Trading with point and figure

FTSE up to rez 7170ish... can it break...doesn't look likely to me, lets see. Stop tightened.
I think court ruling sd be +ve for cable.

Some sanity, balance and due process should help stabilise uncertainties and provide structure to Brexit whether it happens or not.

I think we may see 1.28 as Dentist mentioned over the w/e.
Morning chaps. Been lurking the thread for a while so thought I'd say hello.

Recently started using P/F and I'm finding it a very useful tool. Will post if I feel I can contribute anything but you guys seem to be doing very well as it is!

Welcome, the more the merrier.

What PnF platform are you using?
I think court ruling sd be +ve for cable.

Some sanity, balance and due process should help stabilise uncertainties and provide structure to Brexit whether it happens or not.

I think we may see 1.28 as Dentist mentioned over the w/e.

With you on sanity, due process etc

However further uncertainties bubbling away in background... Scotland, N Ireland challenges etc... Therefore will be mildly surprised if it gets to 1.28

Cable off Dentist sp and heading back to 1.25 poss 1.255
With you on sanity, due process etc

However further uncertainties bubbling away in background... Scotland, N Ireland challenges etc... Therefore will be mildly surprised if it gets to 1.28

Cable off Dentist sp and heading back to 1.25 poss 1.255

I'm sure he mentioned 1.28 on long TF PnF.

I thought no way at the time but now not so no way but yes please :)
Improvement in PSBR too.

Public Sector Net Borrowing
6.4B expected 6.7B, previous 10.8B

we are in rez now.....but no big will only take out that internal and not the main bearish resistance line
1 month of data

2yobwi0.gif dumped from our rez