Trading in Dubai

intrested 240.447.1737

We at DPTG are looking for experienced traders to join our office in Dubai. We have an excellent infrastructure and a core of experienced futures traders. We are looking to expand and may be able to back traders if they have the required trading records. Look forward to hearing from you guys in this tax free paradise.
lets talk, i have records w/ high ROI. current account w/ IB US equities.
Jeff April - 240.447.1737
Oh dear, he we go again, people kicking off, I'm getting reaaly pissed off coming to T2W, not that much constructive these days, developing into a slanging board, seriously considering dumping t2w
islamic culture pervades daily life - restrictions on booze, foodstuffs etc not to mention call to prayer outside your window 5 times a day, no matter what shift you're working
intolerable heat in summer
unpleasant humidity in autumn
soaring rents
horrendous traffic jams
construction site everywhere
expensive wine, beer etc

hmmmm, not my idea of paradise.....and before you kick off, yes i do know what i'm talking about, i lived there for 10 years

Lol, what a load of ****.

I've lived here for 6 yrs and previously in the eighties for 5.

Would you care to explain restrictions on booze? The club/bar scene here is better than most cities in the UK, hands down. I can drink like a fish at home, no problem, I even have an Emirati neighbour who joins me occassionally.

Why would you live next to a mosque if that sort of thing annoyed you?

Unless you lived with your head in the sand, you'd know rents would/have to come down from their silly highs...and guess what...they have.

Yes it's hot in the summer, but who'd of thought that about a city in the ME?

The city is growing at a crazy rate of knots, of course they'll be construction, its part of the city.

You seem like a typical moaning expat who acts like a fish out of water.
islamic culture pervades daily life - restrictions on booze, foodstuffs etc not to mention call to prayer outside your window 5 times a day, no matter what shift you're working
intolerable heat in summer
unpleasant humidity in autumn
soaring rents
horrendous traffic jams
construction site everywhere
expensive wine, beer etc

hmmmm, not my idea of paradise.....and before you kick off, yes i do know what i'm talking about, i lived there for 10 years

If you lived there for 10 years you must have liked something?
Yep, chinese hookers

Alcohol and Pork (I assume you mean) are readily available.
No they're not. try buying booze from a supermarket or without a special license
try ordering a bacon sandwich in a non-5 star hotel
Wow, so hard to fill a form in and get a liquer license, or just drive to UAQ to buy it without a license. Didums, couldn't get a bacon butty? Ffs it's an islamic country, what do you expect?
If you do not want to bend your lifestyle slightly for the customs of the country you are living in then don't move out of your own.
I have been an ex-pat for 20+ years. I did bend my lifestyle.
All I did was to warn people unfamilar with Dubai, that it ain't as rosy as you guys are trying to portray
And get accused of being a paedo for that ??????
by a fooking Leb ???????

If you are trading international markets your working day would be 12-9 so you would not hit any traffic at all!
that's complete bollox and you know it. Traffic is almost 24 hours. Even if it is slightly reduced during the hours you mentioned, it's complete BS to say "not at all"

Erm, wrong again. Traffic is extremely acceptable apart from 5-8 along the main roads. Fact. Did you stop to think that they've built more roads since you left?

Rent prices have plummeted over the last 6 months by about 30% due to a much needed correction in the housing markets.
Well since they increased by over 100% in the last 4 years, I'd say they're still expensive

They increased way more than 100%. Rent is cheaper than London now and many other international cities.

We moan about intolerable heat in the summer in Dubai
I never moaned about the weather there. I averaged 40 trips per year into the desert, almost every Friday I was in country.
but you think I'm being unreasonable by pointing the harsh weather conditions out to newbies ?

I think a newbie is more than capable of linking a city in the desert with heat.
to live there for ten years Dubai must have done something right!
the tax scenario was obviously a big plus, but since they've recently introduced new stealth VAT taxes and will sooner rather than later introduce income tax, those benefits will soon cease to be attractive

you and your little Lebbo mate Scammy seem inordinately defensive about my experience-defined criticisms of Dubai.
having enough trouble selling your scammy arcade without me stirring the pot ?

I've never heard of this company and don't really care, simply pointing out how ignorant your comments are.
I really liked Dubai, I loved the mix of cultures and the weather was fantastic. Fair enough I was only there for 2 weeks, but I could think of many, many worse places to live.
We at DPTG are looking for experienced traders to join our office in Dubai. We have an excellent infrastructure and a core of experienced futures traders. We are looking to expand and may be able to back traders if they have the required trading records. Look forward to hearing from you guys in this tax free paradise.
hi sir pls. contact 00971503076877... I am a professional trader looking for a new challenge.