Tories soft on immigration

Might exist?
How much evidence to you want?
You're losing the battle dashriprock. Give up before you make even a bigger fool of yourself.

tbh I think you were demonstrably pwned (by me) in the "nature and entitlement" discussion and now you are cluthcing at straws askin if I know what the big telescope is the sky is called.

(is it thunderbird 5?)
The human race is blind,why send a telescope into deep space when they could have gone to SpecSavers.
I love the idea of immigration has mutated into a galacitc-sized subject.

reminds me of the Douglas Adams (Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy) quote of

".... when men were REAL men, women were REAL women, and small furry creatures from Alpha-Centauri were REAL small furry creatures from Alpha-Centauri. ......"
tbh I think you were demonstrably pwned (by me) in the "nature and entitlement" discussion and now you are cluthcing at straws askin if I know what the big telescope is the sky is called.

(is it thunderbird 5?)

Lol clutching at straws,demonstrably pawned. You see what we have here is a case of an individual who can't argue his point and therefore given up. You are immature in your opinion on ivf, you speak of humans not being over nature yet you live in a world moulded by humans. You throw around ridiculous speeches about entitlement being earned, did your mamma make you work before she fed you milk?
No DashRiprock, I think it's you clutching at straws in your futile attempt.
Lol clutching at straws,demonstrably pawned. You see what we have here is a case of an individual who can't argue his point and therefore given up.

Yes, that's exactly what we've got here.

You are immature in your opinion on ivf, you speak of humans not being over nature yet you live in a world moulded by humans. You throw around ridiculous speeches about entitlement being earned, did your mamma make you work before she fed you milk?

Look pal, I was quite happily getting along and having a discussion with you about nature, entitelment and everything. The last two exchanges were...

Look you are comparing warts with nipples. A chimp has the intelligence of a human child and therefore it isn't a case of the nut telling the chimp to crack it open with a rock,is it! The chimp used it's brain to work out a way to overcome natures design for that nut.
Nature is not our commander and chief. While we need to respect it for its life giving value to our world, we continue to learn to overcome it's boundaries.

so intelligence is unnatural?

At which point you then made some irrelevent comment about the size of the known universe in response to a post that KimoSabby made about just enjoying life...

Food chain and intelligence, it doesn't mean nicey nicey.

Look, life (as we know it) isn't even a common occurance in our own galaxy. So enjoy, and try to be a little bit better than you was yesterday. We may all get somewhere in the end.

Nasa have found over 60 planets in the visible part of our own galaxy that are within the golden belt around the sun where its just right for water to exist in a liquid state. Further to this, there are billions of stars in our galaxy and we can only see a small part of it. Thanks to NASA we have photos of billions of galaxies out there each containing billions of stars. NASA have found evidence of life on mars before its climate changed and killed everything. I guess what I am really trying to say is that statistically it's impossible for our little planet to be the only life giving planet out there

I then made a joke about asking NASA to help you find the point because you had so obviously missed it. You then spun in to some guff about the names of telescopes and magnetospheres.

No DashRiprock, I think it's you clutching at straws in your futile attempt.

It's pretty obviously the opposite way around.
If you look back i was responding to kimo's post #69. Maybe you missed that?
Oh cr@p I see you did. Lol well it's either the age or me firing blanks that lost the plot from your joke onwards. I apologies for being a cluts. It has been entertaining though.
Absolutely, I'm always game for a good debate whether it be legit or complete ********. For what its worth I think we have one hell of a funny thread here between the tits and the chimps. We should do it again sometime.
Absolutely, I'm always game for a good debate whether it be legit or complete ********. For what its worth I think we have one hell of a funny thread here between the tits and the chimps. We should do it again sometime.

Great debate guys - I'd vote this one of the best. Standing ovation to DashRiprock and Forker :clap::clap:

However, my tuppance worth I have been struggling with this entitlements thingy-mi-jigg and I'm not sure where I stand?

Basically - there is possibility with what we can do and then there is the morality aspect of what is right and wrong coupled with the mother nature and physics of it all.

In this struggle I would say entitlement beats morality and man dominates nature. Money earnt by people - in turn - gives them entitlements on planet earth. More work - more money - more entitlemenets.

As for right and wrong it depends on who you are - where you come from, whose your mummy and daddy and what cards you've been dealt.

If I start thinking about right and wrong - responsibility and future generations etc., then I lose the plot and the will to live. Nice to know I can 'safely' cease to exist knowing full well I will be replaced with little or no problem from that ol immigration stock heaving mother earth has given to man... 🙂
I don't think future generations will measure morality as we do today. I think humans will eventually live well beyond 100 years of age on average as we further master nature. I read somewhere recently they have isolated genomes responsible for ageing. Add stem cell research and you have a combination that could extend humans lifespan for hundreds of years. I think immigration implicitly lowers morality and religion. If you think about it, the UK is mixed with many cultures that have to learn to coexist. Rules, religion, morals for one culture rarely agree with another. Therefore there must be a factor of mixing and abolishment to immigration that will ultimately evolve human culture to accepting what is now unacceptable.
I expect someone has already mentioned it but it's the sprouts in Brussels that tell EU governments what they can or cannot do concerning immigration !!

Ours just rubber stamps their nonsense - the poodles
I expect someone has already mentioned it but it's the sprouts in Brussels that tell EU governments what they can or cannot do concerning immigration !!

Ours just rubber stamps their nonsense - the poodles

Poodles ? Poodles? Isn't that what the UK is to the USA - its' Poodle (Tony Benn, "Dare To Be a Daniel" Hutchinson 2004)🙂