Trading NASDAQ stocks with Jerry Olson & Ian Hodgson

MR MARKET 0 GREY1 $ 3435.91
I could have made more as none of my positions were technically exhausted , but I prefer to watch Brazil /Croatia math.. Nothing like a good football and beer I am all closed and in cash

I wont be trading till 5 Pm tomorrow .



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Breakdown of Banking Sector: Before and After "photos"

I wanted more proof of massive breakdown today so intraday bear flags might be shortable and/or new plays, that have hitherto withstood "tremors" would finally topple(BKX and GRMN). CONTINUING shorts on prior breakdowns (GS, KBH, PHM) and a new short (GRMN), as a stock whose indicators were showing potential breakdown. The banking sector (Philadelphia $bkx) posted last night was another break of consolidation to the downside. Here without any "photo enhancement" 😀 you will see before and after photos of the BKX.X and why I am looking to continue shorting, save for the occasional rally (i.e. AAPL, GOOG, etc) I can't track 20 stocks, I'd rather chase 4 or 5.

GOOG calls were too spicy for my usual palette and I found myself immersed within GOOG's massive corridors for a whole hour (all okay but I wanted more). My trading style demands more criteria and prerequisites being met before I make the initial trade and I'm rewarded with juicier but fewer trades. I'm from the old school of technical analysis, multiple time frames, futures, trin gazing (unlike star gazing) so my positions are held longer and my stops are not that tight in the beginning. When stopped out (i.e SLB short) its after I've given the trade a chance to MARINATE.

When the results of each trade take on supreme importance, resulting in OVERTRADING, you will probably fail.


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Grey1 said:
MR MARKET 0 GREY1 $ 3435.91
I could have made more as none of my positions were technically exhausted , but I prefer to watch Brazil /Croatia math.. Nothing like a good football and beer I am all closed and in cash

I wont be trading till 5 Pm tomorrow .


At this rate you are odds on to win the World Cup, especially since you have, in your engines, the best forward and defence lines in the World
WVap (Attack/Midfield), Exhaustion (Defence), Risk (Goalkeeper) 😱
Some more to watch PD Phelps Dodge

Looking for new possible intraday rally here for PD


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ISRG Intuitive Surgical heading towards critical support

Watching ISRG


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NTRI NutriSystem (Do we need yet another diet company?)

Watching NTRI for possible bounce at the gap fill area (52.50) after continued breakdown. Maybe an intraday rally, bouncing off support. NTRI is a good intraday play with a wide, wide range.


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AMT toppling the American Tower?

Another possible intraday rally here as AMT dropped below key support yet has had a late day breakout (3:00) The long tail suggests some buying interest (yawn!) we'll see. Many of Tuesday's plays are still valid for the list (i.e. KBH, GS, GOOG, GRMN) and of course the typical "an apple (AAPL) a day" when you're really bored and want some quick cash.


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Tuesday the BKX and now the SPX breakdown long term support.

Indicators are oversold, but then traders have been calling a bottom for 4 weeks. Just play the moves and use these charts for reference.


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Came home @ 5 and saw few weak signals which i took a small postion but then i got this strong short signal on RIG and I thought OMG this is an uptrend. Why on earth am i getting a short signal here 🙁 . I took the trade any way as i never ever change or doubt strategy during trading hours . Not long after RIG collapsed and i am like 😛 what can i say ? state of the art in trading

up $ 1142 in no time


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Longs GRMN (85.51),GOOG (calls ) AMT @29 (out of GS at target of 137)

After huge pullback yesterday in GRMN looking for a retest of the 90. 90 area will be the beginning of the gap fill so 90 is overhead resistance. GOOG hasn't performed yet but tomorrow morning we might get a small gap up open. Entered PD @ 75 and looking to hold for a possible morning continuation trend. Followed only my watch list all day and had a great round trip with GRMN. Hope someone was able to hop this trolly for some part of the 12 point round trip. Noticed early on that AAPL was "rotten" early on and I missed the GOOG pullback, chasing GRMN.

Open Positions raised stops locked in 3/4: GRMN, NTRI, PD, AMT, GOOG calls Out of GS puts when stock hit the 137 area. Still no short/long in either ADBE or KBH.

I will NOT be adding any new stocks to the watch list tonight and maybe even Thursday as KBH and ADBE will be back in play. Look for BSC to report earnings Thursday morning and there should be a very volatile open. GOOG needs a little "work" but otherwise happy with the long plays today. No shorts. I don't care if there is a bottom, for me there were gains and I might get a exhaustion continuation gap up in the morning where I sell the rest of my position.
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Lat breakout of NTRI above 59 holding overnight for possible gap open

NTRI broke consolidation to upside but missed the gap up open the second breakout above 59 was a good long entry an my target is 62
Pssstttttt jerry your Thread seems to be the mostly watched. Just donot know why every body is using the guest nick name lol

I just checked 12 pages and 95% were reading your thread. I think you should be charging them lol


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Mr market 0 Grey1 $2168.50 UP

I have a feeling M25 Is more dangerous than the market. Come on Mr Market catch me if you can



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just one more open postion long DO I am going to let it run for a while . UP $2853 as i am writing this . I Wont be trading while football is on hope England wins 12 nil lol



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I am all cash . No more trader as the long EXIT signals are all over the exhaustion Engine. I am expecting a short term reversal from here .

Mr market 0 Grey1 $3346.65
Trinidad 0 England 2

Brazil 0 England 4 ( final Hope so )


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Grabbed ADBE off 28.05 also June 30 calls.. PD, AMT, GRMN GOOG (calls) HOT!!

gap ups ran, ran and ran some more today for double the gains. Great day with little effort. PD +6.41 awesome and GRMN was good for over 7 on the long side. Stopped out NTRI (not too surprised though) Took GOOG a while to move but with only an investment in the cheap options not much of trading portfolio was compromised
Holding: PD, AMT, ADBE, GRMN, GOOG calls until surge ebbs (by 3:30-3:45)

eurotrader52 said:
gap ups ran, ran and ran some more today for double the gains. Great day with little effort. PD +6.41 awesome and GRMN was good for over 7 on the long side. Stopped out NTRI (not too surprised though) Took GOOG a while to move but with only an investment in the cheap options not much of trading portfolio was compromised

All movers surging will be holding above today's prior highs...and then some more! 😆
June 390 calls in 2.13 out partial @ 3, holding more GOOG options overnight

eurotrader52 said:
A retest of morning highs (390 or so) will move the calls to the 5.00 area

After being short for nearly a month, the change over to the long side was easy as flipping a coin! Never cared if the market bottomed just used my charts as personal trading reference points.
Out a bunch of ADBE @ 28.70, holding June 30 calls from $0.35 (AEQFF)

eurotrader52 said:
After being short for nearly a month, the change over to the long side was easy as flipping a coin! Never cared if the market bottomed just used my charts as personal trading reference points.

Both ADBE and KBH triggered, but preferred ADBE.