Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Mabel at least you could have said bye before you left the forum.

Latest info PC has informed his members that he has had 168000 hacking attempts on his site.
Low and behold last week one of those hackers were successful and altered all his signals that would have been winners into losers.
He now has them all believing that last weeks results should be now reading 400+pips.
The outcome of all of this is that his members are saying it must be a nasty person with OCD as all hackers suffer from this syndrome.
I wonder could it be that guy that the americans are trying to extradite after all he has supposedly got OCD.
This is turning out to be a brilliant soap opera where he is getting his stars from it has got to be from mars or some other far away place.
Can it get any better I await in anticipation for more of this drama.

You know what his auto will be fixed in 48 hours from now conveniently after another subs. date
You know what his auto will be fixed in 48 hours from now conveniently after another subs. date

And being the sad damaged fooktard you are you'll no doubt be here tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, to let everyone know...which is OK as entertainment for some of us whilst waiting for our set ups to occur..😀

Do you not think it's time to take a a step back and look at yourself you sad demented ? How fooked up and bitter are you over losing a couple of hundred quid..Would you scream and kick off at Mr Market if he doesn't give you money when you followed the plan? Sunshine you have no place being involved in trading, now your rec. time is over, what's for lunch at Rampton today..?
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Mabel at least you could have said bye before you left the forum.

Latest info PC has informed his members that he has had 168000 hacking attempts on his site.
Low and behold last week one of those hackers were successful and altered all his signals that would have been winners into losers.
He now has them all believing that last weeks results should be now reading 400+pips.
The outcome of all of this is that his members are saying it must be a nasty person with OCD as all hackers suffer from this syndrome.
I wonder could it be that guy that the americans are trying to extradite after all he has supposedly got OCD.
This is turning out to be a brilliant soap opera where he is getting his stars from it has got to be from mars or some other far away place.
Can it get any better I await in anticipation for more of this drama.

You know what his auto will be fixed in 48 hours from now conveniently after another subs. date

PCyour site is riddled with moles and you can not do a thing about it apart from closing down your chat😡
If you do this you will destroy what is left of your club because those poor 😢 people have only got you and themselves to communicate with and as they obviously get their kicks from you losing them their money masochists comes to mind.

In fact I should not be giving you advertising ideas, if you advertise for masochists you would certainly have to close your doors as you would be over run with them.
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PCyour site is riddled with moles and you can not do a thing about it apart from closing down your chat😡
If you do this you will destroy what is left of your club because those poor 😢 people have only got you and themselves to communicate with and as they obviously get their kicks from you losing them their money masochists comes to mind.

Well if they're poor they shouldn't be betting should they d1ckhead...

How much have you lost sunshine? 100 quid, 200 quid? Pathetic..Don't tell me, "it's the principle"..No it isn't it's the principal that matters and unless it's thousands and you've been properly conned, which you havn't been, then it's irrelevant you sad, sad tool...
"last week one of those hackers were successful and altered all his signals that would have been winners into losers."

So he is trying to get his followers to believe that this hacker knows which trade is gonna be winners so he can change them into "loosers". If thats the case and this hacker can do something that eludes over 95% of traders then he should employ him double quick!!! 😆
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"last week one of those hackers were successful and altered all his signals that would have been winners into losers."

So he is trying to get his followers to believe that this hacker knows which trade is gonna be winners so he can change them into "loosers". If thats the case and this hacker can do something that eludes over 95% of traders then he should employ him double quick!!! 😆

Pathological liars never make sense because their compulsion to lie overtakes their rational mind. As a result they flatly refuse to ever be proved wrong - not a good trait if you're planning on being a trader! Extreme stories which, at the best of times are hard to believe, become the norm because it's the only way to remove the pressure and gain sympathy.

Yes the reason for last weeks poor Brent auto results (-500 pips) was down to Proper C being sabotaged (by a member, somehow getting through all his computers security)..... Straight out of Mr Chalmers best selling book 'how to con gullible idiots for longer' or the updated paper back edition 'just play on peoples greed'... he has produced another unbelievable claim.. (obviously he has used the others, kidnap, world banks worried about his club etc etc, although we still await the UFO/ Area 51 government black out, from chapter 12).

Anyway how does his members take another delay.... well hook, line and sinker!!!!!!! the Pappa C Cult thank him... Guner 'your the best Paul, you work so hard' (he is earning £20000 a month, whilst learning how to trade, you pillock)... Mabel (his girlfriend not wife, forgot no trading on monday as he was at a divorce hearing) ' your the best Paul,get some rest' (honestly)..

What they are failing to realise (as he only has newbie traders) is that the majority of last weeks brent trades all went into substantial profit only to reverse off the various support and resistance lines... Paul is a maverick (his words not mine) and does not believe in fibs, support and resistance, PP's (surely the corner stone of any trading system).. just blind faith in hitting that home run that will wipe out the previous weeks loss, unfortunately as last week proved you can lose your whole account whilst waiting....

So i finish with this as I KNOW A FEW TEC MEMBERS STILL READ THIS SITE... PLEASE SEE COMMENT 1219 WHICH I GUESS IS FROM OLD LEN, he has been banned for daring to ask on chat if anyone has made anything from TEC in 4 months) SO PAPPA C IS A DICTATOR and/or GENIUS (come on who else can get 100 people to continuously pay £100 a month, whilst he learns to trade)..

If i should see a mass suicide in the Wales area over the next few months i will know the TEC Cult have finally realised there is no gold at the end of the rainbow and you really do have to work hard to earn a living at trading.. Paul (or Andrew as he calls himself, bottom of TEC website) will have moved onto another con, keep your credit cards safe...

pss Paul i have no interest in paying anymore for your service or lack off, i certainly dont wont to see you sabotaged as i think your results will finally speak for themselves.. but it is easy to get into your chat forum using any members name and i also believe free?? so at last some value and hilarity ...

Come on Mabel tell us how much you have made over the last four months?? i'll make it easy if you can't, supply one of the other members winning account statement.... and even easier don't take into account the £400 you have paid out... IOU's from Paul dont count!!!

I would count Guner in this question, but i believe as usual he is balls deep in Paul....
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Well if they're poor they shouldn't be betting should they...

If you had read it properly it was not meant in the context that you describe😡 .
Now I have had my fun with you for today so go away and bully others who will not retaliate you 😢 creature
Personal questions from you I do not respond to so dont ask any again.😴😴😴
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"last week one of those hackers were successful and altered all his signals that would have been winners into losers."

So he is trying to get his followers to believe that this hacker knows which trade is gonna be winners so he can change them into "loosers". If thats the case and this hacker can do something that eludes over 95% of traders then he should employ him double quick!!! 😆

the hacker works for goldman sachs,there are ****ing it when pappac get it working after subs are paid:whistling.maybe the imf should join and fed and get all debt cleared up
Pathological liars never make sense because their compulsion to lie overtakes their rational mind. As a result they flatly refuse to ever be proved wrong - not a good trait if you're planning on being a trader! Extreme stories which, at the best of times are hard to believe, become the norm because it's the only way to remove the pressure and gain sympathy.

Yes I'm also beginning to doubt the validity of some of the claims made by the injured..note how none of them will put a figure on their small losses..had a pm suggesting the average was 2 months membership..198 quid loss ffs...

if i ever blow up so bad that i end up in the gutter with a bottle of meths:drunk: as my only companion at least i'll still have fond memories of t2w and the epic TEC thread👍:clap::drunk::jester:😍

if i ever blow up so bad that i end up in the gutter with a bottle of meths:drunk: as my only companion at least i'll still have fond memories of t2w and the epic TEC thread👍:clap::drunk::jester:😍

omg , you've been infected with the over use of smilies plague..<shakes head emoticon>
Look please everybody, just get along or something. You're all here for a reason, and thats to make money 🙂

We've had our fun (I found it fun anyway) but come on, LETS DO THIS PEOPLE! 😀

Wish you all the best and success.
anyone got a link to this TEC place, think I might spend a hundred quid for a looksie...
^ How do you know, ever been a music producer? I set my OWN lunch breaks.


Hahaa, cue Hawaii Five-O music!


I suppose it could, but the vast majority of my money goes into reinvestment.

the best 15 minutes i ve had. i will be returning to catch up on the next installment from the Screamer later.
Coool, I'm done with this forum now anyway. I don't need to be around a bunch of down-and-outs, its not really my scene.

Take care, greatest of success in whatever you all decide to do.