Trading with point and figure

rez worked a treat
Good repost.

I particularly liked Ostwald's rant today and the line from Burkhardt:
"Alongside all swindlers the state now stands there as swindler-in-chief"
Things are not good all.** The French are even more keen than the Brits to exercise their hard-won democratic rights to get the virus and are still doing so in considerable numbers. My brother, who lives in a medium sized village mentioned whilst he hadn't come within about 50 feet of anyone in the last two weeks there are still people having barbecues with their friends and that at least two people have been carted off to hospital. This out of a population of of a bit less than 2000.

Meanwhile, as the French economy collapses even further, there is body of opinion that this whole virus thing represents the first major crisis of a "Post American world". Subscribing to this is Thomas Gomart, the director of l’Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI) . He published a book last year called « L’affolement du monde » which translates into something like "The world in panic" or "The world is losing its mind" depending on one interprets it...

...benches are just the start.

**and Spain is much worse still.
Mornin folks 👍 👍 👍 👍 🤩🤩😎😎😎🤔🤔🤔🤔🤓🤓🤓😷😷😷😷😷
Mornin' !

Out at 27 after a longish slog. In again just now at 8795. If I get to 25/30 I'll be happy.
Weeeeell, it got nowhere near 8850 but it did get to I committed that sin (again) and averaged. So now long at av 73.
Slightly itm now....
Chart 5x3