Took out a loan to transition to full-time trading. 24 years old.

He just needs to stop. If it really is true, then its no better than gambling. Not trading. I feel a bit sorry for him but he really should just stop!

Gambling is an acceptable option if that is the only option available. Also losing money isn't completely terrible. When it's all gone, it allows the gambler to move on. Otherwise he's stuck in a limbo and unable to be productive.
Gambling is an acceptable option if that is the only option available. Also losing money isn't completely terrible. When it's all gone, it allows the gambler to move on. Otherwise he's stuck in a limbo and unable to be productive.

Pretty deep. Wow. Not sure what to say to this.
I have never won much at all when gambling, I guess if I did then would think different.
gambling is an acceptable option if that is the only option available. Also losing money isn't completely terrible. When it's all gone, it allows the gambler to move on. Otherwise he's stuck in a limbo and unable to be productive.
bullshirt fool
I took a $115 Call on Equifax today. (expire Nov) that's about it.

The indices are still rising. So the odds should be in your favour. I just stick with universally tradable instruments. I like short wheat, but the current price is not high enough.