Trading NASDAQ stocks with Jerry Olson & Ian Hodgson

read em' and weep

(2:01 PM) screenshot: IF I HAVE A STOP I POST IT
(2:01 PM) BarbaraT1: good to know
(2:01 PM) BarbaraT1: jerry's back - should push it up
(2:07 PM) cashmarket: .
(2:07 PM) screenshot: BADABING
JerryO3434: long rimm at 68.26
(2:11 PM) BarbaraT1: SNDK off low
JerryO3434: LONG DELL AT 25.93
(2:12 PM) abcn1: is there any commentary I cannot hear anything
JerryO3434: YES
(2:12 PM) BarbaraT1: very low
(2:12 PM) Dan-NY: y
(2:12 PM) easyeddie: y
(2:12 PM) BSilvey: y
(2:12 PM) ddtrader11: y
(2:12 PM) southfield_1: y
(2:12 PM) brownbear_1: hear ya fine
(2:12 PM) easyeddie: y
(2:14 PM) DeanWormer: Jer, your CELG call is looking pretty good today, you still holding it?
(2:15 PM) DeanWormer: $44 was your breakout number, right?
(2:17 PM) stevefi: I think akam is going to grind, what do you think jerr?
(2:17 PM) stevefi: thanks
(2:18 PM) stevefi: lil conservative
(2:18 PM) stevefi: ok
(2:19 PM) abcn1: s akam .26
(2:21 PM) abcn1: cl akam .24 was not moving
(2:23 PM) stevefi: no
(2:23 PM) abcn1: l rimm .35
(2:24 PM) stevefi: jer, think cisco gonna go
(2:25 PM) cashmarket: sell jerry
JerryO3434: SOLD RIMM AT 68.36
(2:26 PM) stevefi: thnks
(2:31 PM) cashmarket: rimm hod
(2:33 PM) screenshot: BADABING
(2:34 PM) screenshot: FUTS WAIKING UP
(2:34 PM) screenshot: EHHEHHE
JerryO3434: long aapl at 61.38
(2:34 PM) screenshot: ER BABY
(2:35 PM) screenshot: YM GIMME 11260
(2:35 PM) fokjock: nice trade in dell jerry
(2:35 PM) wwwalker: jerry i bought some home depot here 37.87 with stop on size
(2:35 PM) fokjock: sorry rimm
(2:37 PM) BarbaraT1: Oil rose 2.36 to 72.70 a barrel
JerryO3434: sold aapl at 61.58
(2:38 PM) screenshot: ER BABY
(2:39 PM) BarbaraT1: SNDK bounce
(2:39 PM) screenshot: OUT ER 38.70 ++
(2:39 PM) screenshot: YM 11250
(2:39 PM) BarbaraT1: RIMM going to hod

later all heading out
PALM, BWNG optimistic for a HOLD THROUGH THE WEEKEND if it closes above 10:00 hi

PALM BWNG so far so good but waiting until last reversal period (3:30 to 3:50) for final assessment
PALM looking really good here

close to target of 18.25


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SLAB continued short looking to retest 38

SLAB continued erosion might be okay to hold 1/3 short through weekend.
Covering SLAB, EBAY and YHOO will hold PALM and BWNG thru weekend with STOPS

Holding longs for hours and shorts for hours as well. Getting a start on weekend here as decided not to reenter EXPD and TIE here. PHM a light short play in the puts as housing sector is an awesome short after any dead cat bounce play. SLB is still like watching paint dry but finally some gain in the stock (puts are staying put and not giving good gains). Still up $0.65 in SLB but doesn not justify the huge amount of money outlay in SLB for minimal gain.
Covered SLAB, YHOO and EBAY holding BWNG (partial) and PALM (partial)

PALM and BWNG through weekend with adjusted stops.
Please captualize gains in a bought/sold/ profit/ performance charts

Too much random text. We have to scroll unending irrelevant text for any idea what was actually traded. A good alternative would be a separate chart/list of entry/exit/ profit objective etc.. and comments for the trade. I have no idea what is going on here are the members given ample time to enter the trades?. 😕
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I will be away from the BB for next 10 days due to a sad family incident. . therefore wont be able to reply to my emails or Pms , I however will honner my coaching commitments as planned with people who applied till 20 th June. ( including the 20 th )

i c 🙁

please accept my condolences.

Regards from iran
Grey1 said:
I will be away from the BB for next 10 days due to a sad family incident. . therefore wont be able to reply to my emails or Pms , I however will honner my coaching commitments as planned with people who applied till 20 th June. ( including the 20 th )


Grey 1

my sincere condolances.................
Some Major Areas Of Support

Please be mindful of selected areas on all index charts that could be broken this week, It would mean a very fast sell off if they are breached. But here's my take as of today, it may change tomorrow........................ 🙄
Good Morning all

The Fed Chairman is going to fight inflation and the markets are going to have to live with it period. IN fact folks the fund manager, the bankers of the world and most economist feel it absolutely necessary to keep inflation contained. While the economic process is slowing because of all the rate hikes in the pipeline right now, it does not matter if inflation really starts to hurt our economy. The members of the FED are committed to stopping this from happening and that's a good thing. For the first time yesterday energy prices have certainly passed thru to our pocketbooks. We are filling our cars and SUV's for $50.00 bucks a tank full. It was quite evident that the markets did not like this news from Mr. Bernanke. But that too will pass soon. Yesterday after checking all the bullish percents on the short and long term indicators only the stocks above their 10 week moving averages turned down. As the selling accelerated yesterday I was thinking "I'll bet P&F is doing fine"! Why you ask? Because it takes a lot of serious movement to these large BP's to turn one way or the other. When the Hi Lo Indexes on both the NYSE & OTC reversed back up last week that convinced me things are going to be ok. Then yesterday they rallied in the face of that decline, you got that? Also and ideally the weakest large cap index the NDX 100's BP also reversed up at historical low areas on that chart. Meaning every time it reversed back up off those lows it rallied smartly higher over time. The OTC BP actually was "UP" folks yesterday in all that carnage. So while we could see and probably will see the re test of the May lows of 1245 SPX we just need to hold it there or spike below it and bounce immediately back up for what I call a "manhole effect". It's really called a weak hand selloff for a test of who's going to hold and who's going to puke it out. We have some serious potential cracks in the main index charts as mentioned Sunday in the newsletter. If the DJIA breaks 11,000 with force that would not be pretty. On the SPX let's see if we print 1280 before we print that test at 1245.00 again. ON the SPX index chart this weekend I showed you all what a Fibonacci Retrace off the April highs to the May lows looked like in price. We hit the 50% level right on the nose at 1286.00. I then said it is expected and logical to pullback after that "backside bounce" completed itself at those levels. The next question is where will we go from here. I would suggest to expect a test of the May 24th lows, and then we'll reasess. I can tell you all this right now. A lot of BP's are holding well even in the face of massive selling. On top of this action the street is going to come to grips with the FED's fight inflation mantra, period ended. What I mean is they have no choice!
Sincerest condolences for "trading nasdaq stocks with Jerry Olson" thread

Jerry seems you've neglected and abandoned this thread when your "traders" needed you. I was looking forward to another day(s) of frenzied, rabid, fast and furious, impossible to keep up with, scalping again. Did you emigrate back to the United States? 😢
eurotrader52 said:
Jerry seems you've neglected and abandoned this thread when your "traders" needed you. I was looking forward to another day(s) of frenzied, rabid, fast and furious scalping again. Did you emigrate back to the United States?


have a nice day away.

go over to the other thread and post...

i'll take care of my thread

thanks a lot
LevII said:
Hear, Hear.

yeah he trying to tell all of us he's 52? yeah right, more like 2

was too busy in the room the last 2 very important days to get here ...

will have a ton of projections for the markets next few days

we live in interesting times ....

drop by the room when you can and that goes for anyone and everyone...
Watch SHLD as a DAY TRADE or SWING on long side

I like SHLD for the move to 168-170 by options expiration (see technicals in charts below) You might see gains for more than a mere scalp here. I am also watching FAL (canadian metal company) on the long side, with further SHORT an upside rally for the SOX. Very important to trade with precision in THE DIRECTION of the prevailing trend (which might be established by 10:00 or after 3 bars on the 10 minute chart) and not trade against a STRONG trend.


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Huge bullish candlestick in GOOG but be cautious!

If you plan a day trade in GOOG I would buy long only after 3 completed bars of higher highs on the 5 minute chart. You might buy the OPTIONS since they trade as easily as the stock due to very high intraday volume. GOOG options will give you huge gains with minimum outlay of cash. If you are a more rational and careful trader you might trade ONLY after the morning gap 'n move up FIZZLES by probably 10:00 and SHORT the resulting rally. If there is a GENUINE RALLY TOMORROW, you will still have ample opportunity to make a gain in GOOG on the long side. If this is just a BEAR TRAP (which I think it will likely be) you will have an EVEN longer term SHORT. NEVER SWIM AGAINST THE PREVAILING trend especially if the downside (or upside) continues through more than one period. I would NOT TRADE the doldrums as this is when YOU CAN GET IN EASILY ENOUGH, but try getting out with a profit!


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SNDK support @ 200 EMA at 54.50, doji reversal or just a "dead cat bounce" ??

Chart is bearish with support at its 200 EMA which might hold here for a technical rally. Depending on the morning open I would look to short SNDK by 10:00 reversal (below the first bar of a lower low and lower high). The buy long would be only after a successful retest of the 10:00 high and NEVER after a morning gap up. DON'T CHASE


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Could i ask both of you, jerry and euro to be more reasonable and polite? i think we're missing the point of this threads and whole BB. Jerry: none of this threads are dedicated to anybody, and restricted for others, etc. also euro: here's not a place for endless debates. your analysis are most welcome, i appreciate them. all of us(who can't or don't contribute and just watching) are grateful, for any analysis, calls, useful post.... , but this attitude will ruin the purpose of the thread.
i do ask both of you, to kindly remember the purpose of this BB, and change the attitude. i hope this post don't add to the flame, as i have exactly the opposite intentions. 😉

Best Regards