Trading in Dubai

If you lived there for 10 years you must have liked something?
Yep, chinese hookers

Alcohol and Pork (I assume you mean) are readily available.
No they're not. try buying booze from a supermarket or without a special license
try ordering a bacon sandwich in a non-5 star hotel

If you do not want to bend your lifestyle slightly for the customs of the country you are living in then don't move out of your own.
I have been an ex-pat for 20+ years. I did bend my lifestyle.
All I did was to warn people unfamilar with Dubai, that it ain't as rosy as you guys are trying to portray
And get accused of being a paedo for that ??????
by a fooking Leb ???????

If you are trading international markets your working day would be 12-9 so you would not hit any traffic at all!
that's complete bollox and you know it. Traffic is almost 24 hours. Even if it is slightly reduced during the hours you mentioned, it's complete BS to say "not at all"

Rent prices have plummeted over the last 6 months by about 30% due to a much needed correction in the housing markets.
Well since they increased by over 100% in the last 4 years, I'd say they're still expensive

We moan about intolerable heat in the summer in Dubai
I never moaned about the weather there. I averaged 40 trips per year into the desert, almost every Friday I was in country.
but you think I'm being unreasonable by pointing the harsh weather conditions out to newbies ?

to live there for ten years Dubai must have done something right!
the tax scenario was obviously a big plus, but since they've recently introduced new stealth VAT taxes and will sooner rather than later introduce income tax, those benefits will soon cease to be attractive

you and your little Lebbo mate Scammy seem inordinately defensive about my experience-defined criticisms of Dubai.
having enough trouble selling your scammy arcade without me stirring the pot ?
the place is a dump built on slavery. my brother is working there for a year and informs me of the corrupt going on, its not a civilised country like Britain.
i have been there a few times, and it is definatly awsome, it has its problems but its a developing place, hopefully the traffic problems can get sorted out once new roads, highways and metro system are made.

surly once the new projects like business bay, dubailand etc. are completely it would be paradise.

and heat is not a problem there at all, as everything is indoors with air conditioners, street shopping is great at night when the sun goes away.
do 'they' still bury all the 5hit and rubbish in the desert of a night, are they continuing to dump the rest of the effluent in the sea?
Sad people, just ask guys who actually live there. As if, as a cityboy, im ever gonna read anything with the word "Canadian" in it. Please!!
Sad people, just ask guys who actually live there. As if, as a cityboy, im ever gonna read anything with the word "Canadian" in it. Please!!

not as sad as using a forum to 'tout' for mugs, to give you 50 grand, to fly over to Dubai to learn to make you money.😴 Er.. good luck with that.
with your management style I can see why punters must be queuing up to join your firm. Thanks for the PM, it makes a very attractive offer:
"Listen you ****ing prick, dont you ever threaten me. Come in on the 15th i will tell you exactly where i am and i will meet with you. Just tell me, i will give you my address and you get a cab straight from the airport to my villa. I will be here to welcome you. And dont even think about bringing a crew it will only make things worse"
since I'll have my 2 year old daughter with me, I hope your ladyboy wife can look after her for a few minutes ? while I rip your knees out for suggesting, in another stunning sales pitch for your scam, that I'm a paedo for living in Thailand?
Here are two articles about Dubai and the UAE:

The dark side of Dubai - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

The Canadian Press: Report says UAE has admitted ruler's half brother is in torture tape

(this is the kind of post that at least five people rep me for, what with the practically encyclopaedic knowledge n stuff)

'the dark side of dubai'
clearly says it in the title, what about writing about the 'bright side of dubai', clearly the western media trys to paint a bad picture of it. why not write about the dark side of england or usa ever or how the fed and the banks are destorying the economy and goverment is looting the peoples money instead of praising them for it. Who wants to listen to such jerks.
Plenty has been written about the darkside of the UK and USA because the governments of those countries are not afraid of the citisism (they sure don't like it but there is a certain freedom of the press). Dubai has its good points but the country has its head way too far up its own rectum to even see the rest of the world or what is going on. As for them taking a good hard look at themselves and making some chaanges for the better, why would they bother because they are perfect in every way? and be careful anyone who questions their perfection.
Plenty has been written about the darkside of the UK and USA because the governments of those countries are not afraid of the citisism (they sure don't like it but there is a certain freedom of the press). Dubai has its good points but the country has its head way too far up its own rectum to even see the rest of the world or what is going on. As for them taking a good hard look at themselves and making some chaanges for the better, why would they bother because they are perfect in every way? and be careful anyone who questions their perfection.

i am talking about the current economic situation and climate, they should have been advising the people of the crash and recession instead of painting a picture of a booming economy telling people to take more and more debt and spend, spend and spend and when people like peter schiff, marc faber or jim rogers try and warn people they make them a laughting duck and now they keep lieing about recession is ending and bailouts and stimulus packages are good and when peter schiff, marc faber or jim rogers again come to tell the truth they turn them into laughting ducks again, despite them being right again and again they give coverage to liers and jerks.

and the irony is that they make fun out of dubais crash and people flying out of the place when the situation in your country is 10 times worse, who wants to listen to such idiots.

Sorry maybe i should have qualified my post a little more, although i was being a little personal in my comments. the culture (and it is culture) prevents then from admitting their failings. Its the Arabic way. The reason they cannot admit they have over spent and borrowed far too much is simply loss of face. How can they admit to the world that their business model was not totally perfect?

The countires largest developer almost totally stopped building, as have most others, it owes Billions (AED) to its creditors none of which are being paid. Its asking the building contractors to finance the works over the next 2 years knowing in most cases the contractor cannot demobilse (and many of these are global companies) because they are so far in debt on the projects they cannot afford to abandon the possibility of future payment, who owns the developer, hmmmmm I wonder??? CONSTRUCTION SECTOR SHARES ANYONE????

This payment freeze is being passed down the line.

From the otherside, the investors who were previously buying the properties have all but totally dried up, a large proportion of the driving force behind the boom was outside money. In times like these we are all cautious keeping our money closer to home.

Other incomes are derived from port trade and tourism, these are significantly effected by the global downturn meaning the economy in Dubai, just like everywhere is being squeezed from both sides.

I dont make fun of the Dubai crash I would rather offer constructive critism as we can in many other countires around the world with out fear of retribution. Where if that voice becomes large enough, eventually things may change. But I have come to realise that it is a futile exercise.