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After stacking The Pentagon with his supporters Trump may launch a coup to stay in power if he thinks he can get away with it.
No way Jose!
After stacking The Pentagon with his supporters Trump may launch a coup to stay in power if he thinks he can get away with it.
Which pundits helped you think of that Pat?After stacking The Pentagon with his supporters Trump may launch a coup to stay in power if he thinks he can get away with it.
This is only put forward as a possibility when considering Dump's past performances and character. He should however accept the blame of causing riots as he encourages his supporters with blatant lies about election fraud. Showing off his inability to play the political game with some generosity or humility. He drags US politics into the realms of new lows.Which pundits helped you think of that Pat?
Pat,This is only put forward as a possibility when considering Dump's past performances and character. He should however accept the blame of causing riots as he encourages his supporters with blatant lies about election fraud. Showing off his inability to play the political game with some generosity or humility. He drags US politics into the realms of new lows.
Hi trendie,hi timsk,
not speaking for Pat, but here goes:
1: George Bush Jr supposedly "stole" one election from Al Gore, if you recall, in 2000.
(Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college votes. Deja vu? Wiki.)
The Dems broadly speaking, kicked up a fuss over the hanging-chads, I think in Florida, etc, then let it go, as order for the american people was a more over-riding need than their party.
2: The problem with liars is how they sprinkle their lies, and waste the energy of others to disprove them. You know, the way some people put up links to all manner of web-pages, whilst they move on swiftly to the next lie.
It is up to the accuser to prove, or have we totally lost our minds, and now we have to prove innocence?
Downside here, is the number of acolytes in positions of power who are willing to subvert justice, rather than serve the rule of law.
3: Trump is over. He was a useful idiot, giving tax breaks to the wealthy. Once out of power, nobody wants him. Supposedly he may get a 100-million dollar book deal. So, which ghost writer will he get to write it?
He never mixed with the truly wealthy, doesn't deal with, nor get invites from the leading lights of science, tech, art (unless its a portrait of himself) nor politics. He is a political red-neck. Small time hustler.
He needs to see himself as the top dog, cannot countenance someone else with more success or money, so only accepts sub-ordinacy. He draws the weak and pliable to him.
We need someone that others to shine as best they can for others; not be afraid to let others have some of the limelight.
If you are Rep-leaning, and don't like Biden, at least it will give the Rep-party some time to wash off the stink of Trump, and re-emerge with something more sensible in 2024. (but not Rand Paul)
Could this be what the lady in David's vid' is referring to . . .????As I said. Trump won.... by a landslide.
Of course governments and those in authority get up to skulduggery and it is often the case that it’s thanks to MSM - whom you condemn - that it is exposed. So far as Trump is concerned I’m glad to see the back of him even if he has to be dragged out kicking and screaming. He sort of epitomises rampant capitalism concerned only with profit at the expense of civilised and compassionate behaviour. Good riddance.I'm interested to know if Pat, Trendie, Barjon , Alan ever watch these vids posted which clearly raise issues that need answers.
I mean, it's just not good enough to blindly believe that govts and those in authority would not get up to skulduggery.
We saw it previously with the constant hounding of Trump whilst in his first term. How dare the "deplorables" vote him into office in the first place.
We saw it with Brexit and the continuing battle to implement the decision, voted on multiple times since by the British voting public.
And now we have it again with Trump, who incedentally stood initially as a maverick candidate prepared to drain the swamp.
From where i'm stood....that swamp needs plenty more draining, but with MUCH BIGGER PUMPS.
One final thought.
Some of us have gone on about the deep state and the extent of it's influence. So if it turns out that the US election is overturned, would any of you consider opening up your minds to the possibility that everything is not as it should be, or as it seems?
Christ....nearly forgot.......MSM are the biggest part of the problem here. Selective, biased, omissive reporting essentially keeping people in the dark and at worst, indoctrination giving rise to false belief structures.
There must be an equation somewhere along the lines of.
The greater the access by individuals to information thanks to the internet, the greater the effort by the deep state and it's MSM agents to supress truth.
OH and another thing.
Sainsbury's can fek right off. I've never been a customer and i'm absolutely certain that I never will be in future.
Lawrence Fox is right about this outfit.
I expect he will have plenty to say going forwards after the release of their christmas ad.
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Alan,You mentioned "draining the swamp" in a previous post. On that subject, racist Laurence Fox would be a prime candidate for draining.
You mentioned "draining the swamp" in a previous post. On that subject, racist Laurence Fox would be a prime candidate for draining.
What grounds do you have to justify accusing Lawrence Fox as a racist? Has he used the 'N' word to describe afro-caribbean people or likened them to the character once found on Robertson's jam labels when we were kids? Pray tell!
Of course governments and those in authority get up to skulduggery and it is often the case that it’s thanks to MSM - whom you condemn - that it is exposed. So far as Trump is concerned I’m glad to see the back of him even if he has to be dragged out kicking and screaming. He sort of epitomises rampant capitalism concerned only with profit at the expense of civilised and compassionate behaviour. Good riddance.