Trump Presidency and the Consequences


Now where's my popcorn !
Interestingly, BBC Radio 4 made reference to this press conference on this morning's Today programme. Bugger, I thought, I'm going to have to withdraw my criticisms of the organisation for being biased and anti-Trump. Finally, they're taking the fraud allegations seriously. After playing the tiniest of clips of Giuliani's speech which said nothing of interest, they faded out and commented on his hair dye streaming down his face. They then interviewed a hairdresser who gave her expert opinion on what Giuliani needs to do to avoid similar such embarrassing incidents occouring in the future. Unbelievable!
All of Trumps tweets in the last 3 days have disappeared.
Not likely that Trump deleted them.
Conclusion....twitter deleted them.

If you were not alarmed before, you should be now.
Cheer up CV your boy might try again in2024 |
and 2028
and 2032
oh no not again
Zimbabwe is said to be looking for a new leader ?
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Cheer up CV your boy might try again in2024 |
and 2028
and 2032
oh no not again
Zimbabwe is said to be looking for a new leader ?
Have a watch of this video - it's only 4 minutes or so long and its talking directly to you. . .

That vid does make a few points but Trump obviously didn't do enough. I think a lot of Biden's support was from the usually silent and too lazy to vote people. Trump managed to aggravate them sufficiently to shut him out. For the next 4 years anyway. It is going to take a while to undo Trump's nutty policies. Will the wall be abandoned ? Probably.
There is very little agreement and therefore continuity in US politics. A lot of time and money is spent undoing the last President's policies. Like Obama care , walls, trade wars. Middle East military efforts etc.
It seems it may take an unbiased foreigner to spot even such an important to the US, issue.
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That vid does make a few points but Trump obviously didn't do enough. I think a lot of Biden's support was from the usually silent and too lazy to vote people. Trump managed to aggravate them sufficiently to shut him out. For the next 4 years anyway. It is going to take a while to undo Trump's nutty policies. Will the wall be abandoned ? Probably.
There is very little agreement and therefore continuity in US politics. A lot of time and money is spent undoing the last President's policies. Like Obama care , walls, trade wars. Middle East military efforts etc.
It seems it may take an unbiased foreigner to spot even such an important to the US, issue.

Comedy gold. It's the only rational explanation for these posts. Keep it going Pat👍
Truth will out. The numbers don't stack up.

Biden support was below that of Crooked Hillary except in 4 key states and yet he ends up with 9 million more votes than Obama got. Those states being Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia. In those 4 states, more votes were cast than those eligible to vote.

Just keep watching events unfold and pay particular attention to those who are fleeing the crime scene. Eric Coomer has already panicked by deleting his social media and done a runner.

This is fascinating to watch and if proved there will be massive repercussions. Bring it on I say.