trendie's Blog

FX Intra-Day Trading

08:30 - 16:00: losing confidence in my rules, once I remember what they are.

GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7664 cls: 1.7695. result= - 31.
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7672. cls: 1.7735. result= - 63.

Total results today: - 94.
Cumulative ( over 8 days ) : - 295.

Notes: second trade exit based on recent High and R-2, to stop being whipsawed, hence wider stop. ( didnt help )
Also, still fixated with shorts.
Also, still fixated with shorts.


bad luck with it T, just stick to the rules until you are satisfied that the rules dont work.

i admire your dedication.


I think I have found out why my rules dont work.

The recent tranche of posts are testing an idea that I have always been curious about.

Settings: Data: Updata realtime, trading: CMC
Charts; 15 min-bars.
Indicator 1: Slow Stochastic; ( DEFAULT settings of 21,3,3 )
Indicator 2: CCI;( settings of 14, perhaps influenced by Woodie, as DEFAULT setting is 21 )
Indicator 3: MACD; ( DEFAULT settings of 12,26,E9 )
NB: default according to Updata.

I have always wondered why we always seem to use the SAME indicator to enter and exit. ( eg; Woodies use CCI, MrCassandra uses RSI, Moving Average cross-overs, etc, and similarly with many packages and systems )
I wanted to know whether one indicator was better at generating ENTRY signals, but a completely different indicator was better at generating EXIT signals.

The rules I have been trying to use:
01: Use default settings for the 3 indicators. ( default, because anything else would be curve-fitting. No point in improving unless the underlying concept was validated )
02: Use the first signal from ANY of the 3 indicators as a WARNING.
03: Use the second signal from the remaining 2 indicators as CONFIRMATION, and use it as a TRADING signal.
NB: signal; use breach of mid-point as signal generator.
04: Once in the trade, wait for warning, and confirmation to switch over from buy to sell, or vice-versa.

I wanted to see if one particular indicator seemed to be more prevalent in generating an ENTRY signal, and if another indicator seemd to be better at generating EXIT signals.
NB: a variant would be use 2 signals to enter a trade, but use the FIRST warning signal as a quick exit.

Notes: use basic TA to avoid whipsaws, by not taking signals if the range of the market was narrow. Such as, once entered, dont take a reversal signal if the new signal was within 30-points of the entry point. Or if the recent range was less than 50.

The above experiment has been flawed due to two key areas:
01: I have mistakenly been taking the signal for the Slow Stochastic. I have been using a breach of 80 ( from above )as a SELL, and a breach of 20, ( from below ), as a BUY. Re-reading Martin Prings Intro to Technical Analysis, I have found that an overbought reading, is MORE LIKELY to indicate the trend will continue upwards after the overbouhjt condition has been worked off, and similarly for oversold.
So, I have been indicating a SELL when it is more likely to continue upwards, etc. MY FAILURE.
02: More fundamentally, I FAILED to allow PRICE to confirm the signal. I got so engrossed in the signals, I didnt allow the PRICE to be the ultimate trigger, so I was shorting on an overbought condition, when I should have waited for price to confirm with lower-highs, lower-lows etc.

PS: The Pivot-Points were an interesting side-line interest. A casual observation of bounces off S-1, S-2, and R-1, and R-2 were perhaps visual rohrshacks; ( I saw what I wanted to see )

I am STILL interested in my idea. I will just allow price to confirm in future.
FX Intra-Day Trading

08:30 - 15:00: ok sort of day.

GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7610. cls: 1.7532. result= + 78.

Total results today: + 78.
Cumulative ( over 9 days ) : - 217.

Notes: stopped out as the trade bounced back upto S-1 after falling as low as 1.7515. Finished for the week.
FX Intra-Day Trading

08:30 - 14:40: slow start to the week.

EURUSD: SH: op: 1.2060. cls: 1.2063. result= - 3.
GBPUSD: LN: op: 1.7482. cls: 1.7503. result= + 21.
EDIT: 18:20. Took a late trade;
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7515. cls: 1.7490. result= + 25.

Total results today: + 43.
Cumulative ( over 10 days ) : - 174.

Notes: have started to use 10-min bars, to get more signals, and experience.
Should have got up earlier today. Missed the 70+ pips around 7-8am.
EDIT: 18:20. late GBPUSD trade. I made money on both a Long and a Short !!
FX Intra-Day Trading

08:30 - 16:30: another slowish day ( for me )

USDJPY: SH: op: 122.62. cls: 122.82. result= - 20.
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7400. cls: 1.7386. result= + 14.

Total results today: - 6.
Cumulative ( over 11 days ) : - 180.

Notes: dithered a bit too much trying to find a decent short entry on the GBPUSD. Snatched a 14-pip gain, only to see it drop as low as 1.7350 almost as soon as I bailed out. A non-day overall.
FX Intra-Day Trading

overnight trade: ( opened yesterday evening, profit-target hit )
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7414. cls: 1.7350. result= + 64.

07:00 - 10:00: morning session.
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7384. cls: 1.7348. result= + 36.
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7419. cls: 1.7348. result= + 71.
EURUSD: SH: op: 1.2057. cls: 1.2050. result= + 7.

Notes: overnight trade successful.
This morning had some fantastic movement. I added to a losing trade, the GBPUSD, but the channel-range seemed to justify it. Luckily, it dived soon afterwards.
Feel like taking my profits and closing ahead for the day.

EDIT: 19:10: ego-trip.
Thought I could add a couple of pips to get to zero, as my cumulative was -2. bad move. Lost 27.
EURUSD: SH: op: 1.2108. cls: 1.2135. result= - 27.

Total results today: + 151.
Cumulative ( over 12 days ) : -29.

15:15: EURUSD closed out for + 7. Was getting bored with it, so had tight loss/win OCO. Away from screen. Wouldnt you know it, it fell to 1.2030 !!.
Anyway, good day. Shouldnt get too carried away with todays results. Need to acquire consistency above all else.
Perhaps analyse peter44s trades over past month for hints on consistency.
FX Intra-Day Trading

07:00 - 10:00: morning session.
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7446. cls: 1.7473. result= - 27.

Total results today: - 27.
Cumulative ( over 13 days ) : -56.

Notes: I am finding my indicators are getting out of phase, in that a signal to enter ends up being the exact point the market turns around. Perhaps the time-fraem of 10-mins is too choppy.
Am considering going back to 30-mins, and review market status over past 3-4 days.

This project is abandoned due to: choppy signals, too many consecutive losing trades, etc.

FX Intra-Day Trading

Same rules as before. except take the trades on channel ranges, but only if channel is at least 60 pips wide.

08:00 - 14:30;

GBPCHF: SH: op: 2.2525. cls: 2.2519. result= + 6.
GBPCHF: SH: op: 2.2540. cls: 2.2519. result= + 21.

Total results today: + 27.
Cumulative ( over 1 days ) : + 27.

Notes: bailed out when the GBPCHF seemed to freeze for several minutes at 2.2511/19.

17:30: actually, I think I shall spend this week investigating 1-2-3 patterns !!

EDIT: Dow: 1-2-3 trade: Dow: op: 10,625. cls: 10,600. result= + 25.
( this isnt added to my FX trades tally )
FX Intra-Day Trading: 1-2-3 patterns

08:00 - 10:00;

2 positions taken;
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7414. cls: 1.7389. result= + 25. ( ProfTarg)
GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7414. cls: 1.7368. result= + 46. ( S-1 pivot !! )

11:00 - 17:00;
USDCHF: SH: op: 1.3002. cls: 1.3027. result= - 25. ( uncertainty as there were conflicting patterns, so took just single trade )

Total results today: + 46.
Cumulative ( over 2 days ) : + 73.

Note: 2 Dow trades netted 50 and 19. not part of the tally, due to the trades being emotional.
FX Intra-Day Trading:

08:00 - 11:00;

GBPUSD: SH: op: 1.7341. cls: 1.7366. result= - 25.

Total results today: - 25.
Cumulative ( over 3 days ) : + 48.

Notes: speculative short, as it appeared to nearing the base of a triangle.
Should be more wary of news days !!
No other trades, as today was reading day. ( Chick Goslin )
Tomorrow will also be primarily reading again.

shorts, shorts, shorts, boxer-shorts, shorts, shortsbread, bermuda-shorts, shorty-short-shorts, movie-shorts, short-stuff, cotton-shorts, shortest shorts from the planet short, shorts, blue-shorts, red-shorts, yellow-shorts, speedo-shorts.

How the FECK did I short the GBPUSD when the signals were all LONG !!! ( total = - 57 pips in a market that rose by over a 100 )

I have a fixation with shorts which will be ( is being ) my undoing.

Longs, longs, longy-long-longs, long-johns, long-jump, long-lashes, long-legs, long-john-silver, jessica-long, fritz-long.

ahhhh. thats better.
Review of past 2 months

What an interesting 2 months of intra-day trading !

I have learned so much, traded a lot, and learnt particularly a lot about myself.

From a monetary perspective, I am a break-even trader.
This is a consistency I have acquired.
This bodes well for the future.
I am no longer in the 85% of losers, and am knocking on the door of the 15% of winners.
I have tried several systems, ( mostly paper ), and keep falling back to tried and tested methods.
I have started to move away from Moving Averages. Although, I still use them. And, I still use some indicators, but more and more to confirm basic TA.
I no longer use MAs or indicators blindly.

I have started to trade channels more effectively. I take profits at logical points, which is different to "letting them run".

Moving Averages, by their very nature, give exit signals too late. I have started to use channels and TrendLines to identify logical profit targets.
I fell more structured in my planning and execution.

Indicators, and MAs, are recognised as lagging.
TrendLines and Channels, beacuse they are forward extended, seem to offer a sense ( illusion? ) of predictability.

I havent fully quantified this.
I think I may never have a mechanical system, but strong robust rules give a definite framework to trade in.
I am beginning to see that trading is a balance between art and science.

I have had 2 great months day-trading. But, ironically, I prefer the swing-trading modes, and shall return to them.
Having read various threads, where people trade multiple times during the day, I think, 1 or 2 trades a day per instrument is better. ( reference to Hilda Baker, TrendSpotter, etc )

I will be starting a new IT contract next week, so shall be away until Christmas, so intra-day trading will cease.

Ove the past 2 months:
I have subscribed to Dan Zangers website. ( EOD trading of patterns. The Ehrlich Report is quite good ).
I have cancelled subscriptions to countless free daily analyses, which are mostly thinly disguised adverts anyway.

I have become a big fan of JillyBs Boll-band method.
Have tried, and failed, to master Ross 1-2-3 patterns, despite frugis obvious mastery of them )
Have started to take more notice of Elliot Waves, ( Joules comments ), as they may help to distinguish retracements from reversals.
Have lost faith in pivots.

I have, today received my copy of "Street Smarts", which I shall devour over the weekend.

My plan is to continue being a freelance IT-bod, but to be able to take longer breaks in-between contracts, and trade.
I will always have the option to accept another contract ( fallback position ), so I have the freedom to take a couple months off and trade.
At the moment, the prospect of guaranteed money, gong into Christmas, is an offer I wont refuse.

Holy Grail:
I think I know what it is !! It is feeling comfortable with your own method.
If you have a method that generates profits that you are happy with. If you can accept the drawdowns without batting an eye. If you read about other systems, but only out of curiosity, not as a potential replacement of your own system. If you accept other peoples sometimes contradictory analyses, but trade your way anyway. If you learn new things, and, instead of ditching what you use, you find positive, useful nuggets to add to your own method.
If you read about new methods, and dont feel the need to rubbish them, just accept there are other ways to trade, and your own is just as valid.

I think that is the Holy Grail. And it is a personal journey.
"Have tried, and failed, to master Ross 1-2-3 patterns, despite frugi's obvious mastery of them."

Thanking you most kindly, but I am no master; definitely still an apprentice, scratching out a living, equally thirsty for further enlightenment.

1-2-3 - It's just a pattern and a cliched, overpopulated one at that; there are countless more with superior potential. Tailor one or two of them to your requirements and then it's just the small matter of maintaining cold but comfy psychology, continuously.

A heartening progress report - *adopts patronising tone* - well done trendie. 🙂
Very true re holy grail. The only issue is you have to go through all the other methodologies to find it. Only took me 5 yrs!!

Have to admit I still use SOME indicators, which are proving to be quite successful. ( tested over past 5 weeks )

eg; Slow Stochastics. If I can get 1,000 GBPUSD pips per month, I may have to disclose it !

There, got that off my chest. 🙂
Week commencing: Sept 12th 2005

Back to work.
Have downloaded MetaTrader4 onto works machine.
Now use 30-min or 1-hr charts.
Have been missing some trades, due to not having a beeper or signal when patterns emerge etc, so slightly infuriating.
Ended week positive by 132 pips GBPUSD.

Have gone through Street Smarts by LBR. Very good. The "Holy Grail" set-up is a good one - pity I already arrived at same conclusion myself and have been using it, but use of ADX is unusual / different.
Also like the "Anti" signal.
The "Range Contraction" idea is good, but again, nothing new here.
Liked the ID/NR4 set-up, which is totally new to me. Will be monitoring that one.

Will continue to use MAs and Stochs for time being, as they are providing some degree of consistency for me.
Week Commencing Sept 19th

2 trades:

GBPUSD: SH: 1.8025. cls=1.8065. Result= - 40. (agg = - 40 )
( Stop-Loss hit. )

GBPUSD: SH: 1.8046. cls=1.8045. Result= + 1. (agg= - 39 )
Moved Stop-Loss to b/e after moved 20+ pips in my favour.

Both trades on 30-min charts.
Notes: impatient entry on first trade resulted in bad positioning. Should have waited for true signal and confirmation.
Second trade properly entered, however, allowed it to come back too much. Consolation is that is was a b/e trade.
Sept 20th:

Today appears to be forming an ID/NR4, as per LBR Street Smarts. ( Inner Day AND Narrow Range of past 4 days ).
This is a range contraction, from which sharp breakouts are to appear.

I have placed OCO orders. ( GBPUSD )
LONG above 1.8135 ( high of yesterday )
SHORT below 1.7965 ( low of yesterday )
Reason: the low is almost breached today, so may be TOO close.

Today has been a narrow and choppy day, with a slight upward bias. I think I have read too many books, because I see this a possible bear flag!! ( narrow range pointing upwards )
Anyway, the narrow range is the key. Lets see.
Sept 21st

What a day !! I got a SHORT on GBPUSD at 1.7965.
Then the market bounces UP! Whats that all about ?
The scary thing is the huge timeframe, where I was over 160 pips down. This is the thing about trading big timeframes - the big drawdown. Anyway I am about 120 pips down at the moment.
Funnily enough, there is a "Spike and Ledge" reversal pattern. ( Although it looks suspiciously like a Ross Hook ). This is described on page 119 of Street Smarts. ( chapter entitled "A Pictures Worth a Thousand Words) )
This is the High of today at about 1.8130, ( Spike ), then the market dips to 1.8070, and bounces up to 1.8110, forming a ledge.
The signal would be the break below 1.8070, with 1.8110 as the stop-loss. I wont be taking it, as the 120 pips is pretty deep red for me.
I will continue to test this.