Trading the ES (E mini S&P) November 2003

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All this guy is basically saying is if the PREM is above far value we are bullish on the ES and if it is below fair value, the opposite applies. Which is why fair value and PREM is so important. It makes sense to what happened on yesterdays action.

Still maintaining the learn one thing new a day plan and the markets are shut. Superb.

PREM chart 26/11


Would this make sense



  • dow 5min139.png
    dow 5min139.png
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Can't get to it via that AOL link. Will try another way.

Got it (the first one anyway). Don't necessarily agree with him about prem (fwiw).
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OK got both now. Thanks.

As I was saying, I don't paricularly agree with either of their thoughts on PREM (fwiw). And if you look at the rest of his stuff the first guy has rather one-sided, naive veiws about floor traders and their "stop running".

The thing is, they always assume that futures lead cash. And it just aint so. All their theories regarding prem and fair value would be correct if, and only if, futures led every move, i,e, prem below fair value means people keen to take a poor price in order to get short = bearish.

Regarding your chart:

Market tanks: As we said the futures certainly lead when it comes to news based moves, as happened here (hence futures trade below fv, i.e. get short ay any cost).

On the move back up (where your web-sites guys have the prem as being "bearish", the cash leads (with the futures trading below fv). This shows (imo) the move has legs. Your rising bottoms is a good spot . I would be bullish about that (on top of being positive about prem being below fv anyway)

I am familiar with Mr Mohan's work at 21centuryfutures. let me be 100% clear here - I am getting quite a few msgs from my mates asking me whether I trade on his system. Nothing could be WRONGER 🙂

We DO share the concept of 1st hour pivots - and that is the only common pt of reference. that concept was not invented by myself or Mr Mohan, if u go to Dow Jones archives after the introduction of the index u'll c it was a commonly accepted robust daytrading strategy by the yr 1900! 🙂

There r 2 major reasons why I wud NEVER trade on Mr Mohan's set-ups:

1) apart from 1st hr pivots - his system is static as it rotates round some "Buy and Sell Pivots" which r derived from God knows where BEFORE the opening bell. He does not seem to care much abour dynamic changes in the buy/sell intensity during the session itself. Nor does he know when EXACTLY to look for a divergency playing out in the mrkt to signal a turn.

2) I am shocked one of his High Five is just a particular stock (Merrills). If I was giving my clients (during my time as an OTC trader) an INDEX-trading advice based on a PARTICULAR STOCK, I'd hv bn taken to the cleaners str8 away. It's just 1 of those things u don't do if u care about keeping yr trading license 🙂

And, to be quite honest, I find it appaling to charge ppl 200 quid to get access to his "recommendations". Just my opinion of coz.

I know there is a few traders who use this system at Tactical Trader but I agree with you. Anyway to have to look for five things to line up will mean you will probably never press the button and when you did, it would be too late.

Going to stick to my ES and Tick and the cherry on the icing on the cake is the PREM.

stoploss - I'll tell u what - assuming Mr Mohan is doing what he's preaching - he probably still makes reasonable ROI just by the "power" of 1st hr pivots - however I fully agree with u - his system is not my cup o' tea 🙂

I'm going to pay some attention to PREM now - something I am not using at all - but hearing all those good things from u lads I am keenly interested. Let's keep in touch matey 🙂

Sands set up is a close only line chart, 1 minute. I have also looked at the other time scales but they tell me nada. It was hard to read at first but getting to grips with it I think. I am just using simple peak and trough analysis. I have had a look at a few days charts and the prem does not seem to lie about the next move however, I do take into account Sands view that it depends if the cash or futures are leading.

I am going to go back to the Tick for a while. I want to nail your system. What are your thoughts about looking for H&S created by the ema. I suppose a H&S is your tick up to pivot and down from pivot. As long as you get the right price pattern in the ES and your set up in the MACD, you should get the same result. What I am hoping is that the PREM will give a lead confirmation that I can enter on the right shoulder, ie rising bottoms/falling tops.

Look at the PREM at 18.50 London. You will see the bottoms are rising but we have declining tops. This could be a bull flag in the ES or a bearish reversal taking hold. If the PREM broke beneath the rising bottoms I would say that we are going south. That the falling tops broke up, set off the next move North. If you want a chart I will post it.


i've got it on my QCharts, no worries 🙂 I c what u mean. What I am thinking now is that PREM may actually be quite a nice "cherry on the icing" as u said 🙂 And I'll tell u why - Tick by definition is CASH buy/sell intensity - but we don't trade cash here do we - we trade futs - and PREM may be that final "bridge" btwn cash and futs. Again, any significant turn in the mrkt cannot happen without cash, and I still think Tick is the top indicator just because it directly measures what's going off in the cash mrkt - tell u what - let me back-test PREM and c how it behaved say over the past 2 weeks. I'll be in a better shape then 2 c how (and IF 🙂 ) PREM can be incorporated in the system.

thez something in it for sure. My only concern is that I really don't want to "overload" a simple and robust system. Let's find out how much "Value Added" it can give.

Cheers mate
China White

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, you included. In the first 6 months of 2003 my trading was all over the place. Following Mohan's daily newsletter has imposed a discipline on me and given me a better understanding of how to read the markets. I do not follow him slavishly, but I respect his experience. What matters to me is that in the last 8 weeks, following his recommendations, I have made 154 trades and made 3,077 points profit. I'm a happy subscriber!

jonnyy40 brot up an important point and I think it'll be useful to every1 if I post my opinion on that here.

Essentially his idea is to watch not just Tick, but the same measurement on other exchanges, such as Tiki on the Dow, and tick on Nasdaq exchange - and c if we get additional info.

In its essense it is fishing for "head's up" divergence signals from the leader (Nasdaq) and the laggard (Dow).

2 pts here.

- u perhaps understand it is overloading the system a bit. I used to watch Tick of Nasdaq - dropped it altogether - it is 2% more information for 30% more effort.

- we already watch divs ACROSS INDICES in our system. Not just as internals for definition of a trend/non-trend day during the first hour but also in relation to their respective key averages 40, 240 and 600 ema/5min.

What may be important tho - right now we r looking at comp-dow, ndx-spx, bix-spx and sox-comp "crosses" for filtering out divs across indices. I am thinking of adding Rus2K - spx "cross" to sift out potential divs btwn small and mid cap vs. big cap. Just as Nasdaq is a leader, small cap can play leadership as well. However, most small-cap comes from Nasdaq exchange anyway - so I do not know yet.

pls let me know what u reckon

stoploss please said:

So it is the direction of the Perm around FV. ie the Perm maybe below fv but moving towards it which is bullish.

If you want to monitor it at that level of detail then yes you are absolutely right.

However, I don't attempt to use prem as a leading indicator (except possibly with the exception of active buy/sell program levels where you know there is going to be a reversal, you just don't know how long it will last).


1) I look at the direction of the futures/cash. This is the primary concern every time.

2) If it's down I want to know if it's a cash based move or if it's just the futures pit offering the market down in order to buy it. If futures are trading above fair value then would indicate to me that the move downwards is cash based. If however futures are trading below fv then this would indicate to me that it's a futures based move. Now, unless there are major news announcements, or it's a very quiet day, the futures can only push the cash market so far. Cash is usually king so to speak.

So with that in mind, if a move down is led by the futures I regard it with suspicion most of the time. I have it in my mind that they are offering it down looking for institutional buyers to lean on and get long at a lower price. (btw, not a stop run as those guys would put it). Doesn't automatically mean that I won't short. Just that it's one that I'm going to keep sharp on. I'm looking for a level that they (the floor) might expect institutional support at with the expectation that I would reverse to long there or there abouts.

This is where TICK comes in as well. TICK, with the added help of China's divs/macd helps you to asses whether there is weakness or strength in the cash. If there is strength in the cash you are looking for a move down in the futures to go long.

3) Largely a repitation but I'll do it so wev'e got both sides clear. If a move is up I want to know if it's a cash based move or if it's just the futures pit bidding the market up in order to sell it. If futures are trading below fair value then this indicates to me that the move upwards is cash based. If however futures are trading above fv then this indicates to me that it's a futures based move.

So with that in mind, if this move up is led by the futures I regard it with suspicion most of the time. I have it in my mind that they are bidding it up looking for institutional sellers to lean on and get short at a higher price. Doesn't automatically mean that I won't go long. Again, I'm looking for a level that they (the floor) might expect institutional resistance at with the expectation that I would reverse to short there or there abouts.

A little bit more about these so called stop runs since we are talking about futures led moves.

Most of the time floor traders simply couldn't give a toss about retail stops it just simply isn't worth their while. What floor traders do care about is where they can get out. Since a lot of them only make a couple of tics on size they want to know where they can get out before they get in.

So, when they bid the market up people think they are gunning for stops. Almost all the time they are either just up ticking or more importantly, they are looking for size on the offer. Once they find the size on the offer they can lean on it (front run it) knowing that if they have to they can either scratch or take a 1 tic loss to get out. And of course the same happens in reverse when they offer the market down.

It's for that reason I'm sceptical about any of these sites who harp on about stop runs, gunning for stops, etc. It's just one part of the equation and as I said, blown out of all proportion in terms of its importance. Although having just read gmca686's post, maybe my skeptisism is unwarranted in this case 😉.

Oh, btw, just for completeness, when they are up ticking you've got a guy thats taken a small position, maybe long 10 cars/lots and he starts "bidding" the market up, he'll be bidding for 1 car/lot only, hoping that he doesn't get hit, but if he does, he'll bid for another 1 lot, and so on. If he moves the market 5 tics or so he'll sell his full position.

So. That's why we wan't to know whether a move is based on the futures or the cash. That's also why it's important to remember Skimbleshanks comments about time of day, i.e. a strong move in the cash followed by a quiet spell where the futures "mess about" followed by another strong move in the cash.

In summary:

If it's a cash based move, I'm going to hang in as long as possible waiting for things like China's TICK divs and macd to give me forewarning of weakness in the cash move.

If however, it's a futures based move then I'm looking to get out at the first possible area of S/R.
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I'd be the last person to knock any1 off. Like I said in 1 of my previous posts, the simple concept of 1st hr pivots wud make money ALONE. However, I am respectfully critical of a "static" system not accounting for real-time happening divergences in the market.

Also, I think he'd be better off changing Merrills to BIX as one of his High Fives. BIX is a known leader of blue chips (just as SOX in Nasdaq) and filters out a "single stock story"

many thx for yr comment. It is discussion and critique that improve trading results imo.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, his recommendations are static, but he covers his options by stating, if "A" happens do "1", if "B" happens do "2" etc. In time I won't need him because I'll know how to react to market moves. In early 2003 I kept fighting the trends and lost heavily, so I'm grateful for the understanding and discipline he has given me.

My brain is begining to hurt mate. I think I understand where your coming from but I need to digest it a bit. There is a lot I have to think about tomorrow and over the weekened. Also, seeing the PREM actually working will be interesting tomorrow but I doubt volume will be great. Tomorrow is a working day right??

Time out for me 2nite. Where did I put that Nurofen.
Good night guys.

I'm trying to remember if it was Mohan who used the rounded 10 day simple moving average on the spoos or whether it was somebody else?

Continued good trading to you... 😉.

As you say, doubt there will be that much vol tomorrow. Working day.... I wouldn't go quite as far as that 😉.

It's funny, I get a move on prem think that's interesting. I'll post that at the end of the day, I refresh my charts from MyTrack and the chart changes..... 😉.

Anyway, we'll see what IQ looks like next week. If that's doesn't work out then I suppose I'll finally have to bite the bullet and switch to CQG or E-Signal.
In his daily recommendations Mohan never refers to TA. However, he does recommend 9 and 18 Simple MAs with 1 minute charts as a means of monitoring price action. I use 9 and 18 SMAs with 34 and 89 EMAs on top to give a more medium term view.

Years ago I tried to find the TA holy grail and did a lot with FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms) and Hartley Transforms to identify harmonics in the cycle waves. From that I became keen on Envelope Analysis, J M Hurst wrote a great book on it. Then I moved into "Price plus volume" as described by E F Storey.
In the end I concluded that I was making it too complicated, and I now stick to moving averages, and I don't care if people say they are laggard indicators. If they are going up I go long, if they are going down I go short.
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