Trading ES (Q2 2004)

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  • waste of typing time. pls trade your ideas in silence :(

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BBB - if the floor is any good for anything - it is def so for one thing - u get an elephant's sort of skin there :) otherwise u wudnt survive amidst 400 "lads" :)

cheers m8 for your words. I will def try to lighten up my posts - they may be a bit heavy indeed - and of coz lemme repeat here - i am in no way giving any trading advice. And of coz when I get whipped by mrkt :( it is just as painful as for anyone else :)
No way China. I dont think there is a problem with any of your posts - but thats just my opinion. I was thinking of some other threads, not this one. I guess I was trying to say that just because an approach may not appeal to an individual, it doesn't mean that the approach is invalid. You seem to have a definite approach in the market that you apply consistently - because it works for you. This is a sign of accomplishment and others should learn that.

Im sure that there are people who think the odd bit of 'advise' I occasionally post is a load of toss. Do I care? Not really.

When all is said and done, you're probably turning a nice profit to lead your jetset lifestyle. Either that or you're on the run from your debts to some boiler room brokerage :) Good for you. Its a big loss if we cant see the way a profitable trader sees the market.

Keep it up!

Shall we send the heavy mob round to sort him out. Just say the word we can get Skim to give him a good duffing.
forget abt 'em mate :) back to ES. if this is a handle resolution of a C&H we'll rock'n'roll here imo
A few gems....:))

BBB said:
Elliot waves are IMO a waste of time. If you dislike indicators so much, I just cant fathom why you would want to use some dodgy THEORY. At least an indicator is based on fact - albeit historical fact. Like the ethos of the thread suggests - trade price, trade facts, not theory.

BBB said:
Elliot Waves are for those who like to trade in the past. Unfortunately your broker wont let you do that.

BBB said:
All this stuff about triangles, head and shoulder patterns, Fibonacci numbers etc - throw it out. Its useless.

BBB said:

Last one......

BBB said:
I guess I was trying to say that just because an approach may not appeal to an individual, it doesn't mean that the approach is invalid. You seem to have a definite approach in the market that you apply consistently - because it works for you. This is a sign of accomplishment and others should learn that.

Sorry couldn't resist....
:eek: :(

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easy easy tigers :) let us get back to trading ES - I can already see what this can potentially turn into :(
friday may 28th

Socrates - perfect explanation of today's action from the dark side :LOL:

From the tick based twilight zone :LOL: it'd sound like - clear non-trend day with sox leading, xbd slightly lagging, mixed pic - we want to fade 1st hr pivots on tick divergence sequences of which today there were galore....

what I wanted to publish here - is an illustration of how a powerful indicator may fail (MACD). look at NASD Composite Issues. Clear failure of earlier bear flag (on MACD neg div). Now - we r again in the same boat. Is it going to fail as well?


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    Nasdaq Combined Composite Indx- 5 minute.jpg
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No worries a320 :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

All of those posts are of course just my opinion. If they make others money then good for them!

Entry method is very low down on my list of priorities anyway to be honest. I'm more interested in execution, probabilities, management and results.
lads/lasses - on a friday night joking note :) - u know what just crossed me mind?

we'd make a nice desk on any floor, judging by your comments :LOL: the only prob wud be that we'd need a 50+ yrs old head of desk from somewhere of E18 post code variety to keep us all on the leash..... :) who d'ya reckon that'd be? :)
lol - Maybe we should get Gordon Ramsey out of the kitchen and onto the floor?
China, this is what I saw on the dow on thurs - clear dbl top with MACD ND - ie a down day on friday - admitedly nowhere near where I figured it might drop.

Pity I'm not trading at the moment.


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cud well be an idea :):


"Gordon Ramsay is as famous for his temper as for his fabulous culinary creations but that has not stood in the way of a meteoric rise. It kicked off with the arrival of a long-awaited third Michelin star at his eponymous restaurant in Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, making Ramsay the only three-starred chef in London, and one of only two in Britain.

Soon after that, it was announced that an elegant new restaurant would open at Claridge's. Would it be awarded to Nico Ladenis? To Alain Ducasse, the acclaimed French chef? No... to Gordon Ramsay."

end of quote :)
mombasa that was also my idea behind shorting 1120 early in the day. but again once u c the bar dynamics is turning sour on your trade - u hv to look out for it, and adjust.

as we all know the mrkt is always right :) and when we dare to disagree, we get some whipping.... :(
CW - just looking at the current voting (21 'we love china') and I was thinking of sticking in a 'china is sh*te' vote just for some variation.

Have u got the message yet?

BTW - How's the nuptials coming on?
matey - pls do :) having diverse opinions is key :)

now u'll laugh - i just do not know how to stop the poll - typical trader's story - u know how to run your exposure but when yr excel file blacks out on u, u r like a helpless baby phoning IT for help :)

may i ask someone who knows how i can get it stopped? the message is clear to me and i hope to all the ppl who contacted me :) again PLS PLS PLS fire away any constructive critique u have

well - regarding the future "A Reina do Brasil" not that marvellous..... sadly i hv to admit i hv more consistency in trading than in luv matters..... i fully understand what i lost thx to me being a plonker and i stand here ready to be publicly whipped..... :(
No public whipping in the offing me thinks.

As for consistency in love and trading - two very different things.

One requires discipline, focus and confidence.... the other requires an ability to not expect consistency.
tues 1 June

A very straightforward day to trade.


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    E-Mini S&P 500 (Jun. 2004)- 2 minute.jpg
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