So I decide to carry a big stick to protect myself. I go out, and some feckless chav carrying a knife mugs me. Bollox, some feckin use that stick was, I'll get a kife.
Next day I go out brandishing my shiny new knife, and another feckless chav mugs me with a gun. Bugger, no feckin use carryin a knife, I'd better get me a gun.
Next day I go out totin me shooter, and I get mugged by a gang of chavs, with AK47's (cos they have be tooled up on account of every tom dick wot thay want to rob is carrying knives, chains, sticks and shooters these days FFS)
What the hell do I do then ? buy a rocket launcher, or fly around in a fully armed apache helicopter for christs sake on the odd chance I need to protect myself ?
It might not escalate at the rate I suggest, but it does escalate, and its not really the solution. I might at a push agree that someone should be allowed to protect their home with firearms, but allowing people to walk the streets tooled up, sounds like a bad idea.
I'm sure hoco will disagree with me, co he's always tooled up when he goes out, and noone ever gets shot where he lives.
I've joked in the past that the way to prevent terrorism is to give everyone who gets on a plane a gun, and I still think thats not a bad idea, but I wouldnt want to roll the idea out on a wider scale.