
One of the Traders in my office purchased trendsignal a few months ago. He trades indices and purchased it in order to help him stay in a trade for longer because previously he believed he was exiting too early. He still has it running on one of his screens so I can only assume it is helping him.
It seems to me from browsing their manual that Trendsignal is not a clearly defined buy here, sell there type system and requires certain interpretation by the user. I think, as a result, it is likely to be a better aid than some of the others commercial systems out there. Should probably be treated rather like a good indicator as an aid to your trading not as the be all and end all . In the documentation it certainly does not guarantee you riches and indeed will not help without a good portion of your own input.
Hi TWalker,

That appears to be a very fair assessment from everything I have read thus far. Quite clearly it is a system that identifies opportunity but does not specifically show definitive entry and exit points. Nevertheless, I know these guys in Milton Keynes and they are very fervent and serious traders who appear to have developed a system that is producing an edge.

It was compared to another system by Porks earlier in this thread but the name of the system was removed from the thread and I cannot remember the name of it, if indeed I saw it. Maybe someone could PM me if they recall the name fo that system.

notmeee said:
Anyone know how to simulate an approximation to Trend Signal chart results and how is it done

why bother when you can use the trading room with live charts

ColinRiche said:
why bother when you can use the trading room with live charts

I am in a catch 22 situation If I buy the software I don't much money left to trade, nearly £4000 including VAT If I don't buy the software I will probably lose it anyway.
Dilema !!
I thought someone might have a good idea of what would be required to simulate it, NOT copy it. If it is a similar to a mixture of standard TA functions I see no real harm. I really am a true novice not having traded yet but constantly learning whatever I can.

If you have a good search through TTW, there have been a few people giving details of how to 'simulate' Trend Signal. I am not convinced that spending £4,000 will help you become a profitable trader. Trend Signal just gives you signals. Trading them is the hard part. I prefer to use my own methods.
Hi Notmee,

I just thought I would have a quick look at this message board since I work at Trendsignal and can confirm there is nothing like Trendsignal out there because it is a mix of well known TA and our own proprietary systems, hence cannot really be replicated.

In terms of not paying the £4k, there is another version that is the "End of Day", which is less money, but you do not get the intraday functions. Take a look on for further details.

If you are interested in seeing it in action, then you can either come to our offices for a free live seminar/demonstration or you can view it on on a 7 day trial. Take a look on for further details.

An alternative to making the software purchase is making a subscription to Day-trader, which is a live webcast to our trading room, where our traders are online, talking people through trades, as an educational tool, highlighting entry and exit levels and helping people to manage trades. Subscribers can view the real time charts, hear and read commentary, and post any questions they like. Like I said, the emphasis here is on education and how to trade like professional traders.

Thanks for that adrianbuthee I am sure you can see my dilema. I am keen to trade albeit on a small scale but I realise I cannot eat my cake first and still have it ie buy Trendsignal and still have a trading fund most of all I need the confidence and a tool like Trend signal will give me that I hope..
I will take your advice and contact your company of which the contributers to these pages speak very highly with a view to visiting you in Cranfield. I live locally in Bedford so its just up the road. Thanks again

adrianbuthee said:
Hi Notmee,

I just thought I would have a quick look at this message board since I work at Trendsignal and can confirm there is nothing like Trendsignal out there because it is a mix of well known TA and our own proprietary systems, hence cannot really be replicated.

In terms of not paying the £4k, there is another version that is the "End of Day", which is less money, but you do not get the intraday functions. Take a look on for further details.

If you are interested in seeing it in action, then you can either come to our offices for a free live seminar/demonstration or you can view it on on a 7 day trial. Take a look on for further details.

An alternative to making the software purchase is making a subscription to Day-trader, which is a live webcast to our trading room, where our traders are online, talking people through trades, as an educational tool, highlighting entry and exit levels and helping people to manage trades. Subscribers can view the real time charts, hear and read commentary, and post any questions they like. Like I said, the emphasis here is on education and how to trade like professional traders.

Just a quick note. I've never used trendsignal, never even looked at it. But I did once work with one of the directors at a very political, european financial institution in the City and can vouch for his personal integrity.
Cheers rda,

I met the guys, and they all have been very kind and I'd like to say genuine as well. One of them was particularly very helpful. May be we're talking about the same guy?!?
Went to one of their presentations a few weeks back, quite an impressive product however they quite rightly say that it is a trading tool and not an automatic path to riches.
There was a guy there who wanted to know percentage success and failure rates, he left empty handed but with the advice on learning how to trade first.
I am not even a trader, but joined this board for the sole reason of finding information about one of the directors of trendline with whom I lost contact. I too (like rda , last message12-6- 2006) worked with that same guy in the same institution as rda (I probably do know rda then ;-) and have rarely come across someone of more personal integrity and genuine altruism. He would probably chew his own hand off before knowingly cheat on someone or sell rubbish. So, I am not astonished that they would send people home who they do not believe will be able to use their product.

This post is not meant as incentive for anyone to buy anything whatsover. It´s just a statement.
BS BS and BS.
This whole thread is a complete load of BS.
It is the people selling it posting reviews about it using proxies.
Just another trading scam that will get the same or less results as a moving average.
I use trendsignal for trading intraday forex and I am happy with it. Its not 'the holy grail' just a good decision support tool, I dont take every signal I use it to compliment my own strategy. Its very good at making you wait before entering a trade, also once in a trade it can keep you in for longer.

Please dont be paranoid thinking im working for them. When I purchased my trendsignal I got it from the US website its much cheaper than the UK version, its the same company and product.
hi alfiemal - was interested in your post about trendsignal. was wondering if you would possibly give me a ring on 07879891624 to discuss the software further

