Apart from CityTrader's two suggestions, the only other one is to teach yourself.
There's lots of good basic information on this website (it's spread around a bit, so you'll have to use the Search facility, and sort through it). Then, and only then, when you think you have got the gist of it, use a free simulator to see how good you really are. You can even open a £100 spread betting account with Finspreads, and trade at 1p a point for the first 8 weeks. After that it goes up to 50p a point minimum. If you're already saying to yourself "Pah, I'm a big boy and I can trade at more than that!" then you're full of emotion, so trading may not be for you.
And while you're doing all this, get yourself a part-time or full-time job to keep a roof over your head. If you're dedicated, you can trade the US markets from 18:45 to 21:00 UK time each day, so there's plenty of opportunity to practice trading as a hobby.
If you're clever (by that I mean disciplined, not brainy) you can build up your own pot of money slowly and steadily, learning all the way. If you're foolhardy, and in a rush, you'll blow out your account quickly, and will realise that trading is not for you.
And beware of those promising to teach you - you need to learn all the basics first and that will take you months. Once you know what type of trading suits you, and have some experience under your belt, that would then be the time to consider whether you would gain further by paying for help.
And don't waste valuable time and money thinking that you can cut corners by buying someone else's system. You can't. Only you can do the actual trading, and you need to learn how to do it, not by blindly following trading signals seemingly pulled out of thin air.
But remember that trading for yourself is not the same as trading professionally - the market styles are different, and they're not immediately interchangeable is my impression.
But if you cannot get a professional trading house to take you on, then doing it yourself may be your only option.
And welcome to T2W by the way. 😀