Ok so rents are coming down and it tax free and nice and sunny, it's beginning to look attractive with 50% tax in UK. But the problem is the connection to trade eurex or any other exchange for that matter.
Eurex have closed their hub in Dubai as of 6 weeks ago they told me, due to lack of use and the fact that it cost them more to rent the line and server rack space inside Dubai than it did to rent the other section of line back to Frankfurt. There's a government monopoly on telecoms so no alternatives. TT refused to support the eurex hub so evidently the hub failed as traders wouldn't give up TT for the like of PATS which would be hub compliant were it still there.
So we now have only access from there to your clearer, who is it fortis, fimat, marex, gni I assume in europe? And this is via what, because you'd need a 10meg line not to be at a disadvantage. Now I know the London arcades squeal at the cost of their 10meg lines down to their Gibraltar branches in the land of competitive quotes. So a 10meg line though Dubai government telecoms would be insanely expensive, unless they'd pay for such a thing themselves. But Dubai is borrowing money from Abu Dhabi and is USD80bil in debt so I doubt they are throwing it about like they used to. I'm guessing this is why TT wouldn't support a data centre there. Also despite Dubai having nice fibre optic in the new buildings and out to the carpark beyond that i'm assuming it's pretty ancient copper back to about turkey before it gets to fibre again. So can you honestly tell me any eurex traders out there (I assume you are not on an unnetted feed of eurex like London is?), are not experiencing frustrating slowdowns? If you can and you tell me it's a 10meg line I may well move, but I'm guessing it's 2meg tops?.....😕