Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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Quote "at 14.34 the market hit $36.00"
Not so.


  • rmbs180204second.gif
    99.8 KB · Views: 702
Jonny, the time is always right - it's taken directly form the server which is continually syncronised with world time servers. So you can always rely on it to be precise.
This is odd as q-charts agree with the above chart except for the 14.33 bar which goes right up to 36.00 we seem to have a disagreement between data sources :?:
IQ feed, and my own Level II screen also had RMBS
trading at $36.00. As I said I watched this in realtime but maybe
they are all wrong and esignal is right.

My eSignal chart agrees with Richard's. Interesting that we should see such different charts from the various data-feeds. Worrying or what?

Paul M- were u watching IB at the time as well- since i usually find their prices to be most accurate ............

Being a boring fart with nothing better to do I scrolled the tick data on esignal. During the bar 14.32 ticked up to 36$ but then came back down through the point of entry @35.70$ and did not come back up.

FWIW - my sierra chart fed by MyTrack shows the 14:32 1 min bar with a high of 36.06 and a low of 35.00. No way of knowing whether this was at the beginning or end of the minute tho', and this is crucial as I know Mr Charts will get at least 3 trades done and dusted in that time! 😀
I scrolled the tick data and saw every single tick during the minute bar 14.32 and the two thereafter. Mr C was exactly correct when he said he entered at 35.70$ and the market never moved against him.
To be precise had he taken the first two hits on 35.70$ the market would have moved against him to 36$.However, assuming he took the third hit on 35.70$ then the market never again came back to that point.

Hi Paul

I've noticed that's feed is not as timely as others and hence for my QT charts I've ditched them and now use IB for the feed and only use for backfill.

Though I don't know how IB's feed compares with eSignal's.
Dont want to rub it in or anything but maybe a better way to post trades would be to read off the time from your trademanager and supply that at the time of posting the trade as well - for both entry and exit? This way there shouldn't be really much ambiguity!!

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FWIW, my IQ feed shows:

14.33 O 35.29 H 36.06 L 35.00 C 35.09
14.34 O 35.05 H 36.00 L 34.86 C 35.07

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After yesterday's comments, frankly I feel bloody minded so I am not going to comment at all on this trade or respond to any posts.
I have blanked out the number of shares since that seems to upset people and also blanked out the actual times of the trades, again out of sheer bloody mindedness.
If anyone doesn't like it, tough.
Objective readers can see looking at my very early trades posted here over the last three days that it is perfectly possible to make money out of this market very quickly very early on in the trading day.
Thank you for all the emails yesterday and this morning and the pms - they are deeply appreciated. Especial thanks to "chump" for his detective work on the tick charts confirming my statements.
I will not be posting much in the future, due to heavy coaching commitments and an upcoming holiday.
Frankly it is time for me to take a break from t2w if it is making me bloody minded.


  • ovti190204.gif
    142 KB · Views: 587
I believe you Mr.C. I've posted my statements a bit recently. Gets all kinds of reactions. Whatever. Water off a ducks back to Keano.
Heres todays bundle of trades. Lively day!! Well done Richard


  • 19th.gif
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As your comments are clearly aimed at me I think it only fair to
say that I also have had numerous supporting emails and PM
concerning posts you have made on here including many from
people you have coached.

I have steered away from publicly posting concerns that have
been made and I hope that things can stay that way.

Trading the first 5 min bar of a gapper on the open is tough.First of all in my opinion you need a decent level 2 direct access set up like Keano's DEA,then you need to widen your stops forget the chart and look at your level 2 screen because thats where it's all happening.

I like them best when they make their mind up where they're going and all i'm trading is momentum.I mentioned a few posts ago that one of my favourite stocks at the moment was TASR.

Thats a nightmare to play in the first 5 mins but once its sorts itself out after a while and makes its mind up where its going it can give you a lovely ride.However you need to widen your stops to play it otherwise you'll get stopped out all over the place.

Check out its move from yesterday after it had sorted itself out at the open and decided where it was going.


  • tasr.gif
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Mr Charts
I follow your posts with great interest and frankly I get p***ed off with the bloody mindedness of certain people on this site.
I see no reason to doubt you and if you discontinue your posts then I, for one, will miss your great contribution to this site.
Thats a nightmare to play in the first 5 mins but once its sorts itself out after a while and makes its mind up where its going it can give you a lovely ride.However you need to widen your stops to play it otherwise you'll get stopped out all over the place.

How wide Naz ?
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