Trading with point and figure

rez loomin
yu gotta triple whammy there
prev supp / look left
trend rez
and breakout rez / double-top
we watch closely
Jeff York has monthly pivot on spx @ 2670 area
telling his followers to reduce risk

we had 2664 area as a triple whammy
all seems about right

maybe we pull back a tad tomorra ..??

Dear Mr D,
My weekly forecast is 2677. Can you fix it for me so 2670+ is maintained until end of the week please. Markets can tank next week.

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Post ECB thoughts: 'Draghi confidence, but ECB still wary of any premature signals'

The fact that the 12:45 statement was a 'copy and paste' of the March 8 statement should have served as a warning that there was unlikely to be much, if anything, to 'take home' from today's press conference.

They reiterated that the inflation uptrend is weak, above all core CPI (going 'sideways'), that they had noted the Q1 growth 'moderation' but emphasized that the economy is still expanding at a solid pace, i.e. effectively saying the Q4 growth spurt was unlikely to be sustained, and that downside risks to growth came primarily from trade tensions. In effect the ECB is assiduously offering no signals on QE taper/end, and reaffirming that a rate hike remains a very distant prospect. It was perhaps a little surprising that Draghi's opening statement made specific reference to monitoring the Euro, this is in so far as in TWI terms, the Euro is unchanged from August, and has been going sideways for quite some time, which appears to betray an over-sensitivity to the exchange rate. Thtat said he also noted that FX volatility was not discussed. But perhaps the aim was to remind markets that the ECB does not want to see any (further) EUR appreciation. While Draghi appeared to be rather unsurprised by the stalled momentum on Eurozone / EU reforms, he was very clearly disappointed, and emphasized that EMU remains very fragile, if no progress is made.

In forward looking terms, the June meeting (due to be held in Latvia!) would appear to be key in terms of offering markets something more concrete in terms of the ECB's 'path to normalisation'. However they are rather unsure about how to interpret the soft Q1 data, and are clearly rather disappointed that inflation remains very subdued. The risk as such is that they push back on making any decisions on what they will do with the QE (APP) programme until the end July meeting. Overall they obviously do want to move on to a different policy narrative, but there is no danger that will in any way act precipitously, and they are not going to offering any clearer signals until the growth picture becomes clearer, above all in respect of trade tensions.


Marc Ostwald
Global Strategist
ADM Investor Services International
Morning all,

Still holding Long EG at .8685

Thinking that there are more chances for £ negativity than € with UK GDP and German Unemployment.

BTW: Greetings to Atilla ...though I feel I must point out a breach in court etiquette in that you addressed Our Great Leader and Teacher as "Mr D."

Customary forms of address tend to favour "Your Highness" or for the classically inclined, "My Liege". It is also usual (when making applications for Grace and Favour awards) to present His Majesty with a token gift - such as a diamond encrusted sceptre...or Ipad, in keeping with these modern times.:)