Trading the SPX

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Serious lack of committment on either side of the market at the moment imho. There may be a lot of bullish talk about out there, but not really that much action
roguetrader, I was thinking that myself, okay it is up quite a bit, but, why isn't it up a lot more than this?
Maybe they are actually reading the Beige book?

Beige book

Oh and BA only up 0.48% now!
Racer said:
roguetrader, I was thinking that myself, okay it is up quite a bit, but, why isn't it up a lot more than this?
Maybe they are actually reading the Beige book?

Beige book

Oh and BA only up 0.48% now!
I was just thinking to myself, it's that dang Racer shorting like mad 😆
But seriously yes I agree, they may not want to sell, but they don't want to buy either. Beige book from what I have seen is a poster child for more rate hikes, would have thought that would have been a bad thing.
And CAT up as well, hmm, beige book said signs of housing slowing...

Hmmm... buy CAT?
Yesterday DD missed earnings and fell, today it went up 1.36%

Okay I must remember to do my homework tonight... select shares that are overvalued, miss earnings and then buy as much as I can of them, I will make a fortune!
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Racer said:
Yesterday DD missed earnings and fell, today it went up 1.36%

Okay I must remember to do my homework tonight... select shares that are overvalued, miss earnings and then buy as much as I can of them, I will make a fortune!
Now now Racer there's no need for cynicism :cheesy:
It just means they'll fall all the harder when their time comes. I don't want 1253 or better cause I'm a bull. I just want to wade waist deep in the blood when it all goes pear shaped 😈
Yes roguetrader but them is very partial to Tulips, South Seas and dot commas at the moment, so best to think of getting in on this mega bull run.. I mean to say, this is the time to fillyaboots not sell, we will never see shares so cheap ever again.
And after all, the world is so calm, no problems or worries, plenty of free trade and no currency problems, everyone living within their means with no debts at all 😕

The world is so perfect cos the governments say so and we should all bow down to their mighty greatness cos they always tell the truth to minions. All should obey what they say because they always know best because they can understand the difficult details that are too hard to explain, Numbers, fundamentals, economics, statistics should not be worried about, as long as analysts say shares are a buy we should all buy.
Governments and analysts say buy.
Shorters are evil creatures
No need to bother looking into things, just do it!

Fillyaboooooooooooooots, shed loads

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Racer said:
Yes roguetrader but them is very partial to Tulips, South Seas and dot commas at the moment, so best to think of getting in on this mega bull run.. I mean to say, this is the time to fillyaboots not sell, we will never see shares so cheap ever again.
And after all, the world is so calm, no problems or worries, plenty of free trade and no currency problems, everyone living within their means with no debts at all 😕

The world is so perfect cos the governments say so and we should all bow down to their mighty greatness cos they always tell the truth to minions. All should obey what they say because they always know best because they can understand the difficult details that are too hard to explain, Numbers, fundamentals, economics, statistics should not be worried about, as long as analysts say shares are a buy we should all buy.
Governments and analysts say buy.
Shorters are evil creatures
No need to bother looking into things, just do it!

Fillyaboooooooooooooots, shed loads

Here ya go then you'll like this article 🙂}&siteid=mktw&dist=
I would recommend reading read the Beige Book.

But markets only read the first few lines like ... 'steam' on news reporting

And are too illeratte to reed the resttt
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Racer said:
thank you, can you tell me where can I find companies with high P/Es?

I have been told that stands for a Performance Expected, so the higher the better?
LOL Racer, and thanx I will read the beige book.

Well that's just rosy. Haven't actually read that before so have nothing to compare it to. I'm inclined to think a lot of these types of reports simply reflect what the contributers feel, as in, if the general mood is positive then as long as the readings aren't significantly negative then they will be presented positively. I would imagine that by the time a beige book report looked bad, things really would be bad and we wouldn't need to read it in a report. At the moment the spin is good so everthing good looks really good and anything bad, well it's not too bad, just soft, or a little subdued.
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roguetrader said:
LOL Racer, and thanx I will read the beige book.

Well that's just rosy. Haven't actually read that before so have nothing to compare it to. I'm inclined to think a lot of these types of reports simply reflect what the contributers feel, as in, if the general mood is positive then as long as the readings aren't significantly negative then they will be presented positively. I would imagine that by the time a beige book report looked bad, things really would be bad and we wouldn't need to read it in a report. At the moment the spin is good so everthing good looks really good and anything bad, well it's not too bad, just soft, or a little subdued.

Here are the others to read, you can compare

All beige books

Part of the summary from July 2002

District reports suggest that the economy expanded modestly in recent weeks, with an uneven performance across sectors. Boston, New York, Atlanta, and Dallas noted some tapering off in economic growth, while Cleveland and St. Louis indicated some improvement. Reports from the rest of the Districts point to continued moderate growth. Overall, prices of finished goods and services remained stable, though there were scattered reports of price pressures.

Retail sales were mixed, with four Districts indicating some weakening, but five reporting a pickup, partly weather-related. Retail inventories were said to be in good shape, and many retailers expressed optimism about the near-term sales outlook. Vehicle sales were seen as weak in June but were boosted by incentive programs in early July. Manufacturing activity, though mixed across Districts and industries, appears to have improved, on balance.

Residential real estate and construction activity was widely described as strong,