Trump Presidency and the Consequences

What a load of sad losers.
Trump is a loser. Always has been.
As I said before every tom dick and harry who ever invested in property has made money.
Is making money mark of a greatness, especially if your daddy was already so rich? Not in my book.
Guys an absolute freaking me me me nut.
Deranged by false belief in the power of his money bullying anyone and everyone he can using solicitors he buys.

I strongly feel all other losers and people with not much control see the exercise of power and it's abuse and think... yep that's me. Rock on. I like that guy.

Says what he thinks and blah blah blah...

Then there are all the other clowns who believe they'll be able to make money out of him.

He'll be leaving with his tail between his legs soon enough.

Good riddance to shambolic fool with god delusion.

I'll be interested to know what you think he has delivered to the American people. Other than his tax give aways that is?

Pete was talking about National debt a lot. Wonder weather we'll hear from him and how he feels Trump dealt with the National debt?

He ain't going anywhere !

Release the Kraken.
t's not about Trump.

If carbon is what you are worried about, perhaps you should direct your ire at the countries who are systematically chopping down all the trees which traditionally have acted as a carbon store.
I'll direct my ire at any country who is destroying our environment, be it USA, China, Brazil etc. Environmental vandalism is a crime against humanity.
Trump and Truth haters are not going to like what's coming out.
Hi c_v,
The problem is that Atilla's post encapsulates the views of pretty well all Democrats and legions of Trump haters around the world. In their eyes, the end justifies the means. Your comment that it's not about Trump falls on deaf ears. In their eyes, getting rid of him is all that matters: it 'trumps' the relatively trivial matter of the leader of the free world being seen to have been elected in a free and fair election. This is the thing that really, really deprsses me. It's not that blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale, it's that rational, intellegent and normally sensible people the world over don't give a toss and seem incapable - or unwilling (perhaps both) - to imagine how they'd think and feel if the shoe was on the other foot. I'm reminded of the famous little poem by Martin Niemöller which underlines why everyone, including passionate Demeocrats who hate every fibre of Trump, ought to park their feelings about him and focus on the allegations of fraud and insist that they're investigated thoroughly. I've slightly bastardised the poem to make it relevent to the current climate . . .

First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Brexiteers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Brexiteer.
Then they came for the Donald, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Hi c_v,
The problem is that Atilla's post encapsulates the views of pretty well all Democrats and legions of Trump haters around the world. In their eyes, the end justifies the means. Your comment that it's not about Trump falls on deaf ears. In their eyes, getting rid of him is all that matters: it 'trumps' the relatively trivial matter of the leader of the free world being seen to have been elected in a free and fair election. This is the thing that really, really deprsses me. It's not that blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale, it's that rational, intellegent and normally sensible people the world over don't give a toss and seem incapable - or unwilling (perhaps both) - to imagine how they'd think and feel if the shoe was on the other foot. I'm reminded of the famous little poem by Martin Niemöller which underlines why everyone, including passionate Demeocrats who hate every fibre of Trump, ought to park their feelings about him and focus on the allegations of fraud and insist that they're investigated thoroughly. I've slightly bastardised the poem to make it relevent to the current climate . . .

First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Brexiteers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Brexiteer.
Then they came for the Donald, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


You make a very good point Tim and it is utterly depressing that the planet is full of empty heads who couldn't think their way out of a paper bag.
Hi c_v,
The problem is that Atilla's post encapsulates the views of pretty well all Democrats and legions of Trump haters around the world. In their eyes, the end justifies the means. Your comment that it's not about Trump falls on deaf ears. In their eyes, getting rid of him is all that matters: it 'trumps' the relatively trivial matter of the leader of the free world being seen to have been elected in a free and fair election. This is the thing that really, really deprsses me. It's not that blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale, it's that rational, intellegent and normally sensible people the world over don't give a toss and seem incapable - or unwilling (perhaps both) - to imagine how they'd think and feel if the shoe was on the other foot. I'm reminded of the famous little poem by Martin Niemöller which underlines why everyone, including passionate Demeocrats who hate every fibre of Trump, ought to park their feelings about him and focus on the allegations of fraud and insist that they're investigated thoroughly. I've slightly bastardised the poem to make it relevent to the current climate . . .

First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Brexiteers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Brexiteer.
Then they came for the Donald, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Facile and disingenuous...but apart from that a sterling piece🙂
Hi c_v,
The problem is that Atilla's post encapsulates the views of pretty well all Democrats and legions of Trump haters around the world. In their eyes, the end justifies the means. Your comment that it's not about Trump falls on deaf ears. In their eyes, getting rid of him is all that matters: it 'trumps' the relatively trivial matter of the leader of the free world being seen to have been elected in a free and fair election. This is the thing that really, really deprsses me. It's not that blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale, it's that rational, intellegent and normally sensible people the world over don't give a toss and seem incapable - or unwilling (perhaps both) - to imagine how they'd think and feel if the shoe was on the other foot. I'm reminded of the famous little poem by Martin Niemöller which underlines why everyone, including passionate Demeocrats who hate every fibre of Trump, ought to park their feelings about him and focus on the allegations of fraud and insist that they're investigated thoroughly. I've slightly bastardised the poem to make it relevent to the current climate . . .

First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Brexiteers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Brexiteer.
Then they came for the Donald, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Whilst I’ve disagreed we you on a lot of things I’ve always found your arguments well put and well balanced. On this occasion, though, I must say that I raised my eyebrows reading this. I’m not quite sure how you can say that “blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale “ when despite the plethora of court cases no evidence of any such thing has been produced. Surely you are not making such an assertion merely because Trump says so.

That’s a typical Trump tactic, of course, to keep repeating a lie until it beds down in people’s minds as the truth. Just ask the leader of the council in Scotland dealing with Trump’s planning application for his golf course. He just kept repeating that 87% (or some such figure) of the local population supported him, but he never produced any evidence on how that was established however many times he was asked.

Whilst I’ve disagreed we you on a lot of things I’ve always found your arguments well put and well balanced. On this occasion, though, I must say that I raised my eyebrows reading this. I’m not quite sure how you can say that “blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale “ when despite the plethora of court cases no evidence of any such thing has been produced. Surely you are not making such an assertion merely because Trump says so.

That’s a typical Trump tactic, of course, to keep repeating a lie until it beds down in people’s minds as the truth. Just ask the leader of the council in Scotland dealing with Trump’s planning application for his golf course. He just kept repeating that 87% (or some such figure) of the local population supported him, but he never produced any evidence on how that was established however many times he was asked.


Whilst I’ve disagreed we you on a lot of things I’ve always found your arguments well put and well balanced. On this occasion, though, I must say that I raised my eyebrows reading this. I’m not quite sure how you can say that “blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale “ when despite the plethora of court cases no evidence of any such thing has been produced. Surely you are not making such an assertion merely because Trump says so.

That’s a typical Trump tactic, of course, to keep repeating a lie until it beds down in people’s minds as the truth. Just ask the leader of the council in Scotland dealing with Trump’s planning application for his golf course. He just kept repeating that 87% (or some such figure) of the local population supported him, but he never produced any evidence on how that was established however many times he was asked.

So the hundreds of signed affidavits from witnesses to election fraud are something to do with Trump?
The voters in the US are demanding answers and they are making their views known. Of course, you won't find any of this being reported on MSM.

Whilst I’ve disagreed we you on a lot of things I’ve always found your arguments well put and well balanced. On this occasion, though, I must say that I raised my eyebrows reading this. I’m not quite sure how you can say that “blatant fraud clearly took place on an industrial scale “ when despite the plethora of court cases no evidence of any such thing has been produced. Surely you are not making such an assertion merely because Trump says so.

That’s a typical Trump tactic, of course, to keep repeating a lie until it beds down in people’s minds as the truth. Just ask the leader of the council in Scotland dealing with Trump’s planning application for his golf course. He just kept repeating that 87% (or some such figure) of the local population supported him, but he never produced any evidence on how that was established however many times he was asked.
Hi Jon,
Okay, so I'm guilty of a little exageration in order to make my point, but hat doesn't change the fact that the point is vitally important to veryone - you, Alan and Atilla included. Just watch the videos posted by c_v, which provide loads of evidence the electoral rules were breached in numerous ways. Dead people voting, intimidation, observers not allowed to observe (you gotta ask why, surely?), etc., etc. My fundamental point (which I thought I'd made very plain in my last post) is that it's not about Trump! He could be the devil incarnate; it matters not. What matters - what really matters - is that the President of the free world is seen by the rest of it to have been elected fairly and squarely. If Trump is lying and no allegations of malpractice are found to be true - then fine - job done. Unless and until that can be proven to be the case it's absolutely vital to everyone - regardless of their political hue - that Trump's claims are taken seriously. As it is, all MSM want to do is make purile jokes about Giuliani's hair dye running down his face. It's sad, pathetic and, potentially, tragic. Assuming Biden becomes President in January, he'll have a weak mandate and not much authority. Worse still is that the U.S. will be a laughing stock. The next time the U.S. administration wags it's fingers when some despot dictator wins a vote Mugabe style with a 99% approval rating, said despot will simply respond: "feck off you effin' hypocrites". And people like me, c_v, new-Trader and others will be forced to agree with him. I put it to you that unless Biden's win can be shown to be a fair and legitimate - you ought to to. Just to underline one more time: it's not about Trump - ignore him. It's about upholding and maintaining democracy.
Hi Jon,
Okay, so I'm guilty of a little exageration in order to make my point, but hat doesn't change the fact that the point is vitally important to veryone - you, Alan and Atilla included. Just watch the videos posted by c_v, which provide loads of evidence the electoral rules were breached in numerous ways. Dead people voting, intimidation, observers not allowed to observe (you gotta ask why, surely?), etc., etc. My fundamental point (which I thought I'd made very plain in my last post) is that it's not about Trump! He could be the devil incarnate; it matters not. What matters - what really matters - is that the President of the free world is seen by the rest of it to have been elected fairly and squarely. If Trump is lying and no allegations of malpractice are found to be true - then fine - job done. Unless and until that can be proven to be the case it's absolutely vital to everyone - regardless of their political hue - that Trump's claims are taken seriously. As it is, all MSM want to do is make purile jokes about Giuliani's hair dye running down his face. It's sad, pathetic and, potentially, tragic. Assuming Biden becomes President in January, he'll have a weak mandate and not much authority. Worse still is that the U.S. will be a laughing stock. The next time the U.S. administration wags it's fingers when some despot dictator wins a vote Mugabe style with a 99% approval rating, said despot will simply respond: "feck off you effin' hypocrites". And people like me, c_v, new-Trader and others will be forced to agree with him. I put it to you that unless Biden's win can be shown to be a fair and legitimate - you ought to to. Just to underline one more time: it's not about Trump - ignore him. It's about upholding and maintaining democracy.
I couldn’t give a bugger about the video - if the evidence was there of anything substantial it would have been presented to the courts and the claims wouldn’t have been dismissed on the basis that they were only assertions without tangible evidence. Oh, I forgot - the courts are part of the great conspiracy are they not!
There must be a lot of punters who are confused. The old fight between the free word and dictatorship hardly applies any more post Trump. Not many see the USA as the epitome of true democracy and valid principles while the dictatorship's are not much different from Stalin's time. Greedy billionaires on both sides of the fence.
Is there a New Way growing ? Can't find it myself really.
There must be a lot of punters who are confused. The old fight between the free word and dictatorship hardly applies any more post Trump. Not many see the USA as the epitome of true democracy and valid principles while the dictatorship's are not much different from Stalin's time. Greedy billionaires on both sides of the fence.
Is there a New Way growing ? Can't find it myself really.
SO a lot of hopes are riding on Joe Biden BUT don't hold your breath over it as they say. Probably turn out to be as big a SH*T as the usual ones.
Narrow nationalism won't cut it either.
Unfortunately, for most of the world, America is not a force for good. No matter who is President.
The Pilgrim Fathers took refuge there with high hopes. Looking in from abroad it certainly doesn't look too good now.
Which system or country's system do you prefer ?
I couldn’t give a bugger about the video - if the evidence was there of anything substantial it would have been presented to the courts and the claims wouldn’t have been dismissed on the basis that they were only assertions without tangible evidence. Oh, I forgot - the courts are part of the great conspiracy are they not!
Just to be clear, are you saying that as far as you're concerned there isn't anything in the least bit dodgy about the U.S. election and that it all looks to you to be completely above board and that Biden won fair and square? Your answer MUST be binary, anything other than that will be tantamount to agreeing with my basic point that sufficient shenanigans went on that may call the result into question.

PS. Please watch this video - it's only 7 minutes long and it's one you need to give a bugger out. . .

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The Pilgrim Fathers took refuge there with high hopes. Looking in from abroad it certainly doesn't look too good now.
Which system or country's system do you prefer ?
It's not about a political system; it's about the mentality of those who come into high office. The USA has been at war, or in conflict, for most of it's history. They have an endemic "cowboy" mentality of shoot first-ask questions later, usually, with disastrous consequences.