Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Thats what I find so fascinating about this trading lark. Almost everything is completely counter-intuitive 😆

If something seams like a smart idea its usually a pretty dumb thing to do, and vice versa

II know you’re trying to sound like Bertie, but you’re not quite pulling it off.

You’re sounding more and more like Sphinx from “Mystery Men”. LOL

When you begin to doubt your powers, you give power to your doubts.

To learn my teachings, I must first teach you how to learn.

He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions.

And where his vacuousness is uncovered. My personal favourite:-

The Sphinx: Your temper is very quick, my friend. But until you learn to master your rage...
Mr. Furious: ...your rage will become your master? That's what you were going to say. Right? Right?
The Sphinx (embarrassed): Not necessarily.
Morning everyone, my name is Graham Arthur

Woe is me, not only disechanted but disenfranchised as well it seems. After 5 emails to PC I am still being ignored. This has forced me to break my promise to myself not to make any further postings on this site, but I would like any member of TEC who reads this to know that the reason for this is that I am banned from the Chatroom and NOT because I am hiding, cowardly or afraid to face PC etc but simply because I have been unable to access the Chatroom and have been unable to do so since Sunday evening. The reason? Well,presumably because I dared to ask a certain question - see posting 1219. I assume this is the reason, but I've not been told for sure

Paul, when you said on Monday "I've been reading what you guys said yesterday and I am acting on it" I actually thought that you had taken on board some of the comments and suggestions made.
It didn 't occur to me in my naivety that the action taken would be simply to ban us from the Chatroom . Seems a bit UNDEMOCRATIC that don't you think?

Paul, After trying on several occasions to elicit an explanation from you I am no longer interested in personal one to one communications of any kind. Not emails, Skypes or Phone calls. So I offer you the following invitation, knowing full well it will get back to you one way or another: I would still like to speak to you but I would like it to be live, in the Chatroom where all members can see exactly what passes between us and bear witness to it. If the Chatroom is unacceptable to you, then I am quite willing to meet you on this Forum at any time should you prefer it.
Only TWO posts disenchanted but TWO of the most brilliant posts that I have seen on this thread, very well done you!

Although the first one was good the second one gets my vote for best post, because if this doesn't bring the obviously dictatorial and completely undemocratic Mr. Chalmers out into the open then surely nothing will.

Come out, come out wherever you are! :cheesy:
Morning everyone, my name is Graham Arthur

Woe is me, not only disechanted but disenfranchised as well it seems. After 5 emails to PC I am still being ignored. This has forced me to break my promise to myself not to make any further postings on this site, but I would like any member of TEC who reads this to know that the reason for this is that I am banned from the Chatroom and NOT because I am hiding, cowardly or afraid to face PC etc but simply because I have been unable to access the Chatroom and have been unable to do so since Sunday evening. The reason? Well,presumably because I dared to ask a certain question - see posting 1219. I assume this is the reason, but I've not been told for sure

Paul, when you said on Monday "I've been reading what you guys said yesterday and I am acting on it" I actually thought that you had taken on board some of the comments and suggestions made.
It didn 't occur to me in my naivety that the action taken would be simply to ban us from the Chatroom . Seems a bit UNDEMOCRATIC that don't you think?

Paul, After trying on several occasions to elicit an explanation from you I am no longer interested in personal one to one communications of any kind. Not emails, Skypes or Phone calls. So I offer you the following invitation, knowing full well it will get back to you one way or another: I would still like to speak to you but I would like it to be live, in the Chatroom where all members can see exactly what passes between us and bear witness to it. If the Chatroom is unacceptable to you, then I am quite willing to meet you on this Forum at any time should you prefer it.

A Excellent post, sorry Graham i thought you was Old Len...

Anyway whilst Paul has the bank accounts of Mabel, Gunar and Shun to plunder, whilst promising them a million pips a week i doubt you get the courtesy of even an acknowlegment to your request.

What will be the offer, come subs day??? The obvious would be to not request payment until his system has had two weeks of clear profit (but then he has managed four months of subs without even having two straight days of profit)... Not sure how that will sit in the overall con, it will obviously totally go against his principles..
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Ditto KCT

Now is the time for the maximum amount of any new TEC followers to grow 'some' and take positive action....

Put major pressure on PayPal or Moneybookers (or whoever he is using)... this will probably be on deaf ears (t & c's) but nonetheless the exchanges have to see they are complicit in assisting these type of cons.

Request refund from the CC company. Generally works but if all fails...

Send recorded delivery '7 day' letters to Chalmers advising of County Court action.#

Most of all don't fall into the trap of doing nothing...Report your progress as Chalmers is plainly taking the 'Gedafi' approach.

This may help even the more misguided followers see the light but unfortunately there will be many who wish to remain blind to the obvious😢🙄
Good post don't stand a hope in hell.

He blocked all my emails ages ago when I made a neg comment about him on here, but a different thread.

His post Mine was no 12

Forgot all about that message board.. well highlighted..

It reminds me of another favourite of mine, the fact that he does not/ never has traded non farm payroll... Then on his six months results summary (April to October 2010) he achieved 120 pips + each time... Needless to say it quickly disappeared (no doubt they were sabotaged too, by powers outside of his control hmmm)
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Morning everyone, my name is Graham Arthur

Woe is me, not only disechanted but disenfranchised as well it seems. After 5 emails to PC I am still being ignored. This has forced me to break my promise to myself not to make any further postings on this site, but I would like any member of TEC who reads this to know that the reason for this is that I am banned from the Chatroom and NOT because I am hiding, cowardly or afraid to face PC etc but simply because I have been unable to access the Chatroom and have been unable to do so since Sunday evening. The reason? Well,presumably because I dared to ask a certain question - see posting 1219. I assume this is the reason, but I've not been told for sure

Paul, when you said on Monday "I've been reading what you guys said yesterday and I am acting on it" I actually thought that you had taken on board some of the comments and suggestions made.
It didn 't occur to me in my naivety that the action taken would be simply to ban us from the Chatroom . Seems a bit UNDEMOCRATIC that don't you think?

Paul, After trying on several occasions to elicit an explanation from you I am no longer interested in personal one to one communications of any kind. Not emails, Skypes or Phone calls. So I offer you the following invitation, knowing full well it will get back to you one way or another: I would still like to speak to you but I would like it to be live, in the Chatroom where all members can see exactly what passes between us and bear witness to it. If the Chatroom is unacceptable to you, then I am quite willing to meet you on this Forum at any time should you prefer it.

how much have you lost..?
Re: Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion
Morning everyone, my name is Graham Arthur

Well Graham you can not be more honest and upfront the question is will he take up your challenge.
We know that he reads everything relating to TEC and will have read it by now I will say no you have been cut off and that is how he works.
But the best part is naming yourself so any brown nose members reading this know instantly who you are.
In any other club I would say that they would round on him but in his dream house club probably 50/50 will start asking more questions of him.
Even queen Mabel might contact you who knows, but it makes the drama more interesting.

Graham ignore that Black Swans ignorant questions and tell him nothing about losses
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Ditto KCT

Now is the time for the maximum amount of any new TEC followers to grow 'some' and take positive action....

Put major pressure on PayPal or Moneybookers (or whoever he is using)... this will probably be on deaf ears (t & c's) but nonetheless the exchanges have to see they are complicit in assisting these type of cons.

Request refund from the CC company. Generally works but if all fails...

Send recorded delivery '7 day' letters to Chalmers advising of County Court action.#

Most of all don't fall into the trap of doing nothing...Report your progress as Chalmers is plainly taking the 'Gedafi' approach.

This may help even the more misguided followers see the light but unfortunately there will be many who wish to remain blind to the obvious😢🙄

how much have you lost?
Re: Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Graham ignore that Black Swans ignorant questions and tell him nothing about losses

There's only one of two reasons you'd ignore it, embarrasingly small, or embarrasingly large...hmm...I wonder which it is?

My reason for asking is this; I'm trying to get a handle on what is the tolerance level for know nothing fookwits to part with money before they 'kick off'...😀
I'm trying to get a handle on what is the tolerance level for know nothing fookwits to part with money before they 'kick off'...😀

On average, its higher than you might imagine. Its the sad gits 4 standard deviations out that lost practically nothing that cause the most grief. You handle those by paying em off, we used to call it "greasing the squeeky wheel"

On average, its higher than you might imagine. Its the sad gits 4 standard deviations out that lost practically nothing that cause the most grief. You handle those by paying em off, we used to call it "greasing the squeeky wheel"


great stuff...thanks for that..😀
There's only one of two reasons you'd ignore it, embarrasingly small, or embarrasingly large...hmm...I wonder which it is?

My reason for asking is this; I'm trying to get a handle on what is the tolerance level for know nothing fookwits to part with money before they 'kick off'...😀

I shall answer you once this is not about wins or losses it is about being denied a service for which i have paid.:!: