Todays fair value is -0.41, Now this is your anchor. If the cash deviates to far from this number, the programmes will kick in.
Just want to clarify what I expect to see if the cash or futures are leading the move.
Now the -0.41 means that the futures and cash are in equilibrium.
A sell programme is the selling of cash and the buying of futures. The sell programmes are at -1.85 and -1.24, To me this means that for today, equilibrium will be in place if the cash is 0.41 higher than the futures and if the difference rises to -1.24 and then -1.85, futures will be bought and the cash sold to bring the difference to equilibrium.
On the other hand the buy programmes are at 0.36 and 0.94. I see this as if the futures are higher than the cash by 0.36 and then 0.94, we should see the selling of futures and buying of cash.
Now I want understand the mechanics of leading and lagging cash or futures on a bull or bear day.
Bull day
On a bull day, if the the cash is leading the futures, I would need to see a number of -0.41 or lower, ie -0.41 to -1.85. However, if
the futures is leading the cash, I would need to see a figure of
-0.46 or higher, ie -0.41 to 0.94.
Bear day
On a bear day, if the cash is leading the futures, I would expect to see the cash weaker by -0.41 or more, ie to -0.41 to -1.85. However, as the cash is falling, would we not expect to see a buying of cash and a sell of futures. If the futures are leading the cash would I not expect to the futures to be weaker than cash by at least -0.41. ie to get to -0.77 (-0.41-0.36) and -1.35 (-0.41-0.94) negative swing by the futures in relation to the cash.
Anyway, I think I am getting confused now.