Trump Presidency and the Consequences

To be clear, I am no fan of Trump.
What I DO react to is the blatant hypocrisy of people no matter what side they are on.
In terms of the US election, ask yourself this simple question. If all of the stories regarding fraud had been committed in favour of the Republicans then would they be seen more seriously? If Hunter Biden's laptop and it's contents actually belonged to Donald Trump's son and implicated him in influence peddling then would it be newsworthy? If Trump had been accused of sexual assault in the 70s and it had been documented at the time then would it be taken seriously? If you are honest then you know the answer.

And in terms of whether the election was sound, then please take note of these articles from the Left Wing Trump hating Guardian newspaper. There's nothing wrong with that as a political position. But completely ignoring what you have said about election fraud yourself is dishonest.

As you can see, the threat of election fraud was a real problem for them in April 2019.
Not so much.

I've spent 20 years asking myself stuff, so forgive me for skipping the Guardian, which is a media outlet that I have a special hatred for. I go there when the need arises through gritted teeth.

I think you're reading things in my post that simply are not there. I said trump won, followed by Trump won by a landslide.

That's the script they are following as I see it.

I just can't decipher from your post if you are calling me a hypocrite or not.

I don't and have never invested any of my energy arguing about or supporting the left wing puppet of the 1% or the right wing puppet of the 1% . You will find nothing in my posting history on this forum that contradicts that.

If I could, I would get Nuremburg trials 2.0 started tomorrow and try almost every politician worldwide for crimes against humanity including every useful idiot who is making this rapidly unfolding nightmare
I don't suppose the US and others are interested in improving their political systems but :-
The job of President is such a huge task would it not be better to spread the load a bit.
By this I mean have the living and competent ex-Presidents in a committee with the current President as Chairman with a casting vote if necessary.
This would ensure consistency and discourage the reversal of the previous President's laws etc. as of now.

But Pat.... where is the inconsistency? Most people are so desperate to see some inconsistency they would actually vote if they saw some anywhere on the planet.

You couldn't get inconsistency in the US, even if you could find the missing fragments of Kennedy's brain and have them join your committee.

Sometimes I come here and it feels like I've entered the Twighlight Zone.

I would only be interested in seeing your dream committee in 2 possible scenarios:

1- Spitting Image

2- Dead, following sentencing
But Pat.... where is the inconsistency? Most people are so desperate to see some inconsistency they would actually vote if they saw some anywhere on the planet.

You couldn't get inconsistency in the US, even if you could find the missing fragments of Kennedy's brain and have them join your committee.

Sometimes I come here and it feels like I've entered the Twighlight Zone.

I would only be interested in seeing your dream committee in 2 possible scenarios:

1- Spitting Image

2- Dead, following sentencing
Sorry you don't think it is a good idea. It tries to avoid the huge swings in personel and policy between each new President. As the pundits say business prefers certainty and continuity. A typo, I meant continuity rather than consistancy. Biden is going to have a hard job undoing Trump's mistakes as he probably won't have a majority in the Senate or so they say. This will include re-joining The Paris Accords too. The US is the second worse polluter currently and the only nation not trying.
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Sorry you don't think it is a good idea. It tries to avoid the huge swings in personel and policy between each new President. As the pundits say business prefers certainty and continuity. A typo, I meant continuity rather than consistancy.
I don't think you noticed how I'm a big fan of humanity right now and I'm down on the media, business and their need for certainty, politicians and anti human sociopaths.

I just don't see your committe thing as the answer.. more like the actual problem. I've got a feeling they would unanimously be in favour of injecting me with toxic shite and deleting my freedom.

Keep brainstorming though and I'll be the first to let you know If I see you post a good idea.😉
I don't think you noticed how I'm a big fan of humanity right now and I'm down on the media, business and their need for certainty, politicians and anti human sociopaths.

I just don't see your committe thing as the answer.. more like the actual problem. I've got a feeling they would unanimously be in favour of injecting me with toxic shite and deleting my freedom.

Keep brainstorming though and I'll be the first to let you know If I see you post a good idea.😉
Another point in favour of my idea is to stop the waste of talent. After 4 or 8 years in office they would have a lot of expertise at the job. But as soon as they go all their knowledge is wasted. Having a quorum of about 5 people would act like a moving average and dilute the spikes of ridiculousness.
Trump has been busy packing the Pentagon etc. with his supporters. That wouldn't happen with others having a say on the matter.
I used the USA as a good example. There are much worse cases of political abuse etc. around the planet that are not being countered, mainly through fear.
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I don't suppose the US and others are interested in improving their political systems but :-
The job of President is such a huge task would it not be better to spread the load a bit.
By this I mean have the living and competent ex-Presidents in a committee with the current President as Chairman with a casting vote if necessary.
This would ensure consistency and discourage the reversal of the previous President's laws etc. as of now.

Nice to hear your comments. Cali is but one state of the US though supposedly the richest. The queuing for food story was about Cali. You are right it is a Democrat state indeed. Their efforts of fire control are equally pitiful. I am I admit a bit biased in my view of Trump's 4 year effort. All for the US in MAGA and not much for the rest of the world. A very narrow nationalist view imho.
There is also a story about withdrawing from that graveyard of Empires - Afghanistan. Will Biden reverse that ? What did you think of my idea of a quorum of past Presidents to make Presidential decisions ? Trump's tweeting his latest idea isn't my idea of well considered planning.
Fear not, there's nothing wrong per se in being critical of Trump - I am too. I don't care for him, wouldn't have voted for him in 2016 (nor for Clinton) and only supported him in this election because I think the U.K.s interests are better served with him as president rather than Biden. Basically, I have a pretty dim view of all politicaians - be they English, American or from anywhere else. Having said that, the vast majority of anti-Trump content I read and watch - and my god there's a lot of it - is almost entirely based on a strong dislike - and often undisguised hate - for the man himself, rather than for his policies or anything he's done as president. 'Orange man bad' as they say. People don't like the fact that he's sexist, arrogant, self opinionated, narcisistic etc., etc. All that stuff is irrelevant to me, it just means he doesn't care what people think of him which, broadly speaking is positive, unlike someone like Hilary Clinton who we all know is crooked but she looks good, sounds good and doesn't tweet her every thought. But that's just veneer, a political mask, underneath she's as bad as Trump and, in some ways, a great deal worse. Trump is guilty of not hiding his true thoughts and personality and is happy to expose the many 'warts 'n all' for the world to see. You may well argue this is because of his arrogance rather than his honesty, but I find it quite refreshing. So, park all character and personality traits to one side and examine what he's done as president and ask yourself this: is he's really so bad? In my book, he's crtainly no worse - and in some regards rather better - than many of those who've gone before him.

Regarding my thoughts on your idea of having the living and competent ex-Presidents in a committee with the current President as Chairman with a casting vote if necessary - I'm afraid it wouldn't work. Cast your mind back to art classes at school when you squeezed nice fresh paint onto a pallette at the start of the class - lovely reds, yellows and greens etc. Remember that? Now think back to what your pallette and cup of fresh water to wash your brushes looked like by the end of the class. Think of each president as one of those colours: I fear the outcome would be the same dirty sludgy mess! That said, good on for a positive suggestion: there's nothing worse than being critical of something without explaining why it's bad and then failing to offer an alternative solution. So, 10/10 for that. ;-)
Immediately after hitting the 'post reply' button, I went onto YouTube and it just so happened that the video below was waiting for me - a channel I've subscribed to for a long time. The host 'Demirep', explains much more eloquently, succinctly and wittily than me many of the same sentiments I was trying to express in my post: I recommend it to you highly. Enjoy! . . .

Perhaps you are underestimating the good sense of " sludge ". No sudden tweets late at night with the latest nonsense etc. Just ooooozes in the right direction hopefully. No rush or histionics ....... marvellous.
Boring I hear you say, not enough sound bites or razzamataz. So true.
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Perhaps you are underestimating the good sense of " sludge ". No sudden tweets late at night with the latest nonsense etc. Just ooooozes in the right direction hopefully. No rush or histionics ....... marvellous.
Boring I hear you say, not enough sound bites or razzamataz. So true.
Ahh, well Pat I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the definition of 'sludge'. In a political context it's a mess: total inertia at best, a disaster at worst!

Be that as it may, the points Demirep makes in her excellent little video hit the nail on the head, IMO. In all seriousness, if Trump had a dog and was regularly seen walking it and making a fuss of it, I believe he would have won the election. Enough voters would have been prepared to overlook his late night tweets, sexist comments and everything else they don't much care for to enable him to win a 2nd term.
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Ahh, well Pat I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the definition of 'sludge'. In a political context it's a mess: total inertia at best, a disaster at worst!

Be that as it may, the points Demirep makes in her excellent little video hit the nail on the head, IMO. In all seriousness, if Trump had a dog and was regularly seen walking it and making a fuss of it, I believe he would have won the election. Enough voters would have been prepared to overlook his late night tweets, sexist comments and everything else they don't much care for to enable him to win a 2nd term.
I am not entirely surprised that he didn't buy a dog to pose next to for political gain. Yes you may be right it cost him some votes as some people are silly enough to be taken in. His overbearing ego told him he could breeze in easily without such obvious antics. How wrong he was. I think the world had a narrow escape ! Putin and Xi are in for life being quite bad enough.
Apparently Boris is completely under the thumb of " Princess Tut Tut " and should listen to those with more political experience. More sludge Boris matey.
The Trumpers might as well get used to the fact he LOST.
Wingeing on isn't going to change it.
He's history and in the dustbin where he belongs.
The King is dead long live the King
coming to think of it. my idea of a Presidential committee might suit him nicely.
More time for golf.
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Apparently Trump wanted to attack Iran recently, thereby starting a war that could have spread alarmingly.
That is another major point in sharing Presidential powers. Fortunately his generals talked him out of it. I wonder if they are still in their jobs ?
I can almost see his hand hovering over the nuclear button. Will I or won't I ?
Apparently Trump wanted to attack Iran recently, thereby starting a war that could have spread alarmingly.
That is another major point in sharing Presidential powers. Fortunately his generals talked him out of it. I wonder if they are still in their jobs ?
I can almost see his hand hovering over the nuclear button. Will I or won't I ?

Pat you are either a genuis troll or you are barking mad. I just can't figure out which one it is for sure.
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Perhaps it takes some intelligence to recognise a good idea.
Trolls rarely come up with good ideas so maybe you are right about the genius bit. Hope so.