - that fewer U.S. service men and women have died under his administration than under that of any other president of recent times. Yes, he has major personality and character flaws but, as a president, I don't think he's too bad and certainly not worth putting democracy as a whole in jeopardy just to get rid of him.