Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Mornin' c_v.
Question: when do you sleep?!
Eh up Tim

Not much paid work around at the moment, which i'm not concerned about, so regular sleep based on normal work commitments not required.
So iv'e taken the opportunity to carry out all and any home improvement jobs that ordinarily would have been fitted in as and when.
In addition to this iv'e been busy purchasing and updating tools and machinery for my next hobby/ venture. Converting the garage into a workshop where I intend to get even more creative. Will be largely based on up cycling / re-purposing scrap timber, adding value etc.

But the most important thing that's disrupting routines at the moment is this fraudulent corrupt stealing of the election. I'm not sure that people understand the gravity of the situation and what it would mean for the whole world if the puppet Biden is allowed in to power. In essence, it would allow the lunatics to take over the asylum. Freedoms would disappear overnight, assuming that they got through the civil war phase! You don't poke the bear and not expect it to retaliate !

And i'm not sure that the world is being informed about the situation in the US. collusion between worthless unprincipled politicians, MSM, deep state actors, big tech are doing a pretty good job of keeping the dumb uninformed population exactly where they want them. So I think it's a worthwhile crusade to make sure they at least have the opportunity to hear the other side. Course, they will just scoff, as they do with their baseless anti Trump rhetoric, when in fact they should be looking at the bigger picture.
Converting the garage into a workshop where I intend to get even more creative. Will be largely based on up cycling / re-purposing scrap timber, adding value etc.
Hi c_v,
Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I'm with you re. the U.S. election - it's not about Trump or Biden, it's about ensuring a stake isn't driven through the heart of democracy.

Re. your new venture - it sounds good - I wish you well. Mrs. timsk and I went to Cockington in the summer (a quant 'chocolate boxy' Devon village) that has some craft studios/come shops. For us, the one that really stood out is called Mooboo. They do pretty much what you describe, with their niche or focus - call it what you will - on lighting. They particularly liked up-cycling wood that has a story or provenence - which in turn adds value - or so they hope. Needless to say, they particularly like timber from old boats or local buildings, so the sales patter isn't just: "here's an old bit of timber reclaimed from a skip that we've turned into a lovely light". It's more a case of: "here's a beautiful old beam from a famous Brixham trawler skippered by Tim Wilcox that we've saved and fashioned into a lovely light so that it can be used and enjoyed for many more years to come". They were selling the history attached to the item as much as the item itself. It very much appeared to us that the owners (a husband and wife team) worked out their costs and then added a nought to arrive at the retail price. According to them, their products go down well with tourists, and their online business was going great guns - especially sales to the U.S. and countries that love british culture and antiquity. Anyway, food for thought perhaps?
This should keep everyone entertained for hrs. Ruby Freeman and her guided tour of the Georgia ballot counting set up.
You won't find any of this mentioned on MSM of course.
Apparently she has had to lawyer up. Can't see that doing her much good. Jail time awaits !

These two intellectual gargantuans lay out their strategy for defeating Covid. Their master plan is not to wear a mask. Sounds like something out of yer Orange Man's playbook
These two intellectual gargantuans lay out their strategy for defeating Covid. Their master plan is not to wear a mask. Sounds like something out of yer Orange Man's playbook
Makes perfect sense to me - To win the war you just get rid of weapons. Whose weapons get got rid and who gets to win is another question.
I see The Supreme Court has ruled against Trump's stupid allegations.
He is the sort of rascal who will try every trick in the book to WIN.
Famously he has often employed tradesmen etc. and run up costs, say $30,000 and then refused to pay.
He banks on the fact that no one will pay $300,000 to go to court to collect $30,000. What a rotten trick !!
. . . He is the sort of rascal who will try every trick in the book to WIN.
Your dislike of Trump is so great that you refuse to even look at the mountains of evidence that the election was clearly rigged. You give whole new meaning to the term 'confirmation bias'! Clearly, you haven't watched a single video or clicked on a single link in this thread. If you had, you couldn't possibly hold the view you express here. I wouldn't mind but for the fact that democracy is at stake and I'm genuinely shocked that members of this forum are so blasé about that and don't appear to think it matters. Seriously, at the very least, please, please take the allegations seriously and consider them with an open mind. Then ask yourself if the price of getting rid of Trump is really worth destroying democracy? If your answer to that is 'yes' then, when the inevitable carnage ensues, there'll be no use crying: 'that's unfair, that's undemocratic'. It'll be too late, once democracy is cast aside, there'll be no getting it back (in our lifetimes, at least), all because when it really mattered you - and millions like you - turned a blind eye, put your fingers in your ears and allowed it to happen.
I am of course not an American Professor of law but then I doubt you are either. So I have to go on the judgements of the US courts, which is not unreasonable. I see 6 out of the 9 on The Supreme Court are Conservatives with 3 of the Liberal persuasion. Even so it was an unanimous decision 9 to 0 that Trump has not got a case. Good enough for me and I feel it should also be for other average sorts of people .
My attention span is indeed too short to wade through the plethora of posturings and outright lies of Trump's highly paid legal team who are no doubt carrying out the orders of their paymaster.
Reality and Justice have at last caught up with him. His billions will no doubt cushion his disappointment somewhat................
He has had huge coverage within the Democratic system to try and BS his way through but in fact has been shot down in flames at every turn.
OK ?
Usually Tim you have shown great insight but are somewhat short of the mark on this issue, it seems.
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Your dislike of Trump is so great that you refuse to even look at the mountains of evidence that the election was clearly rigged. You give whole new meaning to the term 'confirmation bias'! Clearly, you haven't watched a single video or clicked on a single link in this thread. If you had, you couldn't possibly hold the view you express here. I wouldn't mind but for the fact that democracy is at stake and I'm genuinely shocked that members of this forum are so blasé about that and don't appear to think it matters. Seriously, at the very least, please, please take the allegations seriously and consider them with an open mind. Then ask yourself if the price of getting rid of Trump is really worth destroying democracy? If your answer to that is 'yes' then, when the inevitable carnage ensues, there'll be no use crying: 'that's unfair, that's undemocratic'. It'll be too late, once democracy is cast aside, there'll be no getting it back (in our lifetimes, at least), all because when it really mattered you - and millions like you - turned a blind eye, put your fingers in your ears and allowed it to happen.
I do so enjoy a good spat🙂
There is considerable humour in the matter of thresholds and in pertickler the one where opinion and shoddily researched /skewed data somehow becomes "evidence" and then that evidence becomes "proof". When one has convinced oneself all that remains is the simple task of convincing others. Life imitates art and belief trumps reality - not yet sure what trumps Trump as yet but no doubt history is getting ready to give us all a good spanking....and then there's Brexit and it's rich vein of absurdity.
I am of course not an American Professor of law but then I doubt you are either. So I have to go on the judgements of the US courts, which is not unreasonable. I see 6 out of the 9 on The Supreme Court are Conservatives with 3 of the Liberal persuasion. Even so it was an unanimous decision 9 to 0 that Trump has not got a case. Good enough for me and I feel it should also be for other average sorts of people .
My attention span is indeed too short to wade through the plethora of posturings and outright lies of Trump's highly paid legal team who are no doubt carrying out the orders of their paymaster.
Reality and Justice have at last caught up with him. His billions will no doubt cushion his disappointment somewhat................
He has had huge coverage within the Democratic system to try and BS his way through but in fact has been shot down in flames at every turn.
OK ?
Usually Tim you have shown great insight but are somewhat short of the mark on this issue, it seems.
I will so enjoy quoting this post and your previous one back to you when it is proved that the U.S. election was rigged. I'll do that when you and everyone else complains: "why oh why weren't we told about the evidence (that already exists) at the time?" I may have to wait years for your ensuing apology which I expect to be lengthy and profound, but I'm 100% confident that one will be warranted; regardless of whether or not you or I are around and/or you're gracious enough to provide it.

Ask yourself this Pat: why did the supreme court make the ruling it did? I'll give youy two clues:
1. It wasn't because of the lack of evidence of foul play - there's plenty (as you would know if you'd looked at tenth of the info' posted to this thread).
2. Put yourself in the shoes of those judges. Then think what your life would be like and what will very likely happen to you and your family if you rule in Trump's favour. Not pretty is it? So, I don't blame those judges, likely as not I'd have done the same in their shoes.

C'mon Pat, just look at the evidence presented, that's all you and millions of others have to do. After all, if there is no evidence and it's all just 'Trump lies', then your point will be proved. But you can't say that unless and until you've at least taken the time and trouble to consider the allegations for yourself with an open mind. Why won't you do that and help save democracy? To answer my own question, the only reason I can think of is that deep down you know the election was rigged but you don't want to accept it. If you see the evidence, then you'll be forced to acknowledge it and that Biden won by foul play. Much easier to waive it all away and dismiss it as Trump lies rather than face the uncomfortable truth.
I do so enjoy a good spat🙂
There is considerable humour in the matter of thresholds and in pertickler the one where opinion and shoddily researched /skewed data somehow becomes "evidence" and then that evidence becomes "proof". When one has convinced oneself all that remains is the simple task of convincing others. Life imitates art and belief trumps reality - not yet sure what trumps Trump as yet but no doubt history is getting ready to give us all a good spanking....and then there's Brexit and it's rich vein of absurdity.
Clearly, you've not looked at anything posted to this thread either, cant'? Another member who appears not to care two hoots about democracy. Extraordinary!
Clearly, you've not looked at anything posted to this thread either, cant'? Another member who appears not to care two hoots about democracy. Extraordinary!
You're quite wrong - it's precisely because I HAVE indeed been trawling through everything. As I said, thresholds. As for democracy: I do care a hoot but two would be a stretch. I'm not enamoured of any system, especially ones which lends themselves to unpunished abuse. If corruption and deceit in government were rewarded by a public firing squad I might be more enthusiastic. As it is, all I see are mostly self-serving individuals of exceptional venality putting themselves forward as principled representatives of the electorate when their real agenda is lining their own pockets and enjoying the world's biggest pissing race.