Regulator2005's Blog

Last entry before 3 weeks at sea.

Gold –
What a ride! Exited short for a loss and felt gutted. Still had long in place. However, got scared and was not sure enough to trust gold rally and exited for moderate gain. Noticed that the gold move seemed to catch a lot of traders out (bugger). Plan to spend some time at sea looking into additional indicators.

Lesson learned - move up stop next time and don’t sit and watch markets (Not my style - prefer getting out of house).
Spotted a good after close market gold pattern- Can be played for 1-2$ moves. Will begin next time home.

Still watching market predictions: Alot seem off at moment, although indicators are weekly so can be delayed - should have clear indication if trend predictions come through in 3

Return home March 19th -(Not trading until after 28th). Come on the Sun and sea!
3 week results

1) Swiss Franc Crossed and expected up: 0.8187 Up To .8312 Higher as thought.

2) Japanese Yen Crossed and expected up: 0.8517-0.8344-0.8602 Higher as thought with drop in price after17th.

3) Sugar Crossed and expected up. Hit a high then dropped.

4) Lumbar : might have ran out of steam: Was right to stay away – it dropped. 278.3-243.6

5)Copper HG crossed and expected up. 265.9-302.15 Higher as predicted.

6) Soybean expected price drop. 30.37-30.99 Wrong on this one Up and down.

7) Pork Bellies Expected drop is price: 105.375-103.200 Down as thought although up and down action.

8) Cocoa Expected price drop - although still awaiting short entry signal.:1787-1778 Nothing yet- up and down.

9) Corn Sell set up - no price entry yet. 430.0-398 Dropped as thought.

Feel I got 7 out of 9 correct for 3 week long term prediction whilst I was away. Soybean still seems to always be a tricky one for me.
Holidays until April

BELOW: Post from 17th Feb 2007 prior to going away.

I'm going to see if these trend predictions come through.
Bullish = Prices rises expected:

Swiss Franc Crossed and expected up.
Japanese Yen Crossed and expected up.
Sugar Crossed and expected up.
Lumbar : might have ran out of steam?
Copper HG crossed and expected up

Soybean expected price drop.
Pork Bellies Expected drop is price
Cocoa Expected price drop - although still awaiting short entry signal.
Corn Sell set up - no price entry yet.

Past Prediction results for January 2007:

10th Nasdaq 100:: Would go up- Went up 50 point rise over following two days.

8th Cotton:: Would go down went 53.11 to 52.51 until the 10th.=0.6

8th Soybean: Went as predicted dropped then rose. 28.95-28.50=0.45

8th Nikkei 225::::::Said would drop and it rose 9th and dropped 10th 1705.5-1700=5.5

8th FTSE 100::::::: Dropped as thought then recovered. 6192-6158=34

5th Jan Australian:: Dollar dropped rose a bit then dropped steep 0.7771-0.7754=0.0017

5th Soybean::::::::::: Thoughts on soybean going down came true- although I was unsure.29.26-28.95=0.31

5th Silver :::::::::::::::: Expected rise next day – Its did rise 1223.0-1259.5=36.5

2nd Sugar:::::::::::::::: Got this one way wrong. It dropped ahhhh lol!!
2nd Coffee::::::::::::::: Said I expected drop after 1rts week into Jan it dropped 2nd week in

5ht Gold::::::::::::::;::: direction wrong on 5th.

Went back to sea 15th Jan until 5th Feb 2007
Quick spy

Checked some markets today.
Not much in the way of strong trend indications. My hardest commodity, Soybean has signs of a price drop setting up. Maybe end of this week?

US Dollar looks like it may have a slight increase in price end of this week and next.

Crude oil, tricky one although looks up – However given the recent news that’s an easy on and may swing big time in one day.

Another short holiday break up north – then more market jive to continue starting Friday
SP500 Kiss Kiss lol

Still watching with interest three week predictions below. (A bit boring).- No orders on these ones.
SP500 profit target got hit- so smiles all around.
Spent rest of day reading trading books and setting up laptop.
Trying to get my research down to only an hour before bed 23:00hrs. Then spent next day doing hobbies getting out in sun and check on order progress around 23:00 following day.

Will hopefully be faster soon and post any orders before bed with prices.

Dow – Expect price rise, although near overbought level
Gold: Sell order on for yesterdays low 670.8- may get hit- although, expect gold to rally.
SP500 Long order set for 1450.3
Corn : Should rise in price today

Only the above two orders in place: Here we go – hopefully correct lol.
Sunny Glasgow

Good day for the holidays.
Dow did as thought close up over 30pts
Gold order never got hit, although maybe I should have listened to myself?
Corn went up also 56 pts
SP500 order got hit for an ok 3pts

Good end for the week. Spent the day doing some further system tests with good 90% wins although 2 trades per year chance lol;->Ah well back on the waves Monday for three weeks- So ill try some predictions Sunday and further system test on the waves.
Off on the Waves

Old Post Below from April 2007
9th April 2007
US Dollar higher in price maybe within 3 weeks.

Soybean Oil (always hard),although should be lower in price in three weeks-

Cocoa Should be down.

Oats CBT down a small amount

Ok off to work for three weeks- Ill see how close i got end of month. Just packed my bags with loads of stock books- helps
pass the hours.

Just back 1rst May 2007
Dollar wrong
Soybean wrong again lol
Cocoa Right
Oats Right-

Re Think: 26th July 2007
Dollar did begin its rise 3 days after 3 weeks after prediction made 9th April.
Soybean did drop a fews day later after the 9th although seemed to be in a bull market.
Cocoa did hit big low 16 days later.

Understanding more that the trend change will occur , although mistake in the past was buying /selling before second indicator got hit.

Thoughts on Thursdays action:26th July 2007
US Dollar may set off 2nd indicator for rise in price - Todays action may hit?

Crude Oil has looks set for a drop in price awaiting second indicator to get hit?

Feeder Cattle : Seems to have a bit to got before 1rst and 2nd indicator is hit - then drop expected?

Gold : Nothing major flashing - price drop may continue although 50/50

Heating Oil: May have been missed- drop in price may continue

Copper HG : 2 Indicators hit - expect price drop - interesting one i never play Copper.

Soybean: God i hate it😈 - Looks like a drop - although only today i would say as im sh%te with this market.

DJIA : Just a small play today -short if 13770 is broken.
Right thats my thoughts - Will play a one that 2nd indicator gets hit - Although have Music festival to be at tomorrow so Small plays (Less stress).
Re Think?

Re Think: 26th July 2007
Dollar did begin its rise roughly 25days after (So not exactly 21 days ;->)
Soybean did drop a fews day later after the 9th although seemed to be in a bull market.
Cocoa did hit big low 16 days later.

Understanding more that the trend change will occur , although mistake in the past was buying /selling before second indicator got hit.

Thoughts on Thursdays action:26th July 2007
US Dollar may set off 2nd indicator for rise in price - Todays action may hit?

Crude Oil looks set for a drop in price awaiting second indicator to get hit?

Feeder Cattle : Seems to have a bit to got before 1rst and 2nd indicator is hit - then drop expected?

Gold : Nothing major flashing - price drop may continue although 50/50

Heating Oil: May have been missed- drop in price may continue

Copper HG : 2 Indicators hit - expect price drop - interesting one i never play Copper.

Soybean: God i hate it😈 - Looks like a drop - although only today? I would say as im sh%te with this market.

DJIA : Just a small play today -short if 13770 is broken.
Right thats my thoughts - Will play markets that 2nd indicator gets hit on - Although have Music festival to be at tomorrow so Small plays (Less stress).

Re Think: 26th July 2007
Dollar did begin its rise roughly 25days after (So not exactly 21 days ;->)
Soybean did drop a fews day later after the 9th April although seemed to be in a bull market.
Cocoa did hit big low 16 days later.

Understanding more that the change in trend will occur , although the mistake in the past was buying /selling before second indicator got hit.

Thoughts on Thursdays action:26th July 2007
US Dollar may set off 2nd indicator for rise in price - Todays action may hit?

Crude Oil looks set for a drop in price awaiting second indicator to get hit?

Feeder Cattle : Seems to have a bit to got before 1rst and 2nd indicator is hit - then drop expected?

Gold : Nothing major flashing - price drop may continue although 50/50

Heating Oil: May have been missed- drop in price may continue

Copper HG : 2 Indicators hit - expect price drop - interesting one i never play Copper.

Soybean: God i hate it - Looks like a drop - although only today? I would say as im sh%te with this market.

DJIA : Just a small play today -short if 13770 is broken.
Right thats my thoughts - Will play markets that 2nd indicator gets hit on - Although have Music festival to be at tomorrow so Small plays (Less stress).
Getting there slowly.

Additional Post Tuesday 31rst😎 - Results of Re-Think post 26th July 2007

DJIA 26thjuly post : Just a small play today -short if 13770 is broken. Yeeeee made a great wee earner for this day 333pts - nice one to come back home and find.😀
Crude Oil still not close to 2nd Indicator- is this the start of a small bull market?

Gold : Ah i missed it hit 2nd indicator as i went to the festival- bugger - Prices should drop more now f&ck!

Heating oil : Nothing major yet- Could be ready for its climb north (Will watch).
High Grade Copper😀id not play - Looks like it may slowly drop in price.

Soybean: Ah i was right bang on it did drop only on the 26th - never played as this markets freaks me out. Got ya!!!

Thoughts on Thursdays action:26th July 2007
US Dollar may set off 2nd indicator for rise in price - Todays action may hit?

Crude Oil looks set for a drop in price awaiting second indicator to get hit?

Feeder Cattle : Seems to have a bit to got before 1rst and 2nd indicator is hit - then drop expected?

Gold : Nothing major flashing - price drop may continue although 50/50

Heating Oil: May have been missed- drop in price may continue

Copper HG : 2 Indicators hit - expect price drop - interesting one i never play Copper.

Soybean: God i hate it - Looks like a drop - although only today? I would say as im sh%te with this market.

DJIA : Just a small play today -short if 13770 is broken.
Right thats my thoughts - Will play markets that 2nd indicator gets hit on - Although have Music festival to be at tomorrow so Small plays (Less stress).
Today 31rst July

Canadian Dollar looks like a bear for a while - Missed 2nd indicator when i was away (boo)

Wheat getting close to 2nd indicator - Im getting ready to go short.

Pork bellies set off 2nd (price rise)although not 1rst so im not playing.

Will play DJIA today with expected price rise - although i'm not using 1rst or 2nd indicators (just gonna try an old system i check out time 2 time).

Here we go

DJIA ahhhh 80 pts loss bugger bugger. Hmm Will only stick to 2nd and 1rst indicator.
Bugger bugger boo boo lol

Dollar hit 2nd indicator on the 27th a day later than i posted and has risen in price since then. Strong fundamentals are at work now so would expect dollar to rise more.

Wheat near 2nd indicator for drop in price.
Cotton : Interesting as its shown a rise in price - yet would expect it to be dropping (will watch )

No markets played today -

Heating Oil /Crude Oil: ah getting close to 2nd indicator for price decline - ah so close.

Silver slowly creeeping towards a rally in price later on though: 1-2 months wait for action.

Will look for some plays today.
Crude Oil play

Crude Oil struck 2nd indicator and looks set for downward prices.

US Dollar hmm?? Did rise from the 27th after setting off 2nd indicator, although it was a small rally. The dollar then hit 2nd not first indicator although going downward?
Setup still says rise in price , although waiting for 2nd to be hit again- would expect rally once its hit.

Soybean- has hit 2nd indicator - although as always i'm not very good with this market at all. Lesson from past (sit and study it).

Watching Silver for small price rises?
Eurodollar: started watching for possible downward price setup.
Cotton: still looks down
Work calling

Crude Oil down down yeee ( Target limit set - going to sea on Monday).

Missed Nautural Gas hit 2nd and head up - would expect higher prices (not playing).

US Dollar Come on Come on im waiting for rise!!!! So close to 2nd indicator maybe this week will see it crosse with small price rise?( Holding off- not playing - wont be able to get an entry before i hit the high seas ;-(boo).
Time starts again

Back again - Good trip at sea (Nice weather most of the trip).

Crude went as inidcated with target hit;->

Lol ah i knew the dollar would go up and guess what? The bloody day i packed my bags it starts it climb and sets off 2nd indicator lol rahhhh .

Noticed that Soybean has been playing well . 2nd indicator hit both times and it followed correct path? (Maybe ill finally win this market lol).

Spent last few days sleeping - will check markets now.( Tried a few system ideas at sea - fancy playing with them alongside others.!!!.

Away Sat and Sunday.
Markets i like:

Lumber would expect higher prices - will wait for 2nd indicator this week.( Expect to play).
Wheat ( Been waiting ages for this market - still not near 2nd indicator , although set up for fall).

Soybean ( Hmm not feeling it - may get small drop - not strong enough to play - will stay away and learn).

Heating Oil (Set up for drop in price - waiting for 2nd indicator maybe this week- expect to play).

Feeder Cattle ( Not sure?? May drop will study and learn).

Have some currencies ill be watching although mostly Jap Yen for price drop.
So only expect to play two markets when set up complete.