Trading room conception


I was birthed into the online trading community through a rather violent experience. Having been pushed from my womb of safety, I know find myself thrust into a vast world of turmoil. Ohhhh that I could make the womb of ignorance open again so that I could crawl back into the safety and darkness.

I was invited by a friend that had started dabbling with VIX options to check out a small trading room that an online friend from years past was operating. In his room he uses mostly technical analysis, but says he is not purely mechanical and uses the fundamentals also. Fibs, pivots, support/resistance, range candlestick patterns, RSI, MACD, BMX... Trades mostly CL, or at least CL is his only constant commodity, the others change periodically, DOW mini, NASDAQ mini, corn, beans, natural gas, at least during the month I visited periodically.

I opened a demo account with Infinity and did a small amount of virtual trading (for like 3 days), just following Davids calls. Trading 5 contracts at a time virtually I was up over 1K one day, and 2K the next, the third I tried playing around with moving target and stops on simple brackets which resulted in some major errors due to lack of knowledge and practice. I was locked out of the room pending the $150 dollar monthly fee which was required at the beginning of this month. Apparently a 14 dollar fee is normally required for a 2 week trial, but was waved due to the previous online relationship my friend had debating theology with David.

Thus here I am checking out alternatives too Davids room. I feel like I am treading water looking for a safe school of fish to swim with, while trying to avoid being gulped down by circling sharks! I have seen some harsh commentary on trading rooms, and checked out a few rooms that are apparently the cause of such attitudes. I believe the trading room learning environment is a good thing in spite of the harsh attitudes frequently displayed in this forum. I have five children and stay very busy, learning in a learn as u do environment with an experienced trader seems like a win win scenario to me. Fish stay in schools for good reasons! It looked as though those in the room added to the awareness of the fast paced trading style.

The best alternatives I have found are Signal Trading - to expensive for me, but looks like a good deal, EminiAddict sounds like it could be a possibility, have yet to check it out, another newer site closely associated with Think or Swim, TOS trading, havent checked them out yet, cheap rates, looks like they are promoting the platform and making money on indicators. Would like to stick with futures for know.

The site was hounding me about an introduction, sorry it was so lengthy.