Breakdown of Banking Sector: Before and After "photos"
I wanted more proof of massive breakdown today so intraday bear flags might be shortable and/or new plays, that have hitherto withstood "tremors" would finally topple(BKX and GRMN). CONTINUING shorts on prior breakdowns (GS, KBH, PHM) and a new short (GRMN), as a stock whose indicators were showing potential breakdown. The banking sector (Philadelphia $bkx) posted last night was another break of consolidation to the downside. Here without any "photo enhancement" 😀 you will see before and after photos of the BKX.X and why I am looking to continue shorting, save for the occasional rally (i.e. AAPL, GOOG, etc) I can't track 20 stocks, I'd rather chase 4 or 5.
GOOG calls were too spicy for my usual palette and I found myself immersed within GOOG's massive corridors for a whole hour (all okay but I wanted more). My trading style demands more criteria and prerequisites being met before I make the initial trade and I'm rewarded with juicier but fewer trades. I'm from the old school of technical analysis, multiple time frames, futures, trin gazing (unlike star gazing) so my positions are held longer and my stops are not that tight in the beginning. When stopped out (i.e SLB short) its after I've given the trade a chance to MARINATE.
When the results of each trade take on supreme importance, resulting in OVERTRADING, you will probably fail.