I am most grateful for your concern over my command of the English Language. It may come as a suprise, but I am delighted to inform you that I have in fact been educated to particularly high standards in the Queens' very own.
If I may be so bold as to remind you of a previous post I have made on this very thread:
"in life and on the internet and specially on testosterone fuelled trading websites that everyone pretends to be more richer and more smarter and better looking and better traders than they really are in life.
Anyone with the even slightest sense of accumen or guile appreciates that it is nearly always better to have others underestimate one."
Now, in case this post glanced your intellectual event horizon, the crux of the matter is that whilst it is natural for one to exaggerates ones' capacity for language, the sciences, material wealth and physical attractiveness... those lucky enough to have such capacities uniformly understand that discretion is the better part of valour.
I may be an intelligent individual. I could, of course, have had my Au Pair write this on my behalf. I may, or may not, have had excellent opportunities in proprietary trading roles and willing to share a little of my experience.
I cannot rule out taking on traders for guidance and coaching in the future, it would be foolish to do so. All can say is that I have the next 5 years lined up, throughout which I will continue to trade with no other source of income.
Kind Regards,