Trading room/training



I have seen posts on here and other site about Phil Newton I believe who has a trading room and does very well from what I understand. Problem is, he is in the UK and I am in the US. I unfortunately am not able to be up at 2:30am EST when he starts.
I am looking for someone in the US who offers something similar where I can trade and learn. I would like a room where they actually explain what they are doing and why so I can learn and eventually trade on my own if I wanted.
I was previously in a trading room that traded mostly the GJ. However, mostly all market orders. While they were pulling down 100-200 pips a day, I would be lucky to pulo any positive pips .. mostly negative days. By time trade was called, GJ already moved 15 pips .. so, made it tough.
I have seen courses like FXCourse. Lots of people seem to like it. Looks interesting as they offer structured training as well as a live trading room to reinforce what you learn. I have seriously thought about this. But, they don't offer anything to review what they do or offer. Need to spend $649 before you can really see it. I wouldn't mind spending that if I knew what they offered was worth it and good.
I just believe a good education in Forex and reinforcement by a trading room to actually see what is happening live is the best solution. Just looking for a good solid person/company that offers this.
I don't much believe in the course that show you trades from earlier in the day or yesterday. Anyone can say, based on our system, here is where you would have gotten in. Yeah .. whatever. Show me live and I know you have something.
Some people say .. use these indicators .. or these. Others say indicators are a waste and in the past .. you have to use Price Action .. (this is where my head explodes)
Anyones opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Brock L
i can help you over messenger with live trading. i mainly trade eur and chf. and you dont need to pay me 😛
I have joined a live room and training school which operates twice per day, for the London and US opens. They have many participants from the US, who come into the live room during US trading hours. The web site is - Forex Trading, Live Forex Education, Currency Trading, FX Opportunity. ( I don't work for them or anything, but they have helped me enormously in my trading. There was another thread on this site called "it's all about the pips", if you find this, it was started by one of the guys involved in this.

Thanks for the info.
I looked at their web site, but the video mentions they are only open for the London open for three hours. They state some people get together unofficially for the US open?

I have joined a live room and training school which operates twice per day, for the London and US opens. They have many participants from the US, who come into the live room during US trading hours. The web site is - Forex Trading, Live Forex Education, Currency Trading, FX Opportunity. ( I don't work for them or anything, but they have helped me enormously in my trading. There was another thread on this site called "it's all about the pips", if you find this, it was started by one of the guys involved in this.
Initially they did only have the room open for the London open; some guys stayed in after this session and used the site as a chat room. However, for the last couple of weeks, the room has definetly been officially open twice daily, and during this time, the guys analyse the markets/ trading opportunities etc. The web site is probably needing updated, but you may get further info from one of the guys that run things; email him at and I'm sure he'll help. They do offer a trial to let you see what goes on - if you get into the site, let me know and I'll help as much as I can. On the site, I log in as MartinW.
Initially they did only have the room open for the London open; some guys stayed in after this session and used the site as a chat room. However, for the last couple of weeks, the room has definetly been officially open twice daily, and during this time, the guys analyse the markets/ trading opportunities etc. The web site is probably needing updated, but you may get further info from one of the guys that run things; email him at and I'm sure he'll help. They do offer a trial to let you see what goes on - if you get into the site, let me know and I'll help as much as I can. On the site, I log in as MartinW.

Are you still trading with this group? If so, how is it going?
Are you still trading with this group? If so, how is it going?

I am still trading with these guys. It's taking me a bit longer to get up to speed with their strategies than some of the guys in the "trading room", but most of that is to do with my confidence. I consider myself still new to forex, and not being a gambler by nature, I sometimes don't get in the trades I should.

I would say, hand on heart, that these guys are CONSISTENTLY showing members how to make 200-300 pips per week, during the London and US opens. Obviously some make less/ some more, but if you follow the advice, the pips come.

I presume I'll be a member for some time. I probably won't need to for much longer, but I'm going to view the monthly fee as a business expense, and keep it going. I do like the support that is there.

Speak to the guys; this won't suit everyone, but a free trial will let you find out if it's for you.

Good luck.

I am still trading with these guys. It's taking me a bit longer to get up to speed with their strategies than some of the guys in the "trading room", but most of that is to do with my confidence. I consider myself still new to forex, and not being a gambler by nature, I sometimes don't get in the trades I should.

I would say, hand on heart, that these guys are CONSISTENTLY showing members how to make 200-300 pips per week, during the London and US opens. Obviously some make less/ some more, but if you follow the advice, the pips come.

I presume I'll be a member for some time. I probably won't need to for much longer, but I'm going to view the monthly fee as a business expense, and keep it going. I do like the support that is there.

Speak to the guys; this won't suit everyone, but a free trial will let you find out if it's for you.

Good luck.


Thanks for your response.
I am going to try to be in the room for tomorrows New York session.
