Trading Naked - Part 2

Hi Leelar,

In answer to your question about resources that I used early on, can I suggest the 'System 2' thread by Feb2865 on Forex Factory and the 'Reading Charts in Real Time' thread by Thales on Traders' Laboratory. Closer to home, I would strongly recommend reading a thread written by an T2W member called FTSE Beater (you'll have to search for it I'm afraid as I don't have a link to hand) - this thread on its own is brilliant IMO. I haven't read much of the J16 / Jacko type stuff as it's not for me and not a style of trading I could ever feel comfortable with. That's not to say it doesn't work - it's simply that I find it illogical in the context of market structure etc. (that's just my opinion BTW - many will disagree I'm sure).

Vaco is absolutely correct in saying that there is probably no single resource and you'll have to do a lot of reading.
All the best


P.S. There is a private forum with more info idea - the link is a few posts back I think.

Thanks for the kind answer, I know this is a old thread I brought it back.

I like to join the private forum, how do I do that?
Thanks to the originators of the naked trading threads, and advice. I have moved away from indicators and all that hoopla, in favour of Price Action. All trading is developmental. I feel I have come a long way. There is so much junk and lie out there, it makes you mad. I am in London if anybody wants to meet up.
I feel that T2W is invaluable, but too big. Does anybody know if there is a PA trading community or site please, so we are all singing off the same hymn sheet? I have tried googling stuff, but cant find a dedicated PA community. Who are the big names who are still alive in this form of trading please?
As well as PA, I am going down a more Soros route of studying macro-economics and geo-politics. I want to exploit big moves and surprises in global markets.
Anybody can study EF and TA, but Psychology is the study of a lifetime, in our relationship with our self and the markets. Enjoy trading. To my mind, real trading comes down to simple stuff. Dont be distracted by market noise, media, jealous people, idiots or the lies who peddle software junk. PA rocks..