Tories soft on immigration

You're fooling yourself if you think any level of voting will correct the situation. Show me one government that serves the people then I'll turn lead into gold.
You a country mouse then?

We now live in Worthing and I prefer it so much more to London.

Brighton even is too big - like a little London.

Re: the program - I find it shocking that in a city of 30m (Tokyo) people call "Rent a Friend"! :-0

An agency Traderpattern could use then😆
You're fooling yourself if you think any level of voting will correct the situation. Show me one government that serves the people then I'll turn lead into gold.

Fat cats are people too you know... Don't they count?

Don't forget lawyers, estate agents and politicians on the opposite side of the bench. They should also count as people. Shouldn't they? 🙂
OP why do you base your entire voting decision on one issue? You think UKIP or the racist idiots are going to be any good at economic policy?

imo the UK is extremely lucky to have a PM that has a basic understanding of what's economically wrong as opposed to pretty much the rest of the western world
OP why do you base your entire voting decision on one issue? You think UKIP or the racist idiots are going to be any good at economic policy?

imo the UK is extremely lucky to have a PM that has a basic understanding of what's economically wrong as opposed to pretty much the rest of the western world

I think that OP, probably, has an axe to grind to make him so bitter about that. One thing is for sure. Cameron and his ilk have no problems with immigration because their families are not involved with them. Once you are involved, in some unpleasant way, then a bias is formed. We are all the same way, I'm sure, but it may be a bad experience with a hospital, the police, a bad school---anything at all-- tht makes us prejudiced.

As far as Spain is concerned, we are on the front line of illegal immigration. They come from Africa, where most are war refugees from some country or another and they, in turn, are so desperate to get over here that many drown, or die from heat exhaustion, on boats that are not fit to go on a pond, let alone make a sea crossing. One capsized yesterday with it looked as if there were hundreds on it.

This is organised by mafias and their families pay a fortune to get someone across. They are not after social security, especially, they are desperate to get out of their own lousy countries. How many containers come into a port every day? Thousands. There is no way the customs and immigration are going to be able to open them all up for a check.

I voted Tory in order to stop the illiegal immigrants. If you read the article, you will see just how badly my party has failed.

There are only 2 options left worth voting for, UKIP and the BNP.

UKIP has better policies on Europe than the BNP, so I urge you all to vote UKIP next election.

This is typical of your average western european. You need to realise that europe is being opened right up. The united states of europe, is upon us. You need to start dealing with this.
OP why do you base your entire voting decision on one issue? You think UKIP or the racist idiots are going to be any good at economic policy?

imo the UK is extremely lucky to have a PM that has a basic understanding of what's economically wrong as opposed to pretty much the rest of the western world

" the UK is extremely lucky to have a PM that has a basic understanding of what's economically wrong as opposed to pretty much the rest of the western world " ... !!

you think ...? - Lord Snooty has NO understanding of anything economically - !! - and his gormless " wallpaper fortune/tax evading sidekick, Gideon Osborne, has even less of a clue than he has - !!
This is typical of your average western european. You need to realise that europe is being opened right up. The united states of europe, is upon us. You need to start dealing with this.

Just like the unions and their closed shop policy. It's history.
The Tories are only very, very marginally better than the other parasites. Anyone that believes any differently is mental.

Politicians will always behave in a Political way and that is why neither ourselves or any other democracy on the planet will ever do what is actually in the best interests of the country.
The UK political parties are just puppets now, intermediaries between us and Brussels. Some of the UK electorate need a massive wake-up call.

Some? We deserve the governments we get. All turnouts at elections in most, if not all, democracies are at the low 40% level. I wonder how many of the protesters in Spain will turn out to vote next year.

Brussels would be all right if the majority of Europe turned out to vote but Europeans are the same as Brits in that respect, they have something better to do on voting day. Even though the poll station is open all day.
Some? We deserve the governments we get. All turnouts at elections in most, if not all, democracies are at the low 40% level. I wonder how many of the protesters in Spain will turn out to vote next year.

Brussels would be all right if the majority of Europe turned out to vote but Europeans are the same as Brits in that respect, they have something better to do on voting day. Even though the poll station is open all day.

A ploy maybe? Or is voting not worth a carrot? (certainly not worth a day off)
Euroland is basically bust economically.

Greece, Portugal etc. are unlikely to pay off their debts.

Their people just have bigger and worse riots as if that will solve anything.

No my friends it is time to ditch Europe and those incompetent clots in Brussels or are they in Strasburg currently ?

Put Trichet and his muppet regime out of business before they can do any more damage.
If it wasn't for Germany the euro would be in serious trouble.

if german banks hadnt bought so much greek paper greece could default and the concequences wouldn't be so disastrous. As it happens if greece do default then the german (and french) banks are massively underpacitalized (not to mention the ECB)and in deep sh!t.
A ploy maybe? Or is voting not worth a carrot? (certainly not worth a day off)

What else is there? If we can't get together to vote in someone we want then we deserve someone like Gadaffi who, at least, knows what he wants. Except that we are not interested in, even, leaving him alone, so we get further into debt by trying to get him out.

This is pub politics! 😀
It was disgraceful hearing Cameron boasting that Britain gives away more money as a % of GDP than any other country !!

Doesn't the idiot realise this country is in deep debt. And if he doesn't have to give away billions to Europe and 3rd world - there are plenty of homeless and poor here that should get first consideration.

No wonder the Scots want to get shot of Westminster
With an aging popullation and declining birth rates there is no alternative to immigration.

On a report produced few years back Germany needs 0.5m immigrants per year to maintain her popullation size.

Immigration is a solution to

1. Cheap labour - depress wages, holding down inflation
2. Impending pension crises - reduced tax revenues as per working/retired
3. Impending health crises - rising costs as per aging popullation
4. Black economy more active and productive contributing to GDP

Anything else is pure politics and racism. All governments could put a stop to immigration over-night if they wanted to.

All they do is get nationalistic gits hot under the collar to make them feel as if they have a choice by voting for the party will continue to lie to them...

There is no alternative to immigration and free movement of labour.

Be good when passports one day can be binned for good imho.

Finally - countries that succeed will be those that open up all their borders and just produce and trade.

Common sense really.
With an aging popullation and declining birth rates there is no alternative to immigration.

Socialist scaremongering (and i like you Atilla). The decent people don't have kids cause they can't afford them, the rest have kids cause the decent people pay for them.

Socialism at its finest.