Trump Presidency and the Consequences

The censorship of key players continues.

Where is freedom of speech and equal say for everyone.

Once again....who appointed the social media tech giants and MSM arbiters of truth?

Ideally B, as I believe in the principle of democratic, and fair, elections. However, in order to get this dangerous lunatic out of office I'd opt for A.
Hi Alan,
Well, I commend you for being so candid, but I'm afraid the compliments begin and end there. Undermining democracy by rigging elections either to ensure that one candidate is elected or to ensure that another one isn't - is a red line that simply can not be crossed. Period. Once it is, just like losing one's virginity, there's no going back. And, needless to say, once this dangerous precedent is set, no one will ever again have any faith or confidence in any future elections. The consequence of such action is pretty much inevitable: bye bye democracy and hello dictatorships, totalitarianism and communism. Surely that's not a price worth paying just to prevent Trump from serving four more years?!!!
Trump seems to expect everyone to be grateful that he is fighting to stay in power.
He has no idea how rude the comments are from abroad at his petulant and childish behaviour. He has got what he wanted in life with these tactics BUT not another term of office.
While the US blushes in embarrasment he carries on regardless.
Trump seems to expect everyone to be grateful that he is fighting to stay in power.
He has no idea how rude the comments are from abroad at his petulant and childish behaviour. He has got what he wanted in life with these tactics BUT not another term of office.
While the US blushes in embarrasment he carries on regardless.

This is just more wishful thinking.
US voters are mad as hell and simply want the true election result. Not the fraudulent result.
This is just more wishful thinking.
US voters are mad as hell and simply want the true election result. Not the fraudulent result.
Let's hope the US and other states accept my suggestion of having living and competent past leaders in a quorum to issue Presidential Orders. This would lessen the power of mavericks and ensure some continuity.
Biden will waste a lot of time and money undoing Trump's efforts as is usually the case with every new President.
Let's hope the US and other states accept my suggestion of having living and competent past leaders in a quorum to issue Presidential Orders. This would lessen the power of mavericks and ensure some continuity.
Biden will waste a lot of time and money undoing Trump's efforts as is usually the case with every new President.

I don't know if you use facebook Pat, but here is some interesting info.
Biden has changed his page from "president elect" back to "politician"

This should tell you something ! 🤣
We all know maths is not your strong point. 🤣

Another one not prepared to dig and do the work.

It's not a popularity contest between Biden and Trump.

It's about Truth and Transparency in the US elections.

Yes much like the crowds were bigger than ever seen before for Trump on Inauguration day.
Barack Obama vs. Donald Trump: inaugural crowds - Bing video

But THE man in your video clip says Trump got more votes than Obama he says. Crowds don't support that assertion re😛opularity but let's ignore that fact. Seeing is believing. You say it's not about popularity but more people turned out to vote for Trump than Obama. Okay so they may have - as I tried to explain probably because Hilary was so disliked and didn't tell Trump to STFU like Biden did. (LOL: that's all I can remember from the debates).

Your comprehension on averages as well as your eyes need looking into.

You are a class act CV. Transparency despite all the lies told to your face takes some working out.
Abusing the legal system is a Trump tactic.
He is famous for getting people to do work for him, then renege on the deal, pay pennies on the dollar, and say that they can sue him for the rest.
(Didn't he once sue Deutsche Bank for having the audacity to ask him to repay a loan he took out?)
Abuse of the legal system is just a ruse to drag out something or bankrupt the opposing side, not to win anything.
This isnt about whats right or wrong, but to squander time and resources, by fabricating all manner of nonsense to drag this out indefinitely.
People who can afford a full-time lawyer can play these expensive games.

If Guiliani is so sure of electoral fraud, why does he then, when in a legal courtroom setting, refuse to use the word "fraud"?
Its because, he understands he would then have to deliver some evidence, which he doesnt have.
There are legal consequences to saying "fraud" in a formal legal setting and as a strategy, as opposed to baseless attacks outside of it.

I love that Sidney Powell! A conspiracy-nuts conspiracy-nut.
Personally, I dont think she should have been blocked. She is her own worst enemy.
We should play conspiracy bingo, and see how many differing memes she can add to her madness.
The had Soros, Commies, elites all involved. Only thing missing were the grey aliens from Area 51.

This is utter madness.
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Time for some more Trump.
He seems to have a great grasp of the numbers.

Indeed, he seems to a have an uncannily perfect grasp of a great number of numbers, in fact I'd say a tremendous and horrible number of numbers...hundreds, if not thousands of numbers of numbers or even millions more numbers of numbers than anybody else, ever. And China agrees.... and if they aren't experts in numbers of numbers, who is?
I read an article a few days ago, about the oligarchs now taking over directly.
Previously, they remained in the background, and just financed certain politicians, and used them as proxies, as well as media controlling/influencing the narrative, eg, Murdoch.
Now, oligarchs can see how they can skew the democratic processes directly, and do without proxies.
Demanding loyalty to a person, rather than principles, such as the Constitution, will be the thing that poisons politics even more than it is already, if federal departments allow themselves to become less neutral.

EDIT: hope you all had a good week. I found the volatility dropped off over past 3 days or so.